His what translate Spanish
38,044 parallel translation
Well, you know what they say, behind every successful man is his assistant coach.
Bueno, ya sabes lo que dicen, detrás de cada hombre existoso está su asistente de entrenador.
But then within six months, they called him up and wanted to know what his protocol was. So, it must have...
Pero a los seis meses, lo llamaron para saber cómo era el protocolo.
Tell you what, there's this guy, his name's Tony perotta, and he owes me 1,500 bucks.
Te diré algo, hay un tipo, se llama Tony Perotta y me debe 1.500 pavos.
What drove my uncle al to do the things that he did was taking care of his family.
Lo que impulsó a mi tío Al para hacer las cosas que hizo, fue por cuidar de su familia.
Capone realizes that the politicians on his payroll could be voted out and he knows he can't let what happened in Chicago happen again in Cicero.
Capone se da cuenta de que los políticos que tiene en nómina pueden perder las elecciones... Y sabe que no puede permitir que lo que ocurrió en Chicago vuelva a suceder en Cícero.
Al Capone never talked about the- - the death of his brother and what it did to him.
Al Capone jamás habló de la muerte de su hermano y lo que le supuso a él.
What that your shitty boyfriend with his cargo shorts?
¿ Era la mierda de tu novio, el que lleva bermudas?
What the U.S. government didn't know when they detained Sami is that he would eventually use his standing as a journalist to share every detail of his mistreatment with a global audience.
Lo que EUA no sabía cuando detuvo a Sami, es que usaría su posición como periodista... para revelar al mundo los malos tratos recibidos.
Senators, I'm not sure what we can do if Lawrence Boch isn't here to present his report.
Senadores, no estoy segura de qué podemos hacer si Lawrence Boch no está aquí para presentar su reporte.
- What's his name?
- ¿ Cómo se llama?
Hmm? I was listening to people talk today about what Dr. Adler had to do as part of his job, thinking about a friend of mine whose lungs were damaged when he was young, from gas.
Hoy estuve escuchando lo que decía la gente sobre lo que el Dr. Adler tuvo que hacer como parte de su trabajo, pensaba en un amigo mío cuyos pulmones quedaron dañados cuando era joven, por el gas.
But if that's what it takes to give this man a chance to prove his innocence, then it sure as hell is our plan now.
Pero si es lo que hace falta para darle a este hombre una oportunidad de probar su inocencia, entonces decididamente es nuestro plan ahora.
I don't care what his plan is.
No me importa cuál es su plan.
Can't you imagine what this has been like for Leonard Bailey, what his life has looked like for the past past 12 years?
¿ No se puede imaginar lo que ha sido para Leonard Bailey, lo que ha sido su vida los últimos 12 años?
The only thing I want to imagine is what my life's gonna be like after that man takes his final breath.
Lo único que puedo imaginarme es cómo será mi vida una vez que ese hombre dé su último aliento.
Oh, well what if I go first, and then perhaps Jianyu could stand near me and share some intimate aspects of his life?
Bueno ¿ y si yo voy primero y quizás Jianyu podría pararse al lado mío y compartir algunos aspectos íntimos de su vida?
What you're saying is, despite all that gnarly damage to the front of his eye, the cable at the back of his eye can still transmit visual data.
Lo que estás diciendo es que, a pesar del complicado daño en el frontal de su ojo, el cable en la parte trasera de su ojo puede transmitir datos visuales.
What President Clinton did in 1994 is actually far more harmful than his predecessors because he actually built that infrastructure that we see today, the militarization all the way down to small, rural police departments that have SWAT teams.
Lo que hizo el presidente Clinton en 1994... ACTIVISTA ANTERIORMENTE ENCARCELADO fue mucho más dañino que sus predecesores porque construyó la infraestructura que vemos hoy, la militarización de los departamentos de policía rurales que tienen equipos de SWAT.
Because it might help us figure out what his weak spot is.
Porque puede ayudarnos a encontrar cuál es su punto débil.
What you're gonna do, is stop that son of a bitch from getting his hands on my program.
Lo que tú vas a hacer, es impedir que ese hijo de perra ponga sus manos en mi programa.
Well, what's gonna happen when we lose this case, and his business goes away?
Bueno, ¿ y qué va a pasar cuando perdamos este caso y sus negocios desaparezcan?
