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I'll be right behind you translate Spanish

311 parallel translation
I'll be right behind you.
- Yo estaré detrás.
Then I'll be right behind you'Cause let me remind you
Y estaré detrás de ti Porque déjame recordarte
I'll be right behind you.
Iré detrás de Ud.
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré detrás de ti.
I'll be right behind you in case you're wrong.
Estaré justo detrás tuyo por si te equivocas.
I'll be right behind you, Langdon.
Estaré detrás de ti.
Yeah, well, that's the spirit and I'll be right behind you.
Me gusta ese espíritu, yo te respaldaré.
Remember, I'll be right behind you all the way.
Recuerda, estaré detrás de ti durante todo el camino.
Get rid of anybody who comes to the door, I'll be right behind you in case you give the wrong answers.
Deshazte de todo aquel que se acerque a la puerta, estaré justo detrás de ti en caso de que des las respuestas equivocadas.
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré justo detrás de ti.
I'll be right here behind you, Sheriff, in case the bad man sticks his head out.
Lo seguiré, Alguacil, por si se asoma el malvado.
I'll be right behind you.
Yo iré detrás de ti.
- Go to church I'll be right behind you.
- Hala, id hacia la iglesia que ahora voy yo.
I'll be right with you just as soon as I tie my horse on behind here.
Volveré con usted en cuanto ate mi caballo ahí detrás.
Go to the dirtiest little corner of the world, I'll be there, right behind you, with a rope in my hand.
Vaya al rinconcito más sucio del mundo... allí estaré, detrás de usted, con una cuerda en la mano.
I'll tell you what. You wanna find me... you just look over your shoulder...'cause from now on I'm gonna be right behind you.
De todas maneras, si quieres encontrarme sólo tienes que volverte.
I'll be right behind you.
Yo lo seguiré.
I'll be right behind you.
Yo te sigo.
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré justo detrás de usted.
I'll be right behind you.
Yo voy detrás de ti.
I'll be right behind you.
Iré detrás de ti.
Right, I shall be leaving four men behind here. You'll be quite safe, Doctor.
Bien, me iré y dejaré a cuatro hombres aquí.
- I'll be right behind you.
- Yo estaré detrás de ti.
Colonel, I'll be riding right behind you.
Coronel, iré detrás.
I'll be right behind you, Ma.
Estaré justo detras de ti, Ma.
I'll be right behind you, baby.
Estaré detrás tuyo
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré justo detrás.
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré detrás de ustedes.
So I want you to burn rubber, boy... and I'll be right behind you in your hip pocket.
Bien, quiero que te apresures muchacho... yo te seguiré muy de cerca.
MAXWELL : I'll be right behind you.
Voy a estar justo detrás de ti.
I don't know what kind of soldier I'll make... but I want you guys to know that if we ever get into real heavy combat... I'll be right behind you guys every step of the way.
No se si seré un buen soldado... pero quiero que sepan que si alguna vez entramos en combate... les cubriré las espaldas en todo momento.
- I'll be right behind you.
- Estaré detrás de ti. ¡ Vete!
I'll pay and be right behind you.
Voy a pagar y voy justo detrás de ti.
I'll be right behind you.
Iré después de usted.
- I'll be right behind you.
Estaré detrás de ti.
I'll be right behind you.
¡ Apúrate!
I'll be right behind you.
Iré detrás.
I'll be right behind you when you tell him.
Sólo relájate. ¿ Te traigo un descafeinado?
I'll Be Right Behind You.
¡ Yo estaré ahí atrás!
When they do, I'll be right behind you.
"Cuando lo hacen, ¡ Vuelvo detrás de ti."
I'll be right behind you, but first I've got to destroy the plague.
Saldré después de ti. Pero antes, debo destruir la plaga.
- Wherever you go, I'll be right behind you.
- Estaré dondequiera que vayas.
I'll be right behind you.
Yo iré detrás.
I'll be right behind you the whole time!
Estaré detrás suyo todo el tiempo!
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré detrás de usted.
- I'll be right behind you.
- Os seguiré de cerca.
I'll be right behind you just in case you're thinking about snatching her!
Voy a andar detrás de ti, por si piensas raptarla.
I'll be right behind you.
Estaré justo detrás tuyo.
I'll be right behind you. Go on, go!
Iré detrás de Uds. Vamos.
I'll be right behind you.
Te seguiré de cerca.
- Mom? - I'll be right behind you.
- Voy detrás de ustedes.

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