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Her boyfriend translate Spanish

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Since you had an arrangement with Alicia, we're hoping you know who her boyfriend is.
Ya que tenías un arreglo con Alicia esperamos que sepas quién es su novio.
Did you know that her boyfriend Finn Collins... was one of the hundred?
¿ Sabías que su novio Finn Collins... era uno de los cien?
Yeah, Laura's doing amazing. That guy is totally her boyfriend, he's a surgeon, and he's really nice.
Sí, a Laura le va genial, el tío es su novio, es cirujano, y muy simpático.
Her boyfriend?
¿ Su novio?
Her boyfriend... until one month ago.
Su novio... hasta hace un mes.
- Her boyfriend is outside.
Que ha venido el novio de esta.
But in the event that you were having the feels for her? Yeah, it turns out that by hating her boyfriend, you're just gonna drive her away.
Pero en caso de que llegaras a sentir algo más por ella, odiando a su novio solo lograrás alejarla.
Then I found her boyfriend's page.
Luego encontré la página de su novio.
The kind of something that makes a woman want to hack into her boyfriend's e-mail account?
¿ La clase de cosa que hace que una mujer quiera hackear el correo de su novio?
Photos of her boyfriend with another woman.
Fotos de su novio con otra mujer.
Zoe Hart, and her boyfriend Joel Stephens.
Zoe Hart y su novio Joel Stephens.
And also hopefully Nicolette Demayo because I heard her boyfriend dumped her.
Y espero que también Nicolette Demayo porque escuché que su novio la dejó.
But he wasn't a big fan of her boyfriend.
Pero su amigo No estaba realmente allí.
Ryan was her boyfriend now... not mine.
Ryan era su novio ahora... no el mío.
There's a girl at college who wants to beat me up on Friday, because she thinks that there's something going on between me and her boyfriend, but there isn't.
Hay una chica en el colegio que quiere darme una paliza el viernes, porque piensa que hay algo entre su novio y yo, pero no hay nada.
I called Natasha's brother, and he said her boyfriend often into trouble.
Llamé hermano de Natasha, y me dijo su novio a menudo en problemas.
So I told her she was a skank and everyone in town hooked up with her boyfriend.
Le dije que era una zorra y que toda la ciudad se había tirado a su novio.
We've confirmed that it was Higgins'daughter and her boyfriend.
Confirmamos que fueron la hija de los Higgins y su novio.
- He's her boyfriend.
- Él es su novio.
Seriously, would I leave a dead body on the floor if her boyfriend was coming over?
En serio, ¿ yo dejaría un cadáver en el suelo si su novio fuera a venir?
- Who are you? - I'm her boyfriend.
- ¿ Quién es usted?
Just what every girl wants to hear from her boyfriend.
Justo lo que todas las chichas quieren oír de su novio.
for advice about her boyfriend.
por Consejo de su novio.
Krista took off to see her boyfriend, and dumped everything on me.
Krista despegó a ver a su novio, y dejó todo en mí.
I figured she would run to her boyfriend.
Pensé que se marchaba con su novio.
She is his girlfriend. He is her boyfriend.
Ella es su novia y él es novio de ella.
Her boyfriend was a drug dealer.
Su novio era traficante de drogas.
The guy said he was her... her boyfriend, that it was her birthday, and he was sending something special.
El tipo dijo que era su... su novio, que era su cumpleaños, y que le estaba enviando algo especial.
Her boyfriend left.
Su novio se marchó.
She ran off with her boyfriend.
Huyó con su novio.
Uh, her boyfriend didn't like me.
No le caía bien a su novio.
She doesn't want to talk to us, ma'am, so she's pretending nothing's wrong, but you can tell she's worried why her boyfriend hasn't been home.
No quiere hablar con nosotros, señora, está fingiendo que no pasa nada, pero se nota que está preocupada porque su novio no está en casa.
Just because you're her boyfriend doesn't mean that you get to... whoa. boyfriend?
Solo porque seas su novio no significa que tengas que... Oh. ¿ Novio?
What about her Red Hawk boyfriend?
¿ Qué hay de su novio el Halcón Rojo?
- Mnh-mnh. Please, chicks are all smoke and mirrors. That's probably not even her real boyfriend.
Por favor, las tías somos así de falsas, seguro que no es su novio.
Her first boyfriend, Timmy Verdugo, dumped her in fifth grade.
Su primer novio, Timmy Verdugo, rompió con ella en quinto.
A friends phase, where you, her friend, watch as she moves on with her life, finds a new boyfriend, perhaps a nice gentleman from a fraternity- - chance or Brock.
Una fase de amigos, donde tú, su amigo, ves como ella sigue con su vida, encuentra un nuevo novio, tal vez un amable caballero de fraternidad... quizás un Brock.
Carmen rigged the house, hid in a storm cellar, killed her mother, framed the boyfriend.
Carmen arreglo la casa y se escondio en el sotano. mató a su madre, culpó al novio.
Mum moved to France when I was twelve. She lives there now with my brother and her new boyfriend.
Mi madre se fue a Francia... cuando yo tenía 12 años... con mi hermano y su nuevo novio.
Well, she's looking for a house-sitter because she and her new boyfriend, Carl, want to go to her high school reunion.
Bueno, busca alguien que le cuide la casa porque ella y su nuevo novio, Carl, quieren ir a su reunión de instituto.
Could someone have snuck her into the Foragers'camp - - a boyfriend, maybe?
¿ Podría alguien haber logrado colarse a su en el campamento de los'Foragers - un novio, tal vez?
Tell her that you're not looking for a place anymore, that your boyfriend got a job offer, and you're moving to Dayton.
Dile que ya no estás buscando casa, que a tu novio le han hecho una oferta de trabajo, y te mudas a Dayton.
- What about her Facebook boyfriend?
¿ Qué hay de su novio de Facebook? - ¿ Qué?
Her last boyfriend was on the board at Netflix.
Su último novio estaba en la directiva de Netflix.
In a tragic scene described by one investigator... as reminiscent of a horrific occult ritual... a man and his wife were brutally stabbed to death... by their estranged daughter, Annabelle Higgins, and her unidentified boyfriend.
En una escena trágica descrita como evocadora de un ritual esotérico un hombre y su esposa murieron apuñalados por su hija, Annabelle Higgins, y su novio no identificado.
When you bump into her in the mall with her new boyfriend.
Cuando te la encuentres en el centro comercial con su nuevo novio.
She just found out her sexy cowboy boyfriend is a 92-year-old woman.
Acaba de descubrir que su novio vaquero sexy es una mujer de 92 años.
A photo of a rat and her hero ex-boyfriend, Nick.
Una foto de una rata y su héroe ex novio, Nick.
I picked her up this morning, and her mom's boyfriend came storming out of the house.
La recogí esta mañana, y el novio de su madre salió furioso de la casa.
Jenny, listen, her mom is Rayna Jaymes, and then her father is supposedly the mayor of Nashville, but then she posted a video using her mom's old boyfriend's last name.
Jenny, escucha, su madre es Rayna James y se supone que su padre el alcalde de Nashville, pero luego publicó un vídeo usando el apellido de un antiguo novio de su madre.
So, I have a source at the municipal courthouse who informed me that a woman in south Hadley is being sued by her ex-boyfriend for sperm-napping.
Tengo una fuente en el juzgado municipal que me ha dicho que una mujer en South Hadley ha sido demandada por su ex novio por robo de esperma.

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