I'm already using what we did to shake the trees with his employees.
Ya estoy usando lo que hicimos para sacudir las cosas con sus empleados.
It was his superiors, but what difference does it make?
Que fueron sus jefes, pero ¿ qué diferencia hace?
If a man can't be okay with his woman seeing other men, then what was Susan B. Anthony even fighting for?
Si un hombre no acepta que su mujer salga con otros, entonces, ¿ para que peleó Susan B. Anthony?
My father, what were his last words?
Mi padre, ¿ cuáles fueron sus últimas palabras?
How about we see what he does on his day off?
¿ Que tal si vemos lo que hace en su día libre?
And what is the crux of his testimony?
¿ Y cuál es el punto de su testimonio?
What's his training officer say?
¿ Qué dice su oficial de entrenamiento?
What's his name, Sorensen?
¿ cómo se llama, Sorensen?
What's his...?
¿ Cuál es su...?
You'd be surprised what happens when you put that chip on his shoulder to good use.
No te imaginas lo que pasa cuando usa ese malestar.
Or what his angle was.
O cuál era su punto de vista.
- What about his fever?
- ¿ Qué hay de su fiebre?
Maybe admire his car after we catch him. What do you think?
Quizá sea mejor admirar su coche después de cogerlo. ¿ Qué opinas?
He keeps a single cigarette on his desk as a constant reminder of what he doesn't want to be.
Mantiene un cigarrillo sobre la mesa... como un recuerdo constante de lo que no quiere ser.
The point is, a good Director needs to know what assets he has at his disposal, and in this case, I think Aida could be an asset... a risky one, but...
El tema es, que un buen Director... necesita saber qué recursos tiene a su disposición... y en este caso, creo que Aida podría ser un recurso... uno arriesgado, pero...
I want to know what his deal is with her.
No sé cual es su trato con ella.
In addition to yielding a source of poisoned heroin, it would expose what is left of Rey Torres'smuggling network and reveal his killers, who I'm sure are quite heinous in their own right.
Además de reportar la fuente de la heroína envenenada, expondría lo que queda de la red de contrabando de Rey Torres y revelaría sus asesinos, quienes estoy seguro de que son bastante crueles de por sí.
He will have a mark on his head by virtue of who he is, and if you want what's best for him... you will come back to me.
Llevará una marca por ser quien es y si quieres lo mejor para él... volverás a mí.
I mean we don't know what his visions are.
Me refiero a que no sabemos lo que son sus visiones.
His boys really need to know before calling me boo. Because what you see isn't always the truth.
Los chicos tienen que saber, antes de decirme querida, porque lo que ves siempre, no es siempre la verdad..
He and his wife were splitting, or... Or that's what I wanted to believe.
Él y su mujer se estaban separando... o eso es lo que yo quería creer.
What was his name?
¿ Cuál era su nombre?
So, what was his name? Banjo?
¿ Cuál era su nombre?
What if Mr. Karig was having trouble motivating his friend to share in the expected proceeds?
¿ Y si el Sr. Karig tuviera problemas motivando a su amigo a compartir las ganancias previstas?
Is that what you call kidnapping his wife?
¿ Es por eso que recurrió a secuestrar a su esposa?
A number of you have probably heard about what happened at our daycare two days ago. Our donkey, Frodo, who played with the children, was lured out of his pen, hung on a tree, and strangled with a barbed wire.
Probablemente ustedes han escuchado qué sucedió en nuestra guardería hace dos días atrás. colgado de un árbol y estrangulado con un alambre de púas.
But he explained that his phone number was the old number of-of her ex-boyfriend, so... what was it again?
Solo tenemos que ganar esta subasta, y tendremos nuestro propio castillo. ¿ De verdad? ¡ Por encima de mi cadáver!
'Cause what guy doesn't want to go to his office and have his family there?
¿ Alguien supera la bolsa misteriosa?
- What's his name?
- ¿ Cómo se llama? ¿ Qué edad tiene?
Okay, maybe, but then what about all the times she went for a run by his house, after he asked her not to, after he broke up with her?
Quizá, ¿ pero qué hay de todo el tiempo? que fue a correr por su casa. luego de que él le pidió que no, después que rompió con ella.
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648