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I did it to protect you translate Spanish

81 parallel translation
I did it to protect you. You can discharge me, but I was right to do it.
Puede Ud. despedirme pero tuve que hacerlo.
- I did it to protect you.
- Lo hice para protegeros.
I did it to protect you.
Sólo te cuento lo que he escuchado.
- I did it to protect you.
- Lo hice para protegerte.
I did it to protect you.
Lo hice para protegerte.
It sounds a little crazy when you say it like that, but I did it to protect you, Bianca.
Suena un poco loco cuando lo dices así, pero lo hice para protegerte, Bianca.
'I did it to protect you.'
Lo hice para protegerte.
Sorry, but I did it to protect you, okay, and that's still our baby.
Lo lamento, pero lo hice para protegerte, ¿ bien? - Y aún es nuestro bebé.
I did it to protect you, all of you.
Lo hice para protegerlos.
I did it to protect you. I'm sorry.
Lo hice para protegerte, lo siento.
I tried telling myself I did it to protect you.
Me decía a mi misma que era para protegerte.
I did it to protect you, to protect our family.
Lo hice para protegerte, y a nuestra familia.
I did it all for you I did it to protect you
Todo lo hice por ti. Lo hice para protegerte.
Only know I did it to protect you.
Sólo sepa que lo hice para protegerle.
I did it to protect you, Ellen.
Lo hice para protegerte, Ellen.
I did it to protect you, Mama.
Lo hice para protegerte, Mamá.
- He didn't. I manipulated him, and I did it to protect you.
Yo lo manipulé a él, y fue para protegerte.
But I did it to protect you from the pain... the same pain I felt when I found out about J.R.'s infidelities.
Pero lo hice para protegerte del dolor... del mismo dolor que sentí cuando descubrí las infidelidades de J.R.
I did it to protect you.
- Lo hice para protegerte.
If I say, "I did it to protect you," one more time, you're gonna scream, right?
Si digo, "Lo hice para protegerte", una vez más, vas a gritar, ¿ verdad?
I did it to protect you.
Lo hice para protegeros.
I suppose it doesn't matter to you that she was probably forced to do whatever she did to protect herself.
Supongo que no le importará saber... que seguramente se vio obligada a hacer lo que hizo para protegerse a sí misma.
I'm sure you realize I did it to protect me.
Estoy seguro que se da cuenta que lo hice para protegerme.
I'm sure your father did not want you to protect his style if it meant the loss of your life.
Estoy seguro que tu padre No querría que protegieras su estilo, si eso significara la pérdida de tu vida.
I am sure you will all fulfill the promise, which you sealed at the time with your signatures, to protect the king should it be necessary to put away Queen Joan and the people did not approve of that serious decision.
Seguro estoy de que todos vosotros cumpliréis con el ofrecimiento que sellásteis en su momento con vuestras firmas, de amparar al Rey en el caso que fuera preciso encerrar a Doña Juana y que el pueblo no tomase a bien esta grave resolución.
Well, I could tell you I did it to protect people from radiation, but the truth of it is, I got sick of looking at it...
Bueno, podría decirte que lo hice para proteger a la gente de la rsdiación, pero la verdad es que,... me siento enferma de quedarme mirandola...
That's because you got lucky with the dice and did not have the responsibility to protect to Brazil and I would not call it "crush"
Eso es porque tuviste suerte con el dado y no tenías la responsabilidad de proteger a Brasil y yo no lo llamaría "aplastar"
I did it to protect you, all right? Same reason I didn't tell Sean anything.
Bueno, Paulie, ¿ estás seguro?
But you're right. I did effectively deny knowledge of the letter and I did it solely to protect Emma Tysoe.
Pero tiene razón.Yo debía negar la existencia de carta.
Lo cual es exactamente lo que Mel dice que será lo que yo valga cuando acaben conmigo.
Now I know how you'd hold it against me for not telling you, but... did you ever think that maybe I did it... to protect you from it all?
Ahora, se como te sientes por no habertelo dicho, pero pensaste que quizas lo hice... para protegerte de todo eso?
You did it to protect me, so I'd have a mother and father like everyone else.
Lo hiciste para protegerme, y así yo tendría una madre y un padre como todos.
I did not understand how you could be so.... Frightened, frightened of how... The truth could do harm to a person they Do the wrong thing just to protect it.
No entendía cómo podías estar tan.... asustado, asustado de cómo... podría afectar la verdad a alguien como para hacer lo incorrecto sólo para protegerle.
There's never a good reason for a father to leave his little girl. And I don't know what your mom did all these years to protect me, but I don't deserve it. And I don't want you blaming her anymore or anyone else for me not being around.
Nunca hay una buena razón para que un padre deje a su hija y no sé por qué tu madre me ha protegido durante todos estos años porque no lo merecía y no quiero que sigas culpándola a ella ni a nadie más por no haber estado contigo
Now I'm sure you did it to protect your mom.
Ahora, estoy seguro que lo hiciste para proteger a tu madre.
I can't tell you about it, but I promise you, I did it to protect us.
No puedo hablarte sobre eso, pero te aseguro que lo hice para protegernos.
My dear, I know what the demon did to you, and I promise you, Henry would never have brought the chalice to me if he didn't think I could protect it.
Mi querida, sé lo que te hizo el demonio y te prometo que Henry nunca me hubiera entregado el cáliz si no pensara que podía protegerlo.
Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but I did it for all the right reasons, to protect you.
Es sólo un poco... las piedras pueden dañar los huesos, pero lo hice por buenas razones, para protegerte.
It was a real eerie feeling, I thought, but, uh, you know, we had to do our job, and that was to protect the interests of the government, and, uh, that's what we did in, uh, maintaining the base.
Fue un sentimiento muy inquietante, pero había que hacer nuestro trabajo... que era proteger el interés del gobierno... y eso hicimos al mantener la base.
I did it to protect you, Alex.
- ¡ Eso no es verdad!
Well, he might want to take a D.N.A. sample down to the 24th precinct tomorrow the point is I did it to protect you.
Lo cierto es que lo hice para protegerte. ¿ A mí?
I know you did it to protect me.
Sé que lo hiciste para protegerme.
I did this to protect Caleb, and I would do it for any one of you if I could.
Lo hice para proteger a Caleb, y lo haría por cualquiera de vosotras si pudiera.
All I ever wanted to do was protect you. Everything I did, good or bad, I did it for you.
Todo lo que yo quería hacer era protegerte todo lo que hice, bueno o malo, lo hice por ti.
I only did it because I wanted to protect you.
Solo lo hice porque quería protegerte.
I only did it to protect you.
Sólo lo hice para protegerte.
You did it because I'm pregnant and because you were trying to protect me.
Lo hiciste porque estoy embarazada y porque intentabas protegerme.
I did it to protect them from you.
Lo hice para protegerlos de tí.
But I did it to keep you from learning the name of your real father, to protect you.
Pero lo hice para evitar que supieras el nombre de tu verdadero padre, para protegerte.
I'm not rolling around in it. Well, still, I mean, did you do anything to protect yourself?
Aun así, quiero decir, ¿ haces algo para protegerte?
I'll lie to protect you bu! if they prove you did it, my life collapses!
Quisiera mentir para protegerte, pero si se descubre que eres tú, yo caigo como un dominó.

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