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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I didn't realize that

I didn't realize that translate Spanish

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I suppose you're going to try and pretend that you didn't realize what you were doing.
Ahora fingirás que no te diste cuenta de lo que hacías.
What I didn't realize was that half my command were colonials, however, we march today with or without you.
Nos gustaria contar con los colonos. Partiremos hoy, con usted o sin usted.
I feel that I'm a little to blame in this. You know, I didn't realize what a bright, upstanding young man you were.
No me di cuenta del joven brillante e íntegro que era.
I didn't realize that when I came to Paris, but I do now.
No lo sabía cuando vine a París, pero ahora lo sé.
Dad, I didn't realize that I - No, no.
- Papá, yo no he hecho... - No, no
I'm sorry, Steve, but I didn't realize until after she had told me that she loved me.
Lo siento, Steve, pero no me di cuenta hasta que me dijo que me amaba.
When I married, I didn't realize that, in the Czerny family, there was a streak of... Shall we say eccentricity?
Cuando me casé no sabía que en la familia Czerny, se dan casos de... excentricidad, por así decirlo.
When you see the bonus, you'll realize that I didn't mean it.
Cuando vea la bonificación, se dará cuenta de que no fue mi intención.
My mistake was I didn't realize that the difference between this glamorous lady and me was that she was with the Comédie Française and I was with Matuschek and Company.
Mi error fue no ver que la diferencia entre esa dama y yo era que ella estaba en la Comédie Française y yo en Matuschek y Cía.
I didn't realize, sir, that your shoulders are so broad.
No me había dado cuenta de que tuviera los hombros tan anchos.
I didn't realize that a room full of Germans would upset you so.
No entiendo que una sala llena de alemanes te molestase tanto.
I didn't realize, father, that once you're in you can't get out.
No sabía, padre, que una vez dentro, no puedes salir.
I didn't realize that it was so late.
No me dí cuenta que era tan tarde.
But i didn't realize that luxury trades were encouraged in the soviet union.
No sabia que su país fomentaba los bienes de lujo.
"Sometimes it seemed almost cruel to drive her so. " And I confess, at that time I didn't realize " The extent of Nick's ambition for her.
A veces, hasta parecía cruel forzándola tanto, y confieso que en ese momento no me di cuenta de su ambición para ella.
I didn't realize that.
No me había dado cuenta.
You see, I didn't realize until tonight that you are not at all the child everyone thinks you to be.
Verás, no me di cuenta hasta esta noche de que no eres en absoluto la niña que todos creen que eres.
And what you didn't realize was that I was extremely attached to Paula Westlake at the time.
Lo que tú no sabías es que yo por aquel entonces... estaba muy unido a Westlake.
No, I didn't realize that.
Pues no, no lo sabía.
Oh, excuse me, I didn't realize that it's your first meeting?
Lo siento, no se conocen. La hija de Gôta, Otoko-san.
- Yes, but I didn't realize that she knew...
- Si, pero no me di cuenta de que ella lo sabia.
She wanted me to talk, to tell her, to convince her That I didn't realize what I was doing, That I didn't understand the business I was in,
Ella quería que yo hablara, que la convenciera... de que yo no me daba cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo... del negocio en que estaba metido.
I didn't realize... I guess I was not meant to have a woman after ten years in the army. Or maybe... that woman shouldn't have been Silvana.
No lo entendí, no era mi destino tener una mujer después de 10 años de soldados O al menos no debía ser Silvana.
Since she returned, I tried to make her realize that I didn't want to be involved with her.
A su vuelta, intenté dejarle claro... que no quería volver a verla.
I didn't realize that you heard what I was saying.
No sabía que me hubiera oído.
Your granny's talked a lot about you, but I didn't realize that...
Tu abuela me habló mucho de ti, pero no sabía que...
He didn't realize, as i do now, that no schooling of body and charactor could eaqual those early years with him in wilderness.
No comprendía, como yo ahora, que ninguna enseñanza podría igualar a esos años que pasé con él.
At all events, it didn't take much discernment on my part to realize... that I had become an utter failure as a schoolmaster.
De todos modos, no tengo que pensarlo mucho para darme cuenta... de que he sido un completo fracaso como profesor.
I didn't realize that this boy was faced with bitter reality - that he had no room in his thoughts for the romantic dreams of a silly little girl.
No me di cuenta de que este chico estaba afrontando una amarga realidad,... de que él no tenía espacio en sus pensamientos para los sueños románticos de una mocosa.
I didn't realize it was that late.
No sabía que era tan tarde.
I didn't realize home meant that much to you.
No sabía que significara tanto para ti.
No, dear. It's just that I didn't realize you could dance like that.
Es sólo que no me había dado cuenta que podías bailar así.
I just didn't realize how that must eat on a man.
No me había dado cuenta de lo mucho que supone para un hombre.
The first time when I forgot to check the mineral rights and the second, of course, when I didn't realize that they wouldn't send a fool in charge.
La primera fue con motivo de los derechos minerales y la segunda, por supuesto fue por no pensar que pondrían a un estúpido al frente de esto.
I didn't realize that I was.
No me di cuenta.
Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't realize I'd be gone so long. That's all right, sir.
Siento haberlo hecho esperar, no creía que iba tardar tanto.
I didn't realize Anne was such an adventuress or that Elsa was so sensitive.
No sabía que Anne fuera una aventurera ni que Elsa fuera tan sensible.
I didn't realize that you were so interested.
No sabía que estabas interesado.
That's what I didn't realize- - that geography has nothing to do with happiness.
Creo que fue eso que dije Fue eso que no percibí. Geografîa no tiene nada que ver con felicidad.
I realize that I was so lonely when you didn't come.
Pero cuando espero a alguien y no viene, me siento muy rara y sola.
I didn't realize he was that sicl, mister. If I had Inown...
- No noté que estaba enfermo.
I just didn't realize that somewhere we lost it.
No me di cuenta que en algún lugar se murió esto.
We didn't realize that it was a trick... obviously... well, we're off the air... for good, i think.
No nos dimos cuenta de que todo era un truco. Ya no transmitimos. ¡ Y creo que para siempre!
I didn't realize it meant that much to you.
No me di cuenta lo mucho que significaba para ti.
I didn't realize that you're not suppose to...
No me di cuenta de que uno no debe...
I just didn't realize how little I meant to you, that's all.
Es que no me había dado cuenta de lo poco que significo para ti.
You know, Herman, I didn't realize Lily had that much money in her tax account.
No sabía que Lily tuviera tanto dinero en su cuenta de impuestos.
At first I didn't realize that the square stamp is not valid I want to make an enquiry I've been granted a pension
No me di cuenta de que el sello cuadrado no es válido Quisiera hacer una consulta Me han concedido una pensión
I didn't realize that racism extended to the poor vultures as well.
No sabà ­ a que el racismo se extendiera a los pobres buitres tambià © n.
I didn't realize that I was humming, sir.
No me di cuenta de que estaba tarareando, señor.
I didn't realize, that's all.
No me di cuenta, eso es todo.

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