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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I'll do it for you

I'll do it for you translate Spanish

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It isn't customary to ask for salutes here. But I'll tell you what we'll do.
Aquí no se acostumbra pedir saludos, pero te diré lo que haremos.
If you do not get rid of that girl I'll do it for you.
Si no te deshaces de esa muchacha, lo haré yo por ti.
Do it even blindly if you must, and I promise you, I'm so sure of it, I promise you that for the first time in your life you'll know what real happiness is.
Hágalo a ciegas si quiere, y le prometo, estoy segura, le prometo que por primera vez en su vida sabrá lo que es la verdadera felicidad.
I'll buy it, if you do something for us.
Yo aceptaré Si nos haces un favor.
I wonder if you'll do me a favor and come with me while I get it for her now.
¿ Podría hacerme el favor de acompañarme a comprárselo ahora?
I hope you'll do all you can to get it back for me.
Espero que haga todo Io posible por recuperarlo.
I'll tell you what I'll do, not that I believe in it, but for you.
Bueno, esto es lo que haré, no porque crea en él, sino por usted.
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Siempre estuve al frente del hogar, y volveré a estarlo pero tienes que darme un poco de libertad. Porque te estás haciendo viejo, Sam...
I mean, I'll do it for you.
- Voy a buscar a Pop. Lo buscaré yo.
I mean, I'll do it for you.
Quiero decir, iré yo.
Well, I'll do it for you, Joe.
Yo lo haré por ti, Joe.
Then I " ll do it for you.
- Entonces yo lo haré.
Look, if you do it, I'll pay you for it.
Si lo haces, te pago.
All right, I'll do it for you, Joe.
Está bien. Lo haré por ti, Joe.
Save it For a snowstorm. How do you like that? I'll bet You this 10 against that dime
Me juego estos 10 dólares a que esto ni lo soñábais esta mañana.
If you do, I'll print in my columns you're suspected of smuggling in a pearl necklace. That's a lie! Yeah, but if I tip off the customs and they look for it,
Y salió de él, un joven con la esperanza de hacer una vida para sí mismo.
It'll be terrible, but I'll do it. You'll get a new dress for it.
Tendrás un vestido nuevo para ello.
I'm giving you the chance to do it the way that'll be easiest for you.
Te doy la oportunidad de hacerlo como te sea más fácil.
Do it for me, that's all I ask of you. Then, if you want me to, I'll go.
Hazlo por mí, sólo te pido eso.
If you don't do it, I'll do it for you.
Lo haré, cariño.
All right, Hildy. I'll do it for you because I like you.
Vale, lo hago por ti, Hildy.
If you do, so help me, I'll kill you if I hang for it.
Si Io haces te voy a matar.
All right, I'll do it for you.
De acuerdo, Yo lo haré por tí.
For you, I'll do it.
Lo haré por ti.
Tell you what I'll do, I'll toss you for it.
I'll do anything for you, like it or not.
Voy a hacer algo por usted, le guste o no.
Do it some more. Do it some more. I'll get you time-and-a-half for overtime.
Un poco más, haré que te paguen bien las horas extra.
So I'll wait for him till 8 : 00 and, if he doesn't call, well, then I guess it would be all right, because, well, you're going to be here such a short time, and... And you're working for the Government, and it's everyone's patriotic duty to do...
Le esperaré hasta las 8, y si no me llama, pues... entonces supongo que podemos irnos, porque... como va a estar usted aquí tan poco tiempo y... trabaja para el gobierno, es deber de todos colaborar para... para...
- I'll have to get this officer to do it for you.
- haré que lo haga el agente.
If you can't open the hatch, I'll do it for you. If the plane's too bad to land, I'm gonna try something else.
Si este avión no es capaz de aterrizar intentaré algo que sólo un hombre puede hacer.
- I'll do it for you.
- Yo pensaré por ti.
I'll have to send for the veterinary or do you know something about it?
Voy a tener que enviarlo al veterinario. ¿ O entiende Ud. algo de eso?
- I'll do it for you and get a no for you.
-... y yo te doy el no.
I'll do the best I can for them. lf l can't do it with you, I'll do it alone.
Haré todo por ellas. Contigo, o sola.
I do not gainsay it, but you'll get little thanks for it from Caesar. ( Crowd Shouting In Distance ]
No te contradigo, pero no esperes obtener gratitud por parte de César.
I'll do it for you.
- Lo haré por ti.
If you do, just say the word, I'll throw a lasso around it and pull her down for you.
Si la quieres di una palabra, le echaré un lazo y te la alcanzaré.
She might give you a hard time, but... it's too much responsibility for me, but I'll do my best.
Tal vez te cause dificultades, pero... Son demasiadas responsabilidades para mi, pero lo haré lo mejor que pueda.
That evens this. Fold your hands, or I'll do it for you.
Ya se vengó, ahora quédese quieto.
If there's anything you want, I'll get it for you, But there's one thing you've got to do for me.
Todo lo que quieras yo te lo daré, pero debes hacer algo por mí.
Tell you what I'll do I'll toss you for it.
Vamos a echarlo a cara o cruz.
I'll do it for you afterwards.
- Luego lo harás. Vamos.
- You'll be the worse for it if I do.
- o te llevarás la peor parte, Fagin.
Here, darling. I'll do it for you.
A ver, déjame.
I'll do it for you.
- Yo lo haré por usted.
If you do, if you ever hurt him, I'll make you sorry for it.
Si alguna vez le haces daño, lo lamentarás.
I'll have your badge for this, Warren! You know I can do it.
¡ Haré que lo despidan por esto!
I'll do it for you.
Yo lo haré por ti.
I'll do it for you.
- Yo Io haré.
I am for it, lieutenant, and i'll do you justice.
¡ Bravo, teniente! Me uno a ese brindis.
I'll do it for you and for Chucho.
Por usté madre, y por el Chucho.

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