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Holiday translate Spanish

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Hopefully, the holiday spirit will have him in a good mood.
Con suerte, el espíritu navideño le dará buen humor.
It's the holiday of chill.
Es la calma tras las fiestas.
Charles was a freshman at Auburn on holiday break.
Charles era un estudiante de primer año en el receso de otoño.
This is a holiday for us.
- Estas son vacaciones para nosotras.
Like I said, a holiday.
Como dije, vacaciones.
Take a break. Olivia would love you to take her on holiday during half-term.
A Olivia le encantaría que la llevaras de vacaciones.
Maybe you can start by taking that holiday.
Puedes empezar con esas vacaciones.
Hey, I think it's time for that holiday.
Oye, creo que es hora de ir de vacaciones.
It's a holiday!
Es un día festivo.
Ben thought while our parents were gonna be on a cruise... he and I should take a holiday here in the city, after his interview.
Ben quiso que nos quedáramos de vacaciones tras su entrevista, nuestros padres están en un crucero.
Do you realize that it's people like you, okay, that killed Billie Holiday?
¿ Se da cuenta que gente como usted mató a Billie Holliday?
We're not here on a holiday.
No estamos aquí de vacaciones.
It's just the first time we haven't spent our holiday together.
Es la primera vez que no pasamos juntos las vacaciones.
I would not call it a holiday...
Yo no lo llamaría día feriado...
Let's have a holiday the day, Chris.
Tendremos un día de descanso, Chris.
Now, off on a holiday we'll go today.
Nos tomaremos un descanso hoy.
But for now, they're heading into their holiday, searching for comfort and a little more joy.
Pero, por ahora, se dirigen a su celebración... en busca de consuelo y un poco más de alegría.
I hated the idea of anyone sending out a bad holiday card.
Odiaba la idea de que alguien enviara una tarjeta navideña fea.
Are you really working all over the holiday?
¿ De veras trabajas durante la fiesta?
Love Miles Davis, Billie Holiday.
Me encantan Miles Davis, Billie Holiday.
- We go on holiday afterward...
- Nos vamos de vacaciones después...
I was taking some overdue holiday.
Me había cogido unas merecidas vacaciones.
Yeah, that's the man, he's a very nice cat, he does way too much coke, and a mother fucker.
Cuando estaba grabando'Holiday for Pans',
He eats too much pasta and fuck him, he wears a hat. [LAUGHING] When he was in the midst of recording for Holiday for Pans.
Warner Brothers decidió destrozar, literalmente, el contrato de Jaco.
Do you think I prefer traipsing off to West Palm Beach for the holiday?
¿ Crees que prefería andar deambulando antes que ir a West Palm Beach durante las fiestas?
What am I not to worry about until after the holiday?
¿ Qué es lo que no debe preocuparme hasta después de las fiestas?
I think you need a little holiday.
Creo que necesitas vacaciones.
- The Holiday Inn, ma'am. - Holiday Inn.
En el Holiday Inn.
He's going on holiday on the 15th.
Se va a ir de vacaciones el 15.
But you have to know, we're going to visit you here every holiday.
Pero vendremos a visitarte durante todas las fiestas.
Daniel has been saying I was looking tired and could do with a holiday.
Daniel me dijo que me veía cansada y merecía unas vacaciones.
It's a holiday.
Es un día festivo.
It's only for a few days over the holiday.
Es solamente por unos días durante las vacaciones.
To me, she should be treated like Ella Fitzgerald, like Billie Holiday.
Para mí, ella debe ser tratado como Ella Fitzgerald, gustaría Billie Holiday.
Billie Holiday.
Billie Holiday.
It was my mom's favorite holiday. She used to make me sign these valentines, those little paper ones.
Mi madre hizo las vacaciones dandome tarjetas de felicitación de papel.
With the holiday all my schedules have been off, so...
Con las vacaciones estaré libre, así que...
Let her enjoy her holiday
Déjala que disfrute las vacaciones.
It's Tommy Holiday.
Es Tommy vacaciones.
No. I thought it was just a holiday home now.
No, pensé que era sólo una casa vacacional.
- Sure. I need you to help me convince my father to take a holiday.
Ayúdeme a convencer a mi padre para que se tome vacaciones.
- Are you on holiday?
¿ Tú estás de vacaciones?
Roman Holiday.
"Vacaciones en Roma".
We sold Roman Holiday.
Vendimos "Vacaciones en Roma".
Guy wrote Roman Holiday.
El tipo escribió "Vacaciones en Roma".
And the Oscar goes to Roman Holiday, by Ian McLellan Hunter.
Y el Oscar va para "Vacaciones en Roma", por Ian McLellan Hunter.
You wrote Roman Holiday?
¿ Tú escribiste "Vacaciones en Roma"?
I don't know. It's like Roman Holiday.
No lo sé. es como "Vacaciones en Roma".
As Ruby served her 19th Holiday Special, she remembered serving Christmas dinner to her brothers.
Mientras Ruby servía el 19no.
It's a... - It's just a holiday place.
Sólo... es por vacaciones.

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