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I'll be quick translate Spanish

548 parallel translation
- I'll be back as quick as I can.
Volveré en cuanto pueda.
I'll be quick and change and come right back.
Corro a cambiarme. Enseguida vuelvo.
Yes, I'll be as quick as I can, sir.
Sí, señor, iré enseguida.
I'll be as quick as I can, Mr. Hickok.
- Seré tan rápida como pueda.
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- No se preocupe.
Well, I'll be quick about it.
Bueno, Io haré rápido.
I'll be there just as quick as I can.
Estaré allí lo antes posible.
I'll be quick!
Seré boxeador.
It won't be quick. I'll break you first.
Te pondré nerviosa.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Lo haré rápido.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Tardaré lo menos posible.
Tell them I'll be there as quick as I can.
Dígales que voy para allá.
Then I'll have to be quick, let's go! To the heart of things.
Entonces seré rápido, iré al corazón de las cosas.
- I'll be quick.
- Voy a ser rápido.
I'll see it's taken out of your wages. You get another cup, and be quick about it!
¡ Coge otra taza, vamos date prisa!
I said, get out here and get here quick, or I'll be down there with a gun.
Dije que vengan pronto, o iré allá con un arma.
I can't say how quick it'll be. What is it?
No sé cuánto demorará. ¿ Qué es?
If I know Danny, he'll be looking you up pretty quick.
Conozco a Danny, irá a buscarte lo antes posible.
I'll be quick.
- ¡ No tardo, eh!
I'll be quick, wait here for me quietly.
No tardo, espérame aquí tranquilo.
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
- There you are. I'll be quick. - Miss!
- Sí, a mí también, hermano.
You're being personal with me. I'll be personal with you.
Sr. Quick, sea honesto conmigo y yo seré honesta con Ud.
I'll be out there just as quick as I can...
Saldré apenas pueda...
I'll be over as quick as I can.
Yo me acercaré en cuanto pueda.
I'll be back as quick as I can, and I'll write.
Regresaré tan rápido como pueda, e intacta.
Make yourself comfortable, I'll be as quick as I can
Lo haré lo más rápido que pueda.
I'll be gettin'outta here pretty quick.
Me marcharé dentro de poco.
- I'll be quick.
¡ Me despido!
All right, I'll be there as quick as I can.
Muy bien, estaré allí en cuanto pueda.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Volveré en cuanto pueda.
I'm sorry, I'll be quick.
Con permiso, enseguida regreso.
I'll be down in a few moments, quick as I can.
Bajaré enseguida, ni bien pueda.
Well, I'll be as quick as I can.
Bueno, llegaré cuanto antes.
Now you stay here with Jamie, inside, and I'll be as quick as I can.
Oh, ah, Doctor.
You be as quick as you can. If you try anything, I'll kill you.
Al menor paso en falso, lo mataré.
I'll be quick.
Seré rápido.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Estaré de vuelta lo antes posible.
I ´ ll be as quick as I can.
Enseguida vuelvo.
I promise you it'll be quick and easy.
te aseguro que será rápido y fácil.
I'll be as quick as I possibly can, all right?
Volveré tan rápido como pueda.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Voy a ser tan rápido como pueda.
I'll be as quick as I can.
Seré tan rápida como pueda.
I forgot a quick errand, I'll only be a moment.
Olvidé hacer algo. Volveré en un momento.
I'll just have a quick word with the ambassador and then we'll be off.
Hablaré rápidamente con el Embajador y luego me iré.
I'll be in pretty quick.
Seré muy rápido.
Hawkeye and I'll be along as quick as we can.
Hawkeye y yo iremos en cuanto podamos.
Very well, I'll be quick.
Muy bien, voy a ser rápido.
I'll be as quick as I can!
Iré tan rápido como pueda.
'I suspect that they'll be crossing your state line pretty quick.'
Sospecho que estarán cruzando la línea estatal muy pronto.
I'll make it quick. Be sure.
Y comprendí que no había nadie en el pueblo con quien pudiera hablar de esto.

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