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I'll let him know translate Spanish

491 parallel translation
I'll ask him about it in the morning... and let you know immediately.
le preguntaré mañana y se lo haré saber.
Yes, and you can tell your fine friend hillcrist what's happening anyway, i'll soon let him know.
Por favor. Vaya a contarle a su querido Sr. Hillcrist Io que pasa. Es igual.
I'll let him know.
Voy a avisarle.
You'll not let him know I've seen this.
No permitas que sepa que he visto esto.
By what kind fate he got a job today I'll never know. And how long will the store keep him? And what will become of him when they let him out?
Nunca sabré por qué extraña suerte consiguió hoy este trabajo... y cuánto tiempo durará en él... y lo que será de él cuando le echen?
I'll never let him know I know.
Nunca dejaré que sepa que yo lo sé.
Hold on, I'll let him know.
Espere, que voy a avisarle.
You'd better tell Mr. Brooke to keep away from us... or I'll let him know what I think of him.
Dile al Sr. Brooke que no se acerque o le diré cuatro palabras.
Then I'll let him go and he'll never know how I feel about him.
Dejaré que se vaya y nunca sabrá lo que siento por él.
When you ´ ve made up your mind about him, let me know. I ´ ll be waiting.
Cuando se decida respecto a él dígamelo, estaré esperando.
I don't know whether I'll let you book him now.
No se si te dejare contratarlo ahora.
I shall be passing his way. I'll let him know. Thank you, sir.
Diga al Capitán que queremos dos pistones para la bomba hidráulica.
- Tell him that when Don Emidio is ready for baptism.. he'll let me know and I'll go be a godfather.
Dile a Ricuccio que cuando don Emidio esté listo para el bautismo me avise, que seré su padrino.
I don't know, if we let him outside, they'll catch him soon.
No lo sé, si le echamos lo pillarán enseguida.
That'll make up for those times I let him down. You know what I mean?
Eso va a compensar... por las veces que lo decepcioné, ya sabes.
Yes, I'll let him know.
Sí, se lo haré saber.
OK, don't get angry, I don't know your father... but if you come by on Sunday maybe one of the matadors will know him... and anyway, I'll let you in for free.
Está bien, no te enojes, yo no conozco a tu padre, pero si vienen el domingo tal vez alguno de los matadores sepa de él, y además, pues, pueden ver la corrida gratis.
I'll let him know what it feels like to be his son!
¡ Me gustaría que supiese Io que se siente siendo su hijo!
Okay, then I'll let him know.
Bien, de acuerdo.
I understand. As soon as I find him, I'll let you know.
Yo también, Srta. Le prometo que se lo traeré a su lado.
- Go to bed. I'll let you know when I've found him.
Ve a la cama, te avisaré en cuanto le encuentre.
I'll let you know when it's time to kill him.
Te haré saber cuándo habrás de matarle.
I know I'll never let him go.
sé que... nunca lo dejaré ir.
I'll let him know.
¿ Quisiera hablar con el dueño? .
If you're havin'a good time, let the captain know and I'll have him steam around in circles!
¡ Si lo estás pasando bien, avisa al capitán para que dé un rodeo!
Listen, if there's anything I can do for him, for Lois, you'll let me know, will you?
Si hay algo que pueda hacer por él o por Lois, házmelo saber. ¿ Vale?
Señor Swann, el señor Richardson está aqui para verlo.
Let me know when and I'll tire him out for you.
Dime cuándo y te lo dejaré exhausto.
I'll let him know
Le haré saber
Just tell him to wait. I'll let him know.
Dígales que esperen, yo les aviso.
If you know what's good for you, you better get on that phone and tell Mr. Big-shot Farmer that I said he'd better let me on that stage or I'll crucify him in 150 newspapers every day for the rest of his useless life.
Si sabe lo que le conviene, es mejor que llame al Gran Sr. Farmer y le diga que más le vale dejarme entrar al estudio o lo voy a denigrar en 150 periódicos cada día durante el resto de su insignificante vida.
I'll do anything to let him know that I'm his
Para ser suya lo que sea haré
Now listen, son, if you ever get the money... and you do want him to have a nice headstone... you just let me know, and I'll see to it personally... that a real nice one is placed on the grave.
Escucha, hijo, si llegas a conseguir el dinero... y quieres que tenga una bonita lápida, dímelo y me ocuparé personalmente... de que le pongan una preciosa en la tumba.
All right, I'll let him know.
Está bien, se lo diré.
Si me cruzo con un frances le aviso.
Don't let him do this, I'll tell you what you want to know!
¡ No le deje, les diré lo que quieran, por Dios!
After he's busted, I'll make sure to let him know you knew beforehand.
Cuando lo detengan, me aseguraré de que sepa que tú estabas enterado.
I'll let him know you're looking for him.
- Si lo veo, ya se lo diré.
I'll let him know why I'm called the North-Wing Killer!
Todos van a saber por qué me llaman "El Asesino del Ala Norte".
I'll let him know you're here.
Le diré que está aquí.
Why I let him put me down as who to notify in case of emergency I'll never know.
Por qué le deje ponerme en la lista para notificar en caso de la emergencia nunca lo sabré.
I'll let him know.
Se lo diré.
- Honey, can't you try to relax... and I'll let you know. - and just talk to him? He's just fine.
- Procuren tranquilizarse... y les mantendré informados.
- Oh. - I'll let him know you're interested.
Pero ten por seguro que le haré saber que estás interesado.
- I'll let him know you're here.
- Le avisaré de que está aquí.
I'll, uh, let him know you're coming.
Le... le haré saber que vienes.
- I'll let him know you're here.
- Le diré que está aquí.
Well, let's hope so. We'll know the 30th. I'm having dinner with him.
Lo sabremos el día 30, como con él.
- I'll leave him a note let him know where we are.
- Le dejaré una nota diciéndole dónde estamos.
I'll let him know.
Se lo haré saber.
I'll let him know that's cancelled.
Voy a hacerle saber que está cancelado.

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