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I've got a family translate Spanish

354 parallel translation
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Piensa que me aproveché de usted y me ha arruinado por eso y ha arruinado a mi familia y si alguien me hubiese contado el año pasado que hoy diría esto lo habría llamado maldito mentiroso.
I've taken care ofher for six years... but I've got a job in Frankfurt now - a rich family - and I can't be bothered with her anymore,
Llevo seis años cuidándola, pero obtuve un empleo en Frankfurt... con una familia rica y ya no puedo ocuparme de ella.
Please, father, I've got a family.
Por favor, padre, tengo familia.
I've got to feed the family.
Tengo que alimentar a la familia.
I've got a family.
Claro, tengo familia.
I look like a wash woman, but i've got family and influence, and all she's got are two generations of money.
Parezco una charlatana, pero tengo familia e influencia. Ella sólo tiene dos generaciones de dinero.
Two diplomas in the Nolan family all in one day? Mama, I've got a nickel if you want to leave it.
Mamá, tengo una moneda si quieres dejarla.
The police mustn't talk about their work. I've got a large family, I'm a respected shopkeeper.
Tengo una familia grande - y me gustaría saber -
Please... I've got a large family.
Por favor, tengo muchas deudas.
I've got a whole heap of valuable family heirlooms in here,
Tengo un montón de cosas de valor por aquí.
I've got a family interest in that mine.
Tengo un interés familiar en esa mina.
First, I've got to plant a family up there.
Primero tengo que plantar una familia allí.
You've got me there, General. I haven't got a family.
Con eso me ha ganado, general.
After all, I know that you've got a family, Mr. Harkley.
Después de todo, se que tiene una familia, Sr. Harkley.
It's the family I've got to convince.
- Tengo que convencer a la familia.
I've got a family upstate... and I don't want to have to do any explaining to my wi... mother.
Tengo una familia. ¡ Lárgate y ten el pico cerrado!
Now, I've got responsibilities... a wife in England, a family, an important job.
Tengo responsabilidades... Una esposa en Inglaterra, una familia, un buen trabajo.
I've got a family and I've been here for months.
- Tengo una familia y llevo aquí meses.
Maybe a younger janitor would manage better,.. but I've got a family as well and I well realize...
Quizás a un portero más joven le iría mejor, también yo soy padre de familia y de ciertas cosas me doy cuenta.
I've got a family! God forbid!
¡ Yo tengo una familia!
I've got a ranch to build up and a family to raise.
Tengo un rancho del que ocuparme y una familia que cuidar.
And remember, your honour, I've got a family.
Y recuerde, "cavaliere", que tengo familia.
I've got a family Marshal.
Tengo una familia.
I know that family of his has got a stranglehold on him but you've got a bigger claim on him than his mama.
Sé que esa familia suya lo tiene dominado pero tú tienes más derecho sobre él que su madre.
I got a roof over my head, a cot, and a stove... but you've got a beautiful house in Kahala and a family.
Tendré un tejado sobre la cabeza, una cama, una cocina... Pero tienes una casa preciosa en Kahala, y una familia.
I've got a family to feed.
Yo tengo una familia que alimentar.
- I've got a family back home!
- ¡ Tengo familia allí!
I've got a family to feed. Frank here wants to get married.
Tengo una familia que alimentar, Frank quiere casarse.
I know how tough it is to make ends meet when you've got a growing family, but we're gonna take care of that, too.
Sé lo difícil que es llegar a fin de mes cuando tienes que mantener una familia, pero también nos encargaremos de eso.
- Our campaign against the enemies of the public peace... is gaining momentum. I've got a part in The Family.
- Conseguí un papel en La Familia.
Bet you don't know, I've got a family.
A un muerto de hambre.
I've got an officer with a family. And he's shot up pretty bad.
Tengo un oficial, con familia, gravemente herido de bala.
I don't suppose you've got a family in Europe?
Supongo que usted no tendrá familia en Europa.
- I've got a family.
- Tengo una familia.
I've got a family to support
Tengo una familia que mantener.
Well, I'd just like to say, my lord, I've... I've got a family- - a wife and six kids- - and I hope very much you don't have to take away my freedom, because... well, because, my lord, freedom is a state much prized,
Sí, quiero decir que tengo f familia, esposa y seis hijos y... espero que no me quite mi libertad porque...
Honey- - honey, I've got to visit Wilmer's family.
Cielo, cielo, debo visitar a la familia de Wilmer.
I've got a family to think of.
Tengo que ocuparme de mi familia.
I've got Kanazawa, from the Otomo family
Tengo a Kanazawa, de la familia Otomo.
I've got a family, too.
Yo también tengo una familia.
I'm not as dumb as Gino, I've got a family.
Tengo familia.
Now I've got a ready-made family of two.
Ahora tengo una familia de dos.
I've got a family : a wife and three kids.
Yo tengo una familia que alimentar... tres niños, mi mujer..
I've got a family and employees.
Tengo a mi esposa, mis hijos y a mis empleados que pagar.
I've got something to tell the whole family.
Espera. Tengo algo que decirle a toda la familia.
I've got a family!
¡ Tengo familia, eh!
I've got a family.
Tengo familia.
I mean, you've probably got a family somewhere else too.
Probablemente tú también tendrás una familia en algún sitio.
Come on. I've got a family!
¡ Tengo una familia!
But now I've got to save my family.
Pero ahora tengo que salvar a mi familia.
I think we've got a lot in common... and I know I could provide for you and a family.
Creo que tenemos mucho en común y que podría proveer para ti y una familia.

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