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I been thinking translate Spanish

9,431 parallel translation
I been thinking...
He estado pensando...
I been thinking, and I got kind of an idea.
He estado pensando y tengo una idea.
I've been thinking, with nothing substantial to go on and Dante planting bombs all over the city, we might want to take a flyer...
He estado pensando... con nada substancial para seguir y Dante plantando bombas... por toda la ciudad, podríamos tomar ventaja...
I may have been a bit hasty when we first walked in the room, but I got to thinking about what's at stake here.
Yo podría haber sido un poco apresurada cuando entramos en la habitación, pero me puse a pensar en lo que está en juego aquí.
I've been thinking a lot about our last talk.
He estado pensando mucho acerca de nuestra última conversación.
I was thinking that there has never been a better time to go shopping.
Pensaba que es un momento ideal para ir de compras.
Ever since I met you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
Desde que te conocí, no he sido capaz de parar de pensar en ti.
I've been thinking maybe we... maybe we've hit a... hit a plateau.
He estado pensando que quizás... quizás estamos en una meseta.
Listen, I've been thinking maybe we should quit therapy.
Escucha, he estado pensando que quizás deberíamos dejar la terapia.
I've been thinking... a lot.
He estado pensando... mucho.
I've been thinking about options.
He estado pensando en las posibilidades.
So, I've been thinking about our talk, and Trent hasn't been making me feel very good about myself lately, but do you know whose fault that is?
Entonces, estuve pensando sobre lo que hablamos, y Trent no me ha hecho sentir muy bien conmigo misma últimamente, ¿ pero sabes de quién es la culpa?
I've been thinking.
He estado pensando.
I've been thinking about this all wrong.
Estuve pensando en todo esto del modo equivocado.
I've been thinking, and what I really want this year is to get baptized.
He estado pensando, y lo que realmente quiero este año es que me bauticen.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about you since then.
Es eterno.
I've been thinking about that day recently.
He estado pensando en ese día recientemente.
I have been thinking about Branch, too.
He estado pensando en Branch, también.
I've been thinking about the choices I made.
He estado pensando acerca de la decisiones que he tomado.
I've been thinking the same thing, too, but...
He estado pensando la misma cosa, también, pero...
The restaurant's been a little slow lately, so I was thinking about getting a mechanical bull to steer in the crowds.
El restaurante va un poco lento últimamente, así que estaba pensando en comprar un toro mecánico para atraer a las masas.
You know, I've been thinking about what you said.
Estuve pensando en lo que dijiste.
I've been doing a lot of thinking, about everything.
He estado pensando un poco, acerca de todo.
And I've also been thinking about the Napier deal, and I've reconsidered my position.
Y también he estado pensando en el trato con Napier y he reconsiderado mi postura.
Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about it since I got here and, um... I can see why you think I'm... some kind of nymphomaniac.
Sí, estuve pensando mucho sobre eso desde que llegué aquí y... puedo ver porqué tú piensas que yo... algún tipo de ninfómana.
( Forrest voice-over ) Perhaps after all I'd been through, I was not thinking clearly, but this imaginary person had come to mean a great deal to me.
Quizás después de todo por lo que había pasado no estaba pensado con claridad, pero esta persona imaginaria había llegado a significar mucho para mí.
I've been thinking, And what I really want this year is to get baptized.
He estado pensando, y lo que realmente quiero este año es que me bauticen.
I've just been thinking.
Solo estaba pensando.
I never would have noticed something like this before, but I've been working for a very long time with somebody who's good at seeing into people, what they're thinking, feeling.
Nunca antes me habría fijado en algo como esto, pero he estado trabajando durante mucho tiempo... con alguien que es bueno en mirar en el interior de la gente, en lo que están pensando, sintiendo.
- Are you guys serious? You been walking around thinking I did this?
¿ Estuvieron dando vueltas pensando que hice esto?
- I've been thinking a lot about the wedding.
He estado pensando mucho sobre la boda.
Ma, you know what, I've been thinking, and I think it's great that you're taking a French cooking class.
Ma, sabes que. He estado pensando, y creo que es genial que estes tomando clases de comida Francesa
- Janie, I've been thinking.
- Janie, he estado pensando.
Oh, I've been thinking about your wardrobe, And I was wrong about starting with ensembles.
He estado pensando tu vestuario, y me equivoqué acerca de empezar por conjuntos.
You see, I've been thinking about this since before.
Yo... he estado pensando.
I've been in my room for the last week sleeping and thinking and really getting into the comic strip Cathy. Oh, I'm really excited that we can finally talk about Cathy.
Me encanta que por fin podamos hablar de Cathy.
I've been thinking a lot, too, about this morning.
Yo también he pensado mucho, en lo de esta mañana.
I've been thinking of running against you.
He estado pensando en postularme contra ti.
I've been thinking of running against you.
He pensado en hacer campaña contra ti.
You know what I've been thinking?
¿ Sabes qué he estado pensando?
After we'd... been together awhile... I started thinking about...
Después de que... estuviéramos juntos un tiempo... empecé a pensar... en esa mujer de la pantalla... deseando tenerla a ella... y no a la versión de carne y hueso sentada a mi lado.
Well, that's completely unfair, which is why I've been thinking- - there's this guy who comes in every week to get his palm read- - Rufus.
Bueno, eso es completamente injusto, es por ello que he estado pensando- - hay un tipo que viene en todas las semanas para obtener su palma read-
Now, I've been thinking a lot about this, and, uh, you said it yourself.
Bien, he estado pensando mucho en esto, y ya lo dijiste tú misma.
I've been thinking about everything you do - - you know, for the children, for me... and, uh... I wanted to get you something special, something to really mark the occasion.
He estado pensando en todo lo que haces... ya sabes, por los niños, por mí... y... quería regalarte algo especial, algo que de verdad remarcara la ocasión.
I've been thinking, Harry, while you were gone.
He estado pensando, Harry, mientras tú no estabas.
Listen, I've been thinking.
Escucha, he estado pensando.
I have been thinking about her.
He estado pensando en ella.
By the way, I've been thinking about Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin...
Por cierto, pensé en Chatsky. Onegin. Pechdrin...
Look, I've been thinking about how everything went so wrong this weekend.
Mira, he estado pensando en cómo ha ido todo tan mal este fin de semana.
And maybe I should have been thinking about something else.
Y tal vez debería haber estado pensando en otra cosa.
I've been thinking about it ever since, About what you said.
He estado pensando en ello desde entonces, en lo que dijiste.

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