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I didn't mean translate Spanish

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I didn't mean that.
No quería decir eso.
- I didn't mean it.
- No hablaba en serio.
I mean, I hope I didn't just offend you.
Espero no haberte ofendido.
No, Mom, I didn't mean it like that- -
No, mamá, no lo quise decir así- -
I didn't mean those things.
No lo decía en serio.
I was angry, but I didn't mean them.
Estaba enojada, no era mi intención.
Sorry, Wally, I didn't mean that- -
Lo sentimos, Wally, no quería decir que- -
I mean, watching it happen in front of me, living that, it didn't feel any different, because it was all still real.
Es decir, viendo que sucede delante de mí, que viven, No se sentía diferente, porque era todo sigue siendo real.
I didn't mean to get so angry. I...
No quise enfadarme, yo...
I didn't mean to shut you out. I just...
No te iba a dejar fuera, pero...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Lo siento, no quería interrumpir.
I didn't mean to make Mary sick.
No fue mi intención de que Mary enfermara.
I mean, you didn't even hesitate out there.
Ni siquiera dudaste ahí afuera.
I didn't mean to bust in.
No quería colarme.
I mean, she didn't even look at me.
Quiero decir, ni siquiera me miró.
Oh, no, I didn't mean with me, I meant alone.
No decía conmigo, sino tú solo.
Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
Lo siento, no quise asustarte.
- ( starts ) - I didn't mean to scare you.
Lo siento, no quería asustarte.
Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, I didn't...
Sí, absolutamente, quiero decir, yo no...
I know. Dad didn't mean to kill her. But, guys like that, it's only a matter of time.
Lo sé, papá no tenía intención de matarla... pero con los tipos así, sólo es cuestión de tiempo.
I mean, it's a shame that it didn't happen like "today" today.
Es una pena que no se arreglara justo hoy.
- No, I didn't mean...
- No, no quise decir...
I mean, I didn't kill him but...
Bueno, no le maté, pero...
God, no, I didn't mean tell THEM.
Dios, no, no quise decir "ellos".
I didn't mean to make her that upset.
No fue mi intención hacerla enfadar.
I didn't mean to lie, baby.
No te quise mentir, Ro.
I didn't mean a particular outfit.
No, no me refería a una vestimenta en particular.
I didn't MEAN anything.
No quería decir nada.
I didn't mean it like that.
- No quería decirlo así.
Just because it is not on the server, that does not mean I didn't send it.
Solo porque no esté en el servidor, no quiere decir que no lo enviara.
I didn't mean it.
No hablo en serio.
Oh, I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.
Estoy seguro de que no quiso decir eso
I know I messed things up... but I didn't mean to!
Sé que he complicado las cosas... ¡ pero no era mi intención!
The second my hair gets wet, the curls come right back, but in five days when it's still straight, doesn't mean I didn't shower.
En cuanto mi cabello se moje, los rizos volverán y en cinco días cuando siga lacio no significa que no me he bañado.
I said some things. It was stupid. I didn't mean it, all right?
Sí, escucha, Adam, estás un poco gordo para ser adicto a la Meta, para serte sincero.
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
No pretendía herir tus sentimientos.
I didn't mean to startle you.
No quise asustarte.
- I didn't mean to- -
- No quise...
- What do you mean I didn't trust you?
¿ Cómo que no confiaba en ti?
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Disculpa, no quería interrumpir.
I mean, I wish she didn't, but she did.
Ojalá no lo hubiese hecho, pero lo hizo.
I mean, we wanted to be with you so badly, but we just didn't want this life for you.
Digo, queríamos estar contigo, pero no queríamos esta vida para tí.
- I didn't mean to...
- Yo no quería...
I mean, didn't you hear Donald?
Quiero decir, ¿ no has escuchado a Donald?
I've had quite a bit of time to think, and I didn't mean what I said about Latin.
He tenido un poco de tiempo para pensar y no quería decir lo que dije sobre el latín.
I didn't mean to hurt him, but...
No quería hacerle daño, pero...
I didn't want to disturb you... No, I don't mean "why did you leave a note?", - I mean "why are you sleeping in the conservatory?"
No, no quiero decir : "¿ por qué me dejaste una nota?", quiero decir : "¿ por qué duermes en el porche?".
And I didn't mean to kill her.
Y no me refiero a matarla.
I mean, he didn't walk out of here like he walked in.
Es decir, él no salió de aquí como entró.
I wouldn't expect a miller's daughter to appreciate a virtuoso like Paganini, but, no, I didn't mean the music.
No esperaba que la hija de un molinero apreciara a Paganini... pero no me refería a la música.
I mean, do you think that he didn't have a chance to ask her?
¿ Cree que no tuvo oportunidad de hablar con ella?

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