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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I didn't ask you that

I didn't ask you that translate Spanish

307 parallel translation
Even after everything that you just heard me say to you you still didn't ask me what I'm doing and why I'm holding your hand.
Incluso después de todo lo que acabas de escucharme decirte... todavía no me preguntas que estoy haciendo ni por qué te agarro la mano.
El único motivo de preguntarlo... es porque, como ve, no me creyó... cuándo le dije quién era.
Didn't ask you that Before, did I?
¿ Le he preguntado eso antes?
- I want that dough very much. If I didn't like you, I Wouldn't ask you for a quarter,
Esa chica me gusta mucho, y usted también o no le pediría esto.
And may I ask, why didn't you do it that way for the audience?
Y puedo preguntar ¿ por qué no lo has hecho así para la audiencia?
Mind you, I don't say it runs in the family... but it's my job to check every angle... and satisfy myself that Professor Gleason didn't die in this house... or I'll have to ask the police to step in.
Aunque no digo que venga de familia... es mi trabajo ver todo enfoque... y quedar satisfecho de que Gleason no murió en esta casa... o le pediré a la policía que intervenga.
I didn't ask you that.
No te he preguntado eso.
I didn't ask you that.
No le he preguntado eso.
I didn't ask you that, Doctor.
No le pregunté eso, doctor.
I didn't ask you that.
No te pregunté eso.
I didn't ask that. I asked if you had a drink here.
No le he preguntado eso, sino si tiene bebida.
I didn't ask you to stand in the middle of that automobile racetrack.
Yo no te pedí que te plantaras en medio de esa pista de carreras.
Do you resent our being here, or are you just disappointed that I didn't ask Kyle to turn back?
Le molesta que estemos aquí... o le ha defraudado que no le pidiera a Kyle que regresara.
i didn't ask you that.
No te pregunto esto.
Oh, no. I didn't mean to ask you that.
Oh, no... no debo preguntarle eso.
- I didn't ask you that. Where is he?
- No he preguntado eso. ¿ Dónde está?
I didn't ask you that.
Yo no pido que.
- I didn't ask you that.
- No se lo he preguntado.
- Well, what bothers me is that I didn't demand to be taken off it or even ask to be taken off it, I just hinted, you know.
Ni siquiera se lo pedí, sólo lo insinué.
No, no, I didn't ask you that.
- No, no le he pedido eso.
I didn't ask you that. I asked you why you sing.
Le he preguntado por qué canta.
I gather, then, that you didn't ask me here as a reporter?
Supongo entonces que no me llamó como reportero.
Didn`t I ask you to fix that gate?
¿ No te pedí que arreglaras esa puerta?
I didn't ask you if you believe that ghosts are seen.
No le he preguntado si cree usted que a uno se le puedan aparecer fantasmas.
I would've given a thousand rubles to have seen with my own eyes how you walked beside that man after he called you a murderer to your face and you didn't dare ask him anything.
Pagaría mil rublos por ver su cara... cuando aquel hombre le dijo : "asesino", y usted no se atrevió a preguntarle nada.
I didn't ask you that before.
No se lo había preguntado.
I didn't ask you that
Eso no te lo he preguntado.
- That's not why I didn't ask you.
- No fue por eso por lo que no te invité.
I didn't ask you that. I want to know if Kurath is a homosexual.
- ¡ Thomas! No le he preguntado eso.
Yes, I could see that the moment you didn't ask me to have...
Sí, pude notarlo cuando no me preguntó si quería algo para...
How do you like that? They didn't even ask how I'm feelin'.
Que ingratos, ni siquiera preguntaron como me sentía.
I gather that person didn't ask you to dance, after all.
- Supongo que esa persona no te invitó a bailar, después de todo.
I didn't say that he was unarmed Did they ask you if you've been drinking?
no dije que estuviera desarmado te preguntaron si bebiste?
I told you never to ask me that, didn't I?
Te dije que nunca me me pidieras eso, ¿ no?
Well, can I ask, Mr. Cutter, why you didn't tell the child that she couldn't touch you?
Bueno, puedo preguntarle, señor Cutter, ¿ por qué no le dijo a la niña que no podía tocarlo?
I didn't ask you to do that.
No te pedí que lo hicieras.
I didn't ask you that.
Lo veo, pero no me respondiste.
On top of that, if I didn't give you an answer... you'd call four or five friends and ask them the exact same thing... while I was laying in bed next to you trying to sleep.
Además, si yo no te respondía... Ilamabas a cuatro o cinco amigos para preguntarles lo mismo... mientras yo estaba tratando de dormir a tu lado.
No. I didn't ask you anything like that.
No te he preguntado nada de eso.
I didn't ask you that.
- Yo no le pregunté quién soy.
I didn't ask you about your food, that's why.
Es que no le he preguntado sobre la comida.
You can't say directly to me, that you saw her with another man a nice guy, with a motorbike, I didn't ask you about that.
Pero no me digáis a la cara : "He visto Cecilia con otro..." "... uno guapo con foulard y motocicleta. "
I didn't ask you for help because, it like, it takes a while... to develop that "ask for help" reflex.
No te pedí ayuda porque tomará tiempo desarrollar eso de "Pedir ayuda".
All right, I didn't expect you to ask me that.
No esperaba esa pregunta.
- Michael, I didn't ask you to do that.
Michael, no te pedí que hagas eso.
- Michael, I didn't ask you to do that. - No, Alice?
Michael, no te pedí que hagas eso.
- I didn't ask you to do that.
- No te pedí que hicieras eso.
I didn't ask you to do that, Donald.
Yo no te lo he pedido, Donald.
Let me ask you. When I had conversations with you and I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt that I thought that he was out of his mind and that I would never date anybody like that again, a little bell didn't go off in your head and say, "Well, maybe I should tell her now what I do for a living?"
Cuando te conte sobre Jack y como siempre estaba lastimado,..... y como yo nunca saldria con nadie parecido de nuevo..... nunca pensastes, "Tal vez debería decirle lo que hago para ganarme la vida"?
You know, I didn't ask you to do that.
Sabes, no te pedí que hicieras eso.
You told me you were out for an innocent walk. That's all I needed to know. You didn't ask hard questions, almost like you didn't want to know.
No basta con que los pacientes se precipiten a los tribunales para acusar a sus médicos por todos sus males...

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