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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I'll get it for you

I'll get it for you translate Spanish

824 parallel translation
I`ll Get It For You. *
Yo iré por él.
Bring the big tub in... I'll get it ready for you. "
Trae el barreño y te lo prepararé. "
Jimmy, if you can get this crowd to keep quiet, I'll sing it for you.
Jimmy, si callas a esa gente, te la cantaré.
I'll get it for you in a minute.
Te lo llevaré en un momento.
Muy bien.
If you do not get rid of that girl I'll do it for you.
Si no te deshaces de esa muchacha, lo haré yo por ti.
I'll get it for you.
Te traeré algo.
I'll get it for you.
Se la traeré.
- I'll get it for you somewhere.
Lo conseguiré en alguna parte.
As soon as I get a check for $ 15.22, I'll send it to you. Swordfish.
¡ Pez espada!
I'll get it for you, darling.
- Iré a buscarlo por ti, querida.
If you don't like that dress when you get back to Salt Lake... You send it right back to me, and I'll exchange it for another one.
Si no te gusta ese vestido cuando vuelvas a Salt Lake, devuélvemelo y te lo cambiaré por otro.
If you give me a check for it, I'll get out of this joint.
Si me da un cheque, me iré de aquí.
Now, sit right down here and I'll get it for you.
Ahora, siéntese aquí y y se lo serviré.
I wonder if you'll do me a favor and come with me while I get it for her now.
¿ Podría hacerme el favor de acompañarme a comprárselo ahora?
I want to talk to you. I'll get it for you.
- Quiero hablar contigo.
- I'll get it for you, sir.
- Ya se lo cojo yo, señor.
I'll get it for you.
Se Io conseguiré.
I hope you'll do all you can to get it back for me.
Espero que haga todo Io posible por recuperarlo.
I'll get you food, but stop howling for it!
Les conseguiré comida, pero ¡ dejen de aullar!
I'll get it for you.
¡ Te lo traeré yo!
I hope you'll let me see you when I get back to sort of make up for it.
Espero que pueda volver a verla a mi vuelta para que me perdone.
I'll get it for you.
La traeré.
I love him then the sacrifice you want to make for Irene is wrong my child you'll never get over this renunciation only youth can afford such renunciations you might find me hard, my child... but it'll be a mistake never to be amended
Lo amo. Entonces es equivocado el sacrificio que vas a hacer por Irene. ¡ Hijita...!
I'll get it. I'm taking an awful chance with these man-eating sharks, but for you, Princess- -
Corro un gran riesgo con estos tiburones carnívoros, pero para Ud., princesa...
- I'll get it for you.
- La conseguiré para usted.
I ain't got the watch, but I'll get it for you.
No tengo el reloj, pero lo conseguiré.
I'll get it for you.
Yo te la daré.
I'll get it for you.
Se lo daré.
Then I'll get it exchanged for you.
- Yo se lo cambiaré.
It'll be terrible, but I'll do it. You'll get a new dress for it.
Tendrás un vestido nuevo para ello.
- I'll get it for you tonight. - Good.
- Lo conseguiré esta noche.
- Oh, I'll get it for you, Dad.
- Yo te lo traeré papá.
Dámela, ya iré yo.
- I'll get it back for you.
- Haré que se lo devuelvan.
Very nice. Get some music, I'll sing it for you.
Precioso, ponle música y te lo cantaré.
I'll get it for you, I know where it is.
Yo lo cogeré, sé dónde está.
Pero te los conseguiré.
Don't cry. I'll go with you. I'll get it for you.
No llores, iré contigo y te lo cogeré.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Tomkins. I'll sure get it for you.
Gracias, Tomkins, conseguiré ese dinero.
I'll get it for you later.
Se la conseguiré más tarde.
Wait, I'll get it for you.
Deja, te lo doy yo.
I'll get you news of every English treasure ship that sails... when it's leaving and the port it's making for.
Os conseguiré noticias de cada barco inglés con tesoros. Cuándo sale y a qué puerto va.
- I'll get it for you.
- Se lo traeré.
Here, peter. I think we better dispose of the lamb for the time - It'll get all cold-Wet, you know, and catch cold.
Creo que mejor dejamos el cordero, por un momento... cogerá frío estando mojado, ya sabes, coge frío.
I'll get it for you in a minute.
Se la traigo en un momento.
I'll get it for you, and we can go together.
Te lo traeré y nos iremos juntos.
- Well, let me alone and I'll get it for you.
- Déjeme a mí y se la conseguiré.
I'll get it for you.
Yo te lo cojo.
I'm afraid it'll mean a lot of extra work for you... putting things in order so I can get away.
Temo que va a caer mucho trabajo sobre usted... ordenando todo antes de que me vaya.
Do it some more. Do it some more. I'll get you time-and-a-half for overtime.
Un poco más, haré que te paguen bien las horas extra.

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