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I'll be honest with you translate Spanish

403 parallel translation
I'll be honest with you.
Te lo diré.
Now, I'll be honest with you.
Será honesto contigo.
I'll be honest with you.
Seré honesto contigo.
I'll be honest with you.
- No se preocupe.
Baker I'll be honest with you.
Baker seré sincero con usted.
I'll be quite honest with you.
Seré muy honesto con Ud.
Look, Bonet, I'll be honest with you.
Mira, Bonet, seré honesto contigo.
I'll be perfectly honest with you.
Seré sincero contigo.
I'll be perfectly honest with you.
Seré muy sincero contigo.
I'll be honest with you, Stephen.
Seré franco contigo, Stephen.
I'll be honest with you.
Jean-Jacques, debo decirte algo.
Seré honrado con usted.
I'll be honest and open with you, as I always am.
Seré honrado y franco, como siempre.
- I'll be honest with you.
- Seré honesto con Ud.
I'll be honest with you, miss, I just can't stand no more of this.
Le seré sincero, señorita. No aguanto más todo esto.
All right, I'll be honest with you.
Bien. Seré sincera con usted.
I'll be honest with you, Mrs. prentiss.
Le seré sincero.
Jeff, I'll be honest with you.
Jeff, te seré franca.
Listen, I'll be honest with you.
Óyeme, seré sincero contigo.
Look. I'll be honest with you, pal.
Seré sincero contigo, amigo.
I'll be honest with you. He'd talk the same if I was.
Para serte franco, diría lo mismo si la llevara.
Tom, I'll be straight-out honest with you.
Tom, voy a ser franco y directo.
I'll be honest with you, Gracchus.
Voy a ser honesto contigo, Graco.
I'll be honest with you, doll.
Te diré la verdad, encanto.
I'll be honest with you.
Seré sincero.
I'm not sure. Perhaps the circumstances. I can't explain why I prefer to speak to you... instead of local police, but I'll be honest with you.
No querría pasar por un visionario ni por un crédulo, pero ciertas historias acerca de la existencia de un monstruo en el castillo...
Listen, sir, I'll be honest with you.
Señor escuche, se lo digo honestamente.
I'm sorry, Gavin, but I'd be less than honest if I let you think you'll be with the programme much longer.
Lo siento, Gavin. Pero mentiría si te dijera que seguirás aquí por mucho tiempo.
I'll be absolutely honest with you.
Seré muy sincero con usted.
I'll be honest with you.
Te seré sincero.
All right, I'll be honest with you, Mrs. Williams. There's no way of knowing.
Seré sincero con Ud. No hay forma de saberlo.
Professor, I'll be honest with you. I, too, have been very anxious about him of late.
Yo también me sinceraré con usted, últimamente me tiene muy preocupada.
I'll be very honest with you. I don't think we will.
Para ser honesto con usted, no pienso que los encontremos.
I'll be honest with you too, so did I.
Yo también seré sincero, yo también disfruté.
I'll be honest with you.
Voy a ser honesta contigo.
I'll be honest with you.
Te digo la verdad.
Listen, you've been in the same boat, so I'll be honest with you : We've gotta get some food somewhere.
Escuche, usted ha estado en el mismo barco, así que seré honesto con usted :
- I'll be honest with you.
- Voy a ser honesto contigo.
I'll be honest with you.
La tengo que desengañar.
I'll be honest with you and I hope you'll be honest with me.
Seré honesto contigo, y espero que tu también lo seas conmigo.
There's a good girl. I'll be honest with you.
Seré honesto contigo.
I'll have to be honest with you...
Pero debo ser honesto con usted.
Slobodan, I'll be honest with you.
Slobodan, te seré sincera.
But I'll be honest with you.
Pero seré honesto contigo.
I'll be honest with you.
Le seré franco.
I'll be perfectly honest with you, David.
Seré honesta contigo, David.
- But I'll be honest with you. I don't know if I could take that shot with innocent people around.
- Debo ser muy honesto no sé si podré disparar con gente inocente alrededor.
Look, I'll be honest with you.
Te seré honesto.
OK, I'll be honest with you
Bien, voy a ser honesto con usted.
I'll be honest with you, Mr. Hicks.
Seré sincero con Ud., Sr. Hicks.
All right. I'll be honest with you, man.
Seré sincero con ustedes.

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