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I'll call him translate Spanish

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If he calls back, tell him I'll call him back in a minute.
Si vuelve a llamar, dile que lo llamo en un minuto.
I'll call you after I've spoken to him.
Llamaré después de hablar con él.
I'll call my driver, have him take care of her.
Llamaré a mi chofer, se encargará de ella.
I'll call my driver, have him take care of her.
Llamaré a mi conductor, haré que se ocupe de ella.
And I'll get him to call you when he gets back.
No. Llamaré otra vez cuando regrese.
I found him, I'll call you back.
Lo encontré, te llamo luego.
- Call him that again, so help me God, I'll rip your head off.
Si lo vuelve a llamar así, que Dios me ayude porque le arranco la cabeza.
I have Lucky's number. I'll call him.
Tengo el número de Lucky.
I'll call him.
Bien, lo llamaré.
- I'll call him.
- Lo llamaré.
I'll give you his number, but you have to call him after 10 o'clock.
Te daré su número, pero llama después de las 10, ¿ sí?
Tell him I'll call back.
Dígale que llamo después.
I'll call Bleistein, talk him round...
Llamaré a Bleistein... Hablaré con él.
I'll call him right now.
I'll call him right now.
I'll call him any damn thing I wanna call him.
Le diré como me plazca.
- I'll call him.
- Lo llamaré. - No es asunto suyo.
I'll take him down and call for backup.
Yo bajaré y llamare refuerzos.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Dile que luego lo llamo.
I'll call him.
Lo llamo.
Chill. I'll call him.
Lo voy a llamar.
Now, I'll not call him Clough, I'll not take him down like that.
Ahora, no voy a llamarlo Clough, No lo apuntaré de ese modo.
- Let me tell him, and I'll call you right back.
Déjame que se lo diga y te vuelvo a llamar.
- I'll call him.
- Yo lo llamaré.
I'll call him when I get back.
Yo le llamo de nuevo en cuanto vuelva..
I think I've found a way to cope because I got this friend, okay? We'll call him the Admiral.
Creo que hallé una forma de sobrellevarlo, porque tengo un amigo lo llamamos El Almirante.
Well, I'll just call up the Dallas field office, and have them pick him up.
Bueno, yo sólo... llamaré a la oficina regional de Dallas, y ellos le recogerán.
My partner said he'd call him. I'll try, too, just to be sure.
Sea lo que sea, siempre cuentan la misma historia.
- I'll call him back.
- Luego le llamo.
I'll call him again.
Lo llamaré de nuevo.
I'll have him call you the minute he gets back from the Lincoln Memorial.
Lo llamaré en el minuto que regrese del monumento a Lincoln.
I'll, uh, I'll call him in, then.
Bien, yo iré a llamarlo, entonces.
I'll call him later.
Lo llamaré luego.
I'll check and call him.
Iré a ver y lo llamaré.
- Wait. I'll call him.
- Espera, lo llamaré.
I'll call him.
Lo llamaré.
- I'll call him with the list.
- ¿ Qué sigue?
I'll call porter and tell him he doesn't have to worry about mr.
Llamaré a Porter y le diré que no tiene que preocuparse por el Sr. Schilling.
Tell him I'll call right back.
Dile que lo llamaré enseguida.
Yeah, well, i mean, it was great of him To reach out like that, so i'll give him a call.
Si, bueno, fue un gran detalle echarme una mano asi, le llamaré.
- I'll call you once I hear from him.
- Te llamaré cuando sepa algo de él.
I'll call him up right now.
Le voy a llamar ahora mismo.
I'll call him back.
Ya lo llamo
- I'll try and call him.
- Voy a tratar de llamarlo.
- It's Alfonso, I'll call him back.
- No, es Alfonso. Lo llamo después.
- I'll call him back.
- No, lo llamo después.
Just tell him, I'll call him back.
- Dile que lo llamaré.
I'll call him to see if he's free.
Le llamaré para saber si está disponible.
I'll call him tomorrow, he'll tell me.
Lo llamaré mañana. El me dirá.
I'll just call him right now.
Ahora mismo lo llamo.
I won't call him. I'll die first.
No lo llamaré, antes moriré.
I'll tell him to call back.
Le diré que vuelva a llamar.

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