I've got to translate Spanish
40,212 parallel translation
Now that I've got him nerd-hooked, it's time to start my own process.
Ahora que lo empollón-enganchado tengo, Es el momento de comenzar mi propio proceso.
So, I've reviewed your paperwork, and it seems like we've got everything we need to file a patent for your infinite persistence gyroscope.
Bueno, he revisado sus documentos, y parece que tenemos todo lo que necesitamos para solicitar una patente para su giroscopio de persistencia infinita.
I've got somewhere to go.
Yo sí tengo adónde ir.
I've got no clue how any of this happened or why or who I'm supposed to trust.
No tengo ni idea cómo pasó nada de esto o por qué o en quién puedo confiar.
If you want to hang out, i've got
Ninguna, pero son hallazgos preliminares.
It is, but... security footage From the collage hotel just downloaded, and I've got to go through it in electronics.
Pero el vídeo de seguridad del Hotel Collage acaba de descargarse y tengo que revisarlo en electrónica.
Number Five, I've got to ask you something.
Número Cinco, tengo que preguntarte algo.
I've got to go get my girl, right?
Tengo que ir a buscar a mi chica, ¿ verdad?
Like I've got nothing better to do, right?
Como si no tuviera nada mejor que hacer, ¿ verdad?
OK, so these are what I've got to find.
Son las que tengo que identificar.
I've got to find the yellow countries.
Tengo que encontrar los países amarillos.
I've got no way to dock the leg.
No tengo manera de acoplar la pierna.
If you've got a warrant, we're happy to comply. I'm afraid I have an appointment. My secretary will see you out.
Para cuando salí corriendo hacia el patio trasero, ya estaba persiguiendo a Frankie y Tommy alrededor de la casa.
And I've got something I need to do.
Y yo tengo algo que hacer.
Spencer Strasmore, number 92. Sorry, buddy, I've got to get this.
Spencer Strasmore, número 92.
I've already got Vernon lying to Dallas about his injury.
Y Vernon le miente a Dallas.
Guys, I've got to take this. What's up, Jay?
Tengo que contestar.
Right now I've got him going second round on my big board. Given his inability to prove that he's not a total head case, he could fall even further.
Pronostico que será seleccionado en segunda ronda y como no ha probado que no está loco de remate podría caer más.
It's funny, I pictured living in Manhattan, but I've only been to Manhattan maybe three times since I got here. - And how long ago was that?
Es curioso, me imaginaba estando en Manhattan, pero sólo he estado en Manhattan tres veces tal vez desde que estoy aquí.
Yeah, we've got to get lunch. I think it's inside.
Sí, tenemos que llevar almuerzo, creo que es dentro.
We've got stuff to do. OK, I'm doing it.
- Yo lo hago.
I've got something over here I think you're gonna want to see.
Tengo algo más de aquí creo que vas a querer ver.
Oh! I've got to get a picture of this paneling for my dad.
Tengo que mandarle una foto de este revestimiento a mi padre.
I've got one son who's a kleptomaniac, the other who's in love with his own aunt - - creepy even by your standards - - and a daughter who I was forced to see naked as the day she was born.
Tengo un hijo cleptómano, este otro que está enamorado de su propia tía, asqueroso, incluso para ti... y una hija a la que me he visto obligado a ver desnuda como el día en que nació.
I've got actual in-charge-type work to do.
Tengo que hacer trabajo del tipo estar-al-mando de verdad.
I wouldn't want me either. - Ladies, this week you've got to use your charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent to chorally gratify me and the judges.
Señoritas, esta semana necesitaran usar su carisma, autenticidad coraje y talento para satisfacerme a mi y a los jurados.
- ♪ I've made up my mind ♪ - Dude, you got to show me your ab regimen.
Oye, Zita. ¿ Tienes un segundo?
But I got to say, man, this is first time I've seen you really care about your job.
Pero tengo que decirte, que es la primera vez que veo que de verdad te preocupas por tu trabajo.
I've just come to my senses and realized I've got to step up for my nephew.
He entrado en razón y me he dado cuenta de que tengo que dar un paso por mi sobrino.
It's just coming home and seeing my friends and everything that Ali's going through I realize I've got a lot of unresolved things in my life and it wouldn't be fair to you.
Es solo que venir a casa y ver a mis amigas y por todo lo que está pasando Ali, me di cuenta que tengo muchos asuntos sin resolver en mi vida y no sería justo para ti.
