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I'll leave it to you translate Spanish

979 parallel translation
Knowing that I'm rich and an orphan, you and your brother have cowardly conceded to luring me into your perverted world so you can exploit me, but I can see clearly now and want to leave this demeaning life. I'll do anything to make it happen.
Sabiendo que soy rico y huérfano, usted y su hermano me han introducido cobardemente en su pervertido mundo para así poder explotarme, pero ahora puedo ver con claridad y quiero abandonar esta degradante vida.
I'll leave it up to you.
Se lo dejo a usted.
I thought we could spend the morning going over everything I'd done. No, I'll leave it to you guys.
Quería enseñarte lo que había hecho por la mañana...
You leave this whole thing to me. I'll straighten it all out.
Verás cómo soluciono ya este problema.
I'll resign, leave it up to you.
Dimitiré, dejaré que se ocupe de ello.
I'll believe it when I see the ghost myself. Now you run along Donald and leave Mrs. Martín to me.
Ud. váyase y déjeme a mí a la Sra. Martín.
I'll leave it to you. Would any court not be in sympathy with a woman who gave up her best years for your uncle?
Lo dejo a su juicio. ¿ Qué tribunal no compadecerá a la mujer que dio los mejores años de su vida a su tío?
I'll leave for Paris with the night train perhaps you'll think it over once more whether two grown-up persons don't have a right to fight for their happiness
Me iré a París en el tren de esta noche. Tal vez lo pienses una vez más si dos adultos no tienen derecho a defender su felicidad.
If you come back with some story about having to leave, I'll know it's a frame-up.
Si regresas diciendo que te tienes que ir... sabré que es una mentira.
Oh, I'll leave it to you, sir.
Oh, voy a perdonárselo señor.
I'll leave it to you to arrange everything.
Dejaré que tú te encargues de todo.
If you want to carry on being a stupid schpountz, I'll go and leave you to it.
Si sigue diciendo idioteces y haciendo el Schpountz, me voy y se las arregla usted solo.
I can't leave this stuff to kiss you or it'll go flat.
No puedo dejar esto para besarte o se estropeará.
I don't know if it's love or force of habit, but if you leave me, I'll be very unhappy, and I don't want to be.
No sé si será amor o pura costumbre, pero si usted me dejara, sería muy infeliz y no quiero serlo.
Then I'll leave it to you. Excuse me.
Le traeré el cuchillo.
Well, Colonel, Admiral, or whatever it is, I'll have to ask you to leave this house, sir.
Bueno, coronel, almirante,..., le ruego que deje esto.
I'll leave it to you and the girl.
Os lo dejo a ti y a la chica.
I'll leave you to it.
Lo dejo en tus manos.
Make it Kiyoko, and I'll leave the rest to you.
Consigue a Kiyoko, os dejaré el resto.
And I know it's a strange request, But if you'll help me, and I do need help desperately, I promise to make up to you everything you have to leave behind.
Y sé que es una extraña petición, pero si me ayuda, y necesito ayuda desesperadamente, le prometo que voy a compensarla por todo lo que tiene que dejar atrás.
I'll leave it to you.
Se lo dejo a usted.
"She'll understand," I said, "how important it is when you finally do get a little leave, to meet someone..."
"Ella lo entenderá", dije, "lo importante que es... cuando te dan permiso, conocer a alguien..."
I'll let you alone when you promise to leave the phone where it is.
¡ Déjame en paz!
Okay, then I'll leave it to you.
Lo dejo en tus manos.
You'll write a letter to him. I'll send it before we leave.
Cinco minutos antes de partir yo podría enviarle una bella carta que le escribirás tú.
I'll leave it to you.
Lo dejo en sus manos.
You leave now, dearie. Leave the whole thing to me. I'll take care of it.
Puede irse y deje conmigo.
Well, I'll leave you to it now.
Bien, ahora te dejo.
I'll leave it just in case you need to wash up.
La dejaré por si acaso necesitas lavarte.
And when I leave here, you'll lock the door and you'll keep it locked until I come back here and tell you to unlock it.
Cuando me vaya, cierre con llave hasta que regrese y le diga que abra.
I'll leave it with you to get in touch with me.
- Ponte en contacto conmigo.
All right, Steve, I'll leave it to you.
Muy bien, Steve, lo dejo en tus manos.
You just leave it to me, and I'll see that you get your parole quick.
Deja que me encargue, y tu libertad condicional saldrá rápido.
I'll leave you to it, then
Entonces, me iré yo de aquí. Buenas noches.
I'll leave the talking to you. You're good at it.
Dejaré que os encarguéis de las reuniones, se os dan bien.
When I make some milk and cheese tomorrow, I'll leave it all to you.
Mañana cuando saque la leche y haga queso, te lo dejaré todo.
Leave it to me, I'll help you.
Deja que te ayude.
If there's something bothering you that you can't tell me about, please talk to Shinako about it. I'll leave you two alone.
Si hay algo que te inquiete y no puedas decirme, habla, por favor, con Shinako de ello.
- I'll leave you to it, then
- Me marcharé, pues.
I'll leave it up to you, Rutledge.
Te lo dejo a ti, Rutledge.
- Deborah, I'll leave it to you, but remember, you're my wife.
Deborah, lo dejaré en tus manos, pero recuerda que eres mi esposa.
Well, it just so happens I need a robe, but you'll have to leave the room.
Bueno, en cuanto salga del baño, necesitaré esa bata pero tendrás que salir del baño.
Well, I'll leave it up to you Lala. Do you want me for who I am or do you want this chump for the chimp he used to be?
Bueno debes elegir, me quieres a mi por lo que soy o quieres a este chimpancé por lo que era.
Because I'm going to get some money - so much money that you'll be able to leave that woman... and then never have to worry about that part of it again.
Voy a conseguir dinero. Tanto dinero que podrás dejar a esa mujer... y nunca tendrás que preocuparte por eso de nuevo.
You'll do this room when I choose to leave it.
IArreglaréis esta habitación cuando decida abandonarla!
Then I'll leave you alone with my husband to talk it over.
Entonces te dejo con mi marido para que charléis.
Well, I'll leave you to it.
Lo dejo en sus manos.
I'll leave it to you.
Se lo dejo aquí.
- Just leave it right there and I'll be happy to sign it and send it to you.
- Déjelo ahí y con gusto lo firmaré y se lo enviaré.
Well, I'll leave it to you, then.
Bien, lo dejaré en tus manos, entonces.
I'll leave it to you.
Se la dejaré.

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