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His majesty translate Spanish

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Oh, Mr Turrill, how fares His Majesty?
Oh, Mr. Turrill, ¿ cómo está Su Majestad?
If, in return, you will go to Naples to crown His Majesty.
Si, a cambio, vos vas a Nápoles a coronar a Su Majestad.
His Majesty commissioned this secret investigation for a reason.
Su Majestad me comisionó esta investigación secreta por una razón.
Long live His Majesty!
¡ Larga vida a Su Majestad!
Restoring His Majesty to the throne.
Restaurará a Su Majestad en el trono.
- By order of His Majesty, you cannot leave for one month.
- Por órdenes de Su Majestad, no puedes salir por un mes.
His Majesty is busy.
Su Majestad está ocupado.
- Master, His Majesty's orders- no one is permitted in.
- Amo, son órdenes de Su Majestad.
Princess, His Majesty will not let you go.
Princesa, Su Majestad no la dejará ir.
One of his majesty's counsels learned in law.
Uno de los consejeros de su - majestad especializado en ley. - Consejero del Rey.
Then it's the pressure of His Majesty David being there and everybody wanted to look suave and quick with ideas and stuff.
Mountain Studios estaba en el casino cercano al lago, en Montreux
His majesty can wait.
Su majestad puede esperar.
'His Majesty? '
¿'Su Majestad'?
His Majesty just rode out with his men.
Su Majestad salió a caballo con sus hombres.
In the meantime, why don't you print His Majesty.
Mientras tanto, por qué no imprimes a Su Majestad.
Peer of His Majesty's Government?
Par del Gobierno de Su Majestad.
God save his majesty George V.
Dios salve a su majestad George V.
To His Majesty who will soon have one less enemy.
Por Su Majestad, que pronto tendrá un enemigo menos.
- It's by His Majesty's command.
- Es por orden de Su Majestad.
This is what His Majesty is sure to ask.
Esto es lo que Su Majestad seguramente preguntará.
- His Majesty?
- ¿ Su Majestad?
The Lottery is under His Majesty's patronage.
La lotería está bajo el patrocinio de Su Majestad.
The lottery is under the auspices of His Majesty.
La lotería está bajo los auspicios de Su Majestad.
I intend to tell this to His Majesty this evening.
Tengo la intención de decirle eso a Su Majestad, esta noche.
His Majesty probably won't be happy about this.
Su Majestad probablemente no estará feliz con esto.
Your statement just as good as His Majesty.
Su testimonio vale igual que el de su majestad ; bueno, no tanto.
I'll finally become a knight under the orders of His Majesty.
Por fin ha llegado el momento de convertirme en un caballero, a las órdenes de Su Majestad.
I don't mean to be judgmental, but... I believe the marquise's clothes weren't suitable for standing before His Majesty.
Yo no quiero juzgar a nadie, pero creo que la vestimenta de la marquesa no era la adecuada para presentarse ante su majestad, el rey.
Protect his majesty!
¡ Proteged a su majestad!
You can't hide this significant information from his Majesty
No puede ocultar esta importante información a su Majestad.
- Protect his majesty!
- ¡ Proteger a su majestad!
His majesty spares Liu Bang's life
Su majestad perdone la vida de Liu Bang.
Ma'am, sorry to interrupt, but a servant of his Majesty Felipe IV wishes to see you.
Señora, siento interrumpir, pero un lacayo de Su Majestad Felipe IV desea veros.
Madam Marquesa, his Majesty requires your services.
Sra. Marquesa, Su Majestad requiere de vuestros servicios.
His Majesty told me to give you this letter.
Su Majestad me dijo que le entregara esta misiva.
I commend the taste of his Majesty.
Alabo el gusto de Su Majestad.
Ma'am, a servant has brought this from his Majesty, the king.
Señora, un lacayo ha traído esto de Su Majestad, el rey.
His Majesty has always known how to reward favors.
Su majestad siempre ha sabido cómo compensar los favores.
Catalina, bring me the seal of the Marquís and some wax, I'll write a thank-you note to his Majesty.
Catalina, tráeme el sello del marquesado y el lacre, le escribiré a Su Majestad para agradecérselo.
His Majesty is a bit old to fuck you on the floor.
Su Majestad está mayor para visitarte en el suelo.
Ma'am, a messenger from Felipe IV has come to say that his Majesty won't be able to come tonight.
Señora, ha venido un lacayo de Felipe IV a decir que Su Majestad no podrá asistir esta noche.
When his Majesty comes I don't think he will crave her company.
Cuando su majestad venga no creo que le vaya a apetecer su compañía.
Is his Majesty all right?
Su Majestad ¿ está bien?
His Majesty requires your services.
Su Majestad requiere de vuestros servicios.
A parcel from Admiral Edward Montago, the ambassador of his Majesty king Charles II of England.
Un envío del almirante Edward Montago, embajador de Su Majestad el rey Carlos II de Inglaterra.
Your Majesty shall give us his words.
Su majestad debe prometérnoslo.
What about working for His Satanic Majesty?
¿ Qué tal el trabajar para su satánica majestad?
Boris Johnson wrote a piece in Her Majesty's Daily Telegraph last week in which he said he didn't want to be forced to wear a helmet while skiing because as an individual he should be allowed to make up his own mind,
Boris Johnson escribió un artículo en su Daily Telegraph última Majestad la semana en la que dijo que no quería que se ven obligados a usar un casco mientras esquiaba porque, como un individuo que debe permitir que conforman su propia mente,
His Royal Majesty.
Eh. Su Real Majestad.
Her Majesty was very impressed with his response at the State Opening of Parliament.
Su Majestad quedó muy impresionada con su respuesta en la apertura del Parlamento.
Don't get me wrong, your Majesty, because if you were that mustached Portuguese woman... Charles II of England took as his wife, I'd stay mum.
No me malinterpretéis, Majestad, pero si fueseis esa portuguesa con bigote que tiene Carlos II de Inglaterra como esposa no diría nada.

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