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He said he was sorry translate Spanish

318 parallel translation
"Before he ran away he said he was sorry, but he couldn't marry me and that his father would explain everything."
Antes de irse él dijo que lo lamentaba, pero que no podía casarse conmigo y que su padre me lo explicaría.
He said he was sorry, but this was business, had to have collateral.
Su amigo dijo que lo sentía, pero que el negocio era el negocio.
He said he was sorry, but he's joining the Bannermans and he'd like to read it over before he discusses it.
Dijo que lo lamentaba, pero que se reunirá con Bannerman y quiere repasarlo antes de verlo.
He said he was sorry not to be here to meet you... but he'll try and get down one day next week.
Él dice que lamenta no haber podido recibirla... pero que tratará de pasar por aquí la semana que viene.
He said he was sorry sir.
Ha dicho que lo siente.
He said he was sorry.
Dijo que lo sentía.
- He said he was sorry.
- Dijo que lo sentía.
Hey, he said he was sorry.
¡ ¡ hey el se disculpó!
Bueno, lo siento mucho pero dijo que ha tenido muchas... preocupaciones a lo largo de todo el día, y que tenía mucho sueño y no le importaba verte.
I said I was sorry. What more can I say?
- Le he dicho que Io siento.
I said I was sorry about last night.
Te he dicho que siento Io de anoche.
You know, he did say something about telling somebody something or other, but then he said he shouldn't mention names, and he was sorry or something, I don't know.
Dijo algo sobre decirle a alguién algo o no sé qué, y después dijo que no debería dar nombres y se disculpó...
- He said, "l'm so sorry... ... I was feeling lonely, so I came over to see how you were getting on."
- Él dijo, "Lo siento mucho me sentía solo, entonces vine a ver cómo estabas".
They was sorry you wasn't in. I said you wasn't.
Les he dicho que no estaba usted aquí.
He said he's sorry for what happened, but it was just one of those things.
Dijo que lamentaba lo ocurrido... pero simplemente fue una de esas cosas.
Well, he said I wasn't a man because I told you I was sorry about giving him the book... and a man shouldn't tell a woman he's sorry, not about anything.
Bueno, dijo que yo no era un hombre porque te dije que sentía haberle dado el libro, y un hombre no debería decirle a una mujer que lo siente, por nada.
He told me about it, said he was sorry.
Me habló de ello. Dijo que lo sentía y que estaba en un error.
Plato said he was sorry for you.
Plato dijo que le dabas pena.
I'm sorry, I'm afraid it was something I said.
Lo siento, era por algo que yo he dicho.
The printer said to tell you he was sorry he was late with these.
En la imprenta me dijeron que sentían el retraso en la entrega.
But I said I was sorry.
- Ya te he pedido perdón.
I said I was sorry!
He dicho que lo sentía.
I said I was sorry three times!
¡ Te he pedido perdón tres veces!
I said I was sorry.
Ya le he pedido perdón.
- I said I was sorry.
- He dicho que lo siento.
Now, look, I said I was sorry.
Oiga, le he dicho que lo siento.
I said I was sorry about the name-calling.
He dicho que lamento lo de los insultos.
He said it wasn't me, it's Ella Brangwyn-Davies, and he was sorry and all that.
Me dijo que no era yo. Era ella Brangwyn-Davies. Dijo que Io sentía y todo eso, y quería marcharse.
Lia, I never said I was sorry for what I did.
Nunca he dicho que sintiera lo que hice.
I said I was sorry.
Ya me he disculpado.
Really, I said I was sorry.
En serio, ya he dicho que lo lamento.
I said I was sorry.
He dicho que lo siento.
Sorry, Mr Hardy, but when he was still alive, he said...
Pero en vida... Perdóneme, Sr. Hardy, pero un día dijo...
I said I was sorry.
He dicho que lo sentía.
He said... he was very sorry and I was to look after you until he got back.
Ha dicho... que lo sentía mucho, y que yo me ocupe de usted hasta que regrese.
I said I was sorry!
¡ Te he pedido perdón!
I told Teddy I was sorry to disturb him... and he said it was just his roommate.
Le pedí a Teddy disculpas por molestarle y dijo que era sólo su compañero de piso. - ¿ Cómo se llamaba?
- I said I was sorry.
- Le he pedido perdón.
I said I was sorry.
( SOLLOZA ) ¡ Te he dicho que lo siento!
That was supposed to mean he was sorry he said it, goodbye.
Eso significaba que sentía haberlo dicho, adiós.
I said I was sorry!
¡ He dicho que lo sentía!
I said I'm sorry about the car, but I was panicked and upset.
He dicho que lo siento por el carro, pero estaba enojada.
Look, I said I was sorry!
Venga, vamos. Ya he pedido disculpas.
I said I was sorry, Richard.
Ya te he pedido perdon, Richard.
- I said I was sorry.
- He dicho que lo sentía.
Higgins, I said it was open. Sorry.
- Higgins, he dicho que estaba abierto.
Humphrey, I said it was confidential. Sorry.
Le he dicho que es confidencial.
And when I told him he said that he was heartily sorry for it, and...
Cuando le conté, me dijo que lo sentía de corazón.
I said I was sorry, didn't I?
¡ Le he pedido disculpas!
He said that he had to go on duty at the hospital, and that he was really very sorry.
Dijo que tenía que ir en misión en el hospital, y que era realmente muy triste.
- I said I was sorry.
He dicho que Io siento.

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