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Hedges translate Spanish

373 parallel translation
# And when one day I shall lie under rose hedges, # then the whole world... # won't wake me anymore.
# Y cuando un día yazga junto a setos de rosas, # ya nadie en el mundo... # podrá despertarme.
Search the hedges.
Busquen en los setos.
Where do you pick the flower, in a garden or in the hedges?
¿ Cómo vas a beber un poco de harina?
- Come in, Mr. Hedges.
Pase, Sr. Hedges.
Mr. Hedges. How are you?
- Hola, Sr. Hedges, ¿ cómo está?
R.H. Hedges in short.
R. H. Hedges, abreviado.
Robert Harley Hedges in full.
Robert Harley Hedges, al completo.
And every time I'll give you an IOU. You know, "I owe Robert Harley Hedges," and the date.
Y cada vez le daré un pagaré, ya sabe, "Debo a Robert Harley Hedges"...
By the way, I was thinking of Hedges for the doctor part...
- Por cierto, he pensado en Hedges para el papel de médico...
You were thinking of Hedges?
¿ Que has pensado tú en Hedges?
- Pardon me, governor. - Would you care to sign the contract now?
Perdone, jefe, ¿ quiere firmar el contrato de Bob Hedges?
Isn't this my little pupil? - Why, Mr. Hedges.
- Vaya, si es mi alumnita.
- Why, I haven't seen you for a long time.
- ¡ Sr. Hedges! - Hace tiempo que no la veo.
Now, now, now, I'm going to pay for this. - Mr. Hedges...
Quite, quite, jovencita, ya pago yo.
As I was telling Mr. Hedges, I've been frightfully busy.
- Es culpa mía. Como le decía al Sr. Hedges, he estado ocupadísima.
Evidently you don't remember who I am but I met you with Mr. Hedges in Mr. Easton's office when I first came to New York.
Evidentemente, no me recuerda. La conocí con el Sr. Hedges en el despacho del Sr. Easton, cuando llegué a Nueva York.
And Mr. Hedges... I'll buy Mr. Hedges a little house.
Y al Sr. Hedges le compraré una casita.
The town behind it with those flat-faced brick houses... and a cart crawling up a hill between high hedges... and Jane Austen, Oliver Twist and Sherlock Holmes.
Pueblos de ladrillos, techos de paja, campos de verdes colinas Jane Austen, Oliver Twist, Sherlock Holmes...
I'm sorry to disillusion you... but you evidently don't know that one of the pleasures of carrying a stick... is to occasionally poke it in hedges and gravel paths.
Lamento desilusionarlo... pero evidentemente no sabe que uno de los placeres de traer un bastón... es meterlo ocasionalmente en setos y sendas de grava.
Narrow lanes, high hedges, thatched cottages and all that?
¿ Calles estrechas, setos altos y casitas con techo de paja?
Todos estos archivos completos de la ley, y un tipo que no dejara entrar a los perros a su seto.
Her hedges even-pleached, put forth disordered twigs. Her fallow leas, the darnel, hemlock and rank fumitory, doth root upon, while that the coulter rusts that should deracinate such savagery.
sus setos, en otros tiempos tan recortados, ha crecido en desorden selvático, crecen ahora en revueltos ramajes en sus campos, dejados en barbecho, crecen la cizaña mientras que permanecen inactivas las rejas de los arados.
We'll teach him those on the hedges by Meade's.
Le enseñaremos en el seto de Meade.
Well, the hedges are gone, the trees are gone and the fields have become runways.
Los setos ya no están, los árboles tampoco y los campos ya son pistas.
Who trims her, the guy that trims your hedges?
¿ Se lo corta el mismo que poda los setos?
Billie, this is Mr. Norval Hedges...
El Sr. Hedges, del cual te he hablado.
- How do you do? - And this is Mrs. Hedges, Billie.
- Y la Sra. Hedges, Billie.
- Hello, everybody. - Here we are. Mr. Hedges, Harry Brock.
- El Sr. Hedges, Harry Brock.
- And I suppose this is Mrs. Hedges.
La Sra. Hedges, creo.
Yes, the Hedges-Keller Amendment, for example, guarantees government support... of scrap iron price levels, foreign or domestic.
Sí, esa enmienda quiere garantizar los precios de la chatarra.
Once in a while, you find a rotten apple, like Hedges.
Si hay alguna manzana podrida como Hedges, le compras.
- Take a mowing machine to get these hedges knocked off. - Remember, we on the lamb, hiding.
I'll take care of this, Hedges.
Yo me encargo de esto.
The sun up leaping over hedges, jumping over river gaps and the hounds yapping!
El sol saliendo saltando sobre setos y ríos y los perros ladrando!
Nate Hedges.
Nate Hedges.
Nate Hedges, wake up.
Nate Hedges, despierta.
You remember Nate Hedges, don't you?
Recuerdas a Nate Hedges, ¿ no?
- Why, Nate Hedges, is he still here?
- Vaya, ¿ aún está Nate Hedges?
Mr. Hedges?
¿ Sr. Hedges?
Mr. Hedges.
Sr. Hedges.
A garden of reassuring order, with clipped hedges and geometric paths, where we stroll with measured steps, side by side, day after day, at arm's length, never closer...
Un jardín confortable y ordenado, primoroso... con setos recortados caminos geométricos, donde pasear con pasos medidos, uno al lado del otro, día tras día, en condiciones de plena competencia, nunca más...
I'm fed up with meeting you along the walls, behind the hedges and into a ditch.
Estoy harta de vernos a escondidas, detrás de los setos y en las cunetas.
I knew you liked the hedges, so we kept them the same. I hope you approve... come.
Recuerdo cómo te gustaba jugar de pequeña y por eso he querido que todo permaneciese como entonces esperando a su amita.
I saw shrubs, hedges, acacia trees, little paths.
Vi arbustos, vallas, acacias, caminos.
'It runs through the hedges of Goosegog Lane, cuffing the birds to sing.'
Hasta los setos de Goosegog Lane, haciendo que los pájaros canten.
This is the same B-group that was at your house... the night Sheila got bounced through the hedges.
Es el grupo que estaba en tu casa cuando arrollaron a Sheila.
I'm merely pointing out that life is short... and the smart man hedges his bets.
Sólo quiero señalarle que la vida es corta... y un hombre listo protege sus apuestas.
- Doctors. Cruikshank and Hedges.
Doctores, Cruickshank y Hedges.
Cruikshank, Hedges, interesting case here.
Cruickshank. Hedges. Un caso interesante aquí.
"... S-shaped hedges, and three swimming pools?
" setos con forma de S y tres piscinas?
- And Mrs. Hedges.
- Y señora.

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