I've got to get on top of this.
Tengo que llegar a la cima de esto.
I've just got to sleep.
Sólo tengo que dormir.
I guess I've got a lot of thinking to do.
Creo que tengo mucho en qué pensar.
I've got panicked residents I need to talk down.
Tengo residentes en pánico a los que necesito calmar.
Full disclosure, I haven't had time to read this, but love how you've grown Mutiny and can't wait to hear what you've got.
Completamente abierta, no he tenido tiempo de leer esto, pero me encanta como han hecho crecer a Mutiny y no puedo esperar a oír que tienen.
But I've got a board and investors and I've got people to answer to.
Pero tengo una mesa de inversores y tengo muchas personas a las cuales responderles.
I've got tickets to a charity thing, a fundraiser for Save the Bay.
Tengo entradas para una cuestión de caridad, una colecta para Salvar la Bahía.
A friend of mine's fallen ill, and, um, I've got to swing by, check in.
Un amigo mío ha caído enfermo, y, um, tengo que pasar por, el registro de entrada.
I've got to postpone.
Tengo que posponer.
I've got to tell Seth.
Tengo que decírselo a Seth.
I've got half a mind to sue.
Tengo casi decidido a demandar.
Well, I've got some... information you're gonna need to know.
Tengo algo de... información que vais a necesitar saber.
If you've got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I'll do it.
Si tienes algo para mí para golpear, disparar, o matar, házmelo saber y lo haré.
Unless you've got a cast and crew up your sleeves, I'm afraid I've got no choice but to declare bankruptcy and sell this studio at a loss.
A menos que tengan un elenco escondido en algún lado, temo que no tendré más opción que declararme en bancarrota y vender el estudio por centavos.
Goodfellow, I've got the Commissioner, Chief Constable, not to mention the Home-ruddy-Secretary breathing down my neck, so please tell me I've got something to report back!
Goodfellow, tengo al comisario, al jefe de la policía, ni qué decir del maldito ministro del Interior... respirando en mi cuello, así que por favor dígame que tengo algo para comunicar.
Jim, I love you like a brother, but you've got to stop blaming the job for what happened between you and Lee.
Jim, te quiero como a un hermano, pero tienes que dejar de culpar al trabajo por lo que haya ocurrido entre Lee y tú.
Maybe you think, "Now I've got to go through all that again."
Quizá pienses, "Ahora tengo que volver a pasar por todo de nuevo".
You've got a case with her right now, so I wanted you to hear it from me.
Tienes un caso con ella ahora mismo, así que quería que lo supieses por mí.
Yeah, I've got like 20 other employees people asked me to look into, so...
Sí, tengo como otros 20 empleados que la gente me ha pedido que investigue, así que...
I'd be delighted to toast Marseille's health with you but I think we've got more important things to do.
Me encantaría brindar por la salud de Marsella con usted, pero tenemos cosas más importantes que hacer.
I've got to look after the one I've got.
Ahora tengo que cuidar de la que todavía tengo.
i've got to go 756
i've got to get going 23
i've got to know 19
i've got to go home 28
i've got to run 51
i've got to go now 34
i've got to tell you something 28
i've got to say 57
i've got to go to work 32
i've got to take this 32
i've got to get going 23
i've got to know 19
i've got to go home 28
i've got to run 51
i've got to go now 34
i've got to tell you something 28
i've got to say 57
i've got to go to work 32
i've got to take this 32
i've got to go back 19
i've got to see you 16
i've got to talk to you 60
i've got to tell you 39
i've got to get home 19
i've got to work 24
i've got to do something 29
i've got to be honest 20
i've got to get back 40
i've got to get to work 31
i've got to see you 16
i've got to talk to you 60
i've got to tell you 39
i've got to get home 19
i've got to work 24
i've got to do something 29
i've got to be honest 20
i've got to get back 40
i've got to get to work 31
i've got to do this 18
i've got to get back to work 25
i've got to find him 17
i've got to get out of here 51
i've got to get out 16
i've got to admit 19
i've got this 271
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i've got you 463
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i've got to find him 17
i've got to get out of here 51
i've got to get out 16
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i've got this 271
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i've got you 463
i've got 661
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i've got a family 22
i've got a car 16
i've got this one 21
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i've got it 1049
i've got a headache 42
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i've got a family 22
i've got a car 16
i've got this one 21
i've got nothing to lose 16