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I didn't see you come in translate Spanish

83 parallel translation
- I didn't come in here because I wanted to see you.
No vine porque hubiera querido verte.
we've invited you here, clown we've had you called out in all the streets but as I can see, you didn't come
lo hemos invitado aquí, payaso, lo hemos convocado en todas las calles pero como puedo ver, usted no vino
I didn't see you come in.
No los vi entrar.
Dr. Bruckner, I didn't see you come in.
Dr. Bruckner, no lo vi entrar.
I didn't see you come in.
No lo vi entrar.
I didn't come to see you in any casual way.
No vine para verla de forma informal.
I didn't come in here to see you do your dummy act, Fabian.
No vine aquí para verlo hacer su acto del muñeco, Fabian.
I didn't come in here to see you at all.
No he venido a verle a usted.
I see. Why didn't you come right out and say so in the first place?
¿ Por qué no comenzó por ahí?
I didn't come to see you in your professional capacity.
No vengo a verle por su trabajo.
I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see you come in.
Discúlpenme, no les he visto entrar.
Come in, Captain. I didn't think I'd see you again so soon.
Adelante, capitán, no creí que te vería tan pronto.
I see she didn't come in with you.
Veo que no ha venido contigo.
I didn't see you come in, Tommy.
No te vi entrar, Tommy.
I didn't see you come in. - I was in bright and early.
Y mientras tanto, me prepara una deliciosa taza de café.
I didn't see you come in.
No os he visto entrar.
I didn't come in to see you on my own.
No fui a verlo por mi cuenta.
- How come I didn't see you in school today?
¿ Por que no te vi en la escuela hoy?
I didn't see you come in. - How was your day?
O sea que, ¿ hiciste algo?
I didn't see you come in the door.
No la vi entrar.
I didn't even see you come in.
Ni siquiera te vi entrar.
But didn't I see you come in with Marilyn Monroe?
¿ Pero acaso no te vi entrar con Marilyn Monroe?
- Marcie, I didn't see you come in.
- Marcie, no te vi venir.
I didn't see you come in.
- No lo vi entrar.
Mr. Worf, I didn't see you come in.
- No le he visto entrar.
He says, "Trent, when you walked in this room, I didn't see Trent Walker come in here."
Me dijo, "Trent, cuando caminabas por el plato, no veia a Trent Walker viniendo hacia mí".
I'm in your way But I didn't come after you, see
Lo molesto. No he venido a buscarlo.
I didn't see you come in.
No los vi llegar.
I didn't see you come in.
No te vi entrar.
I didn't see you come in.
¿ Acaba de llegar? No la he visto entrar.
Oh, sorry, I didn't see you come in.
¡ Ay, perdona! No te había oído entrar.
Danielle, I didn't see you come in.
Danielle, no te vi llegar.
As far as I'm concerned, I didn't even see you come in here.
En lo que a mí respecta, Ni siquiera te vi entrar aquí.
You didn't come see me in the hospital when I was getting my lips done!
¡ Tú nunca me visitaste cuando me arreglé los labios!
If I didn't ever see you before... and I don't think I did, then I don't think you should be here... in this hallucination... because in my experience, the mind, which is where hallucinations come from... shouldn't be able to make up anything that wasn't there to start with... that didn't enter it from experience from the real world.
Si no te he visto antes... y no creo haberlo hecho, no deberias estar aquí... en mi alucinación. Porque en mi experiencia, la mente, que es de donde vienen las alucinaciones... no debería poder inventar nada que no estuviera allí antes... y no haya ingresado por una experiencