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I'll see myself out translate Spanish

162 parallel translation
Thanks, I'll see myself out.
- Gracias, te acompaño hasta la puerta.
So I says to myself, "I'll sneak into town and see me mother and I'll duck right out again."
Así que me dije, "Iré al pueblo a ver a mi madre y me volveré a escapar".
I'll go right out and get myself a permanent, so I'll be pretty when you see me.
Voy a hacerme una permanente para estar guapa cuando vengas.
No, sir, I'll see myself out.
- Si, por supuesto.
I'll see myself out.
I'll see myself out.
Encontraré la salida.
I'll see myself out.
No me acompañe.
I'll see myself out.
Conozco la salida.
I'll see myself out.
Me marcho.
I'll see myself out, Lady Randolph.
Ya me voy, Lady Randolph.
Don't bother! I'll see myself out.
No te molestes, conozco el camino.
- I'll see myself out.
- Conozco la salida.
I'll see myself out.
- Yo misma lo haré.
I'll soon see. But I want to find out for myself.
Quiero comprobarlo por mí misma.
I'll see myself out.
- Escúcheme.
Good night. I'll... I'll see myself out.
Buenas noches. Yo encontraré la salida.
I'll see myself out.
Encontraré la salida yo solo.
Thank you for the nice fire, and I'll just see myself out.
Gracias por este fuego agradable, yo sólo me retiraré.
I'll see myself out.
No hace falta que me acompañe.
It's all right, Lionel, I'll see myself out.
Está bien, Lionel. Conozco el camino.
I'll see myself out.
Saldré yo mismo.
I'll see myself out!
Me está bien empleado.
I see our time is up. I'll let myself out.
Bueno, veo que es un poco tarde, no me acompañes!
I'll see myself out.
Ya salgo yo solo.
I'll see myself out.
Me voy fuera.
No, no, I'll see myself out.
No, no, buscaré sola la salida
Well, I'll see myself out.
Bueno, me voy.
I hope you're able to pass the message on to his mother. I'll see myself out.
Espero que usted sea capaz de transferir el mensaje a su madre.
I'll see myself out.
Ahora me tengo que ir.
- I'll see myself out.
- Veo que no.
I'll see myself out.
- Gracias Dr..
I made such a jackass of myself here, we start hanging out, every time I see you, it'll be like, 'Oh, that's right, I'm a jackass.'
Hice tanto el imbécil que cada vez que te vea sería como "Ah, es cierto, soy un imbécil".
I'll see myself out.
Yo mismo buscaré la salida.
I'll see myself out.
Yo mismo sabré encontrar la salida.
I'll see myself out.
Lo he visto por mi mismo.
Found the hair. So I guess I'll just, uh, see myself out.
Encontré el cabello, así que saldré yo solo...
I had it picked out myself and framed in a fabulous gold. You'll see...
Lo elegí yo misma, lo enmarqué con un dorado fabuloso- -
I'll see myself out.
Voy a salir.
Oh, anyway. I'll see myself out.
Conozco la salida.
I'll see myself out.
No, conozco el camino.
I'll see myself out.
Me retiro.
Well, I'll just see myself out.
Bueno, me marcho.
I'll see myself out.
Me voy.
If I think you're losing it, I'll pull you out myself. but right now, I see someone who wants to get back on the job.
Si creyera que estás actuando mal te sacaría personalmente pero en este momento sólo veo a alguien que quiere regresar a trabajar.
I'll see myself out, thank you.
Lo veré afuera, gracias.
I'll see myself out.
Me mostraré sola la salida.
Thank you, I'll see myself out.
Gracias. Yo mismo buscaré la salida.
I'll see myself out.
me voy
- I'll see myself out.
- Ya salgo yo sola.
- I'll see myself out.
- Sé como salir.
I'll see myself out.
Conozco el camino.

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