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Howard translate Spanish

10,290 parallel translation
This is Howard.
Esto es Howard.
Howard Lyman.
Howard Lyman.
Howard and I... are engaged.
Howard y yo... se dedican.
Well, first of all, Howard took me to this lovely dinner at Tournesol.
Bueno, primero que todo, Howard me llevó a esta hermosa cena en Tournesol.
Now you got a master's degree from Howard University.
Ahora tienes un doctorado en Howard.
I see you, David, Howard and a half-dozen other partners - froze the associates out
Veo a David, Howard y otros socios ignorando a los asociados...
Jackie and Howard.
Jackie... and Howard.
Jackie... y Howard.
So Howard I brought my computer along, 20 years ago I was here and I want to see if you recognize any of the people.
Howard, traje mi computadora. Estuve aquí hace 20 años, y quiero saber si reconocen a alguna de estas personas.
How did it work with Mr. Howard?
¿ Cómo resultó todo con el Sr. Howard?
Mr. Howard is simply trying to enlighten you as to the precariousness ofyoursfiuafion.
El Sr. Howard está intentando mostrarle la inestabilidad de su situación.
Don't let Howard and his lot win.
No dejes que Howard y su manada ganen.
Jazz's Howard Hughes reviled and revealed.
El Howard Hughes del jazz despreciado y revelado.
My name is Howard, by the way.
A propósito, me llamo Howard.
You know, Howard's like a black belt in conspiracy theory.
Howard es un gran experto en conspiraciones.
I watched Howard build this place, piece by piece, for years.
Vi a Howard construir este lugar, poco a poco, durante años.
Howard abducted me.
Howard me secuestró.
And when I got here, Howard was closing the door.
Cuando llegué, Howard estaba cerrando la puerta.
Hey, what about you, Howard?
¿ Y tú, Howard?
What would you say, Howard, we're gonna be down here, what, like, a year?
¿ Qué opinas, Howard? Estaremos aquí, ¿ qué?
I don't know what you're talking about, Howard.
- No sé de qué estás hablando.
- Howard, calm down. - Shut up!
- Howard, cálmate.
Though even Howard doesn't think that one's plausible.
Aunque ni siquiera Howard cree que eso sea posible.
Hey, Howard.
Hola, Howard.
If Howard finds this, he's gonna kill us.
Si Howard encuentra esto, nos mata.
Look, Howard, I don't know what you're getting at, but...
Mira, Howard. No sé a qué quieres llegar, pero...
Hey, Howard, what are you showing this to us for?
Oye, Howard... ¿ por qué nos muestras esto?
Howard, please, you're gonna have to tell us what it is that you're talking about.
Por favor, tienes que decirnos de qué estás hablando.
Howard, listen, just take it easy.
- Cálmate, cálmate.
Take it easy. Howard, come on, please.
- Anda, por favor.
Mr. Ian Howard is one of our BCCI European executive.
El Sr. Ian Howard es uno de nuestros ejecutivos de BCCI en Europa.
I will have Mr. Howard set up a meeting with our European executive.
Haré que el Sr. Howard coordine una reunión con nuestro ejecutivo europeo.
Good to see you again, Mr. Howard.
Qué bueno volver a verlo, Sr. Howard.
Eulalia Howard.
- Madre : Eulalia Howard.
Eulalia Howard?
¿ Eulalia Howard?
Ok, Howard...
De acuerdo, Howard...
Eulalia Howard.
Eulalia Howard.
"I pledge Amanda Howard, my daughter."
"Entrego a Amanda Howard, mi hija".
Julia Howard, this town has awaited your return like lambs to the slaughter.
Julia Howard, esta ciudad ha esperado tu regreso... como corderos en el matadero.
I pledge my daughter, Julia Howard.
Entrego a mi hija, Julia Howard.
So Ron actually called up Moe Howard to see if it would be okay.
Así que Ron llamó a Moe Howard, para ver si estaba bien.
We're waiting here, in Los Angeles, for a phone call from legendary billionaire, Howard Hughes, which could debunk...
Estamos en Los Ángeles, esperando una llamada del legendario multimillonario Howard Hughes, que podría desacreditar...
We're waiting here, in Los Angeles, for a phone call from legendary billionaire, Howard Hughes, which could debunk a writer's claim that he's written an authorized autobiography of Hughes, and that Hughes is in a permanent state of dementia.
Estamos en Los Ángeles, esperando una llamada del multimillonario Howard Hughes, que podría desacreditar a un escritor que afirma haber escrito su autobiografía autorizada y que Hughes padece demencia permanente.
The location of Howard Hughes, still a complete mystery to us.
El paradero de Howard Hughes sigue siendo un misterio para nosotros.
Howard Hughes was once the American ideal.
Hughes fue el ideal estadounidense.
¿ Howard?
Howard, you've got 18 minutes left to place the call.
Howard, le quedan 18 minutos para hacer la llamada.
¡ Howard!
Howard, just calm down.
- Solo cálmate.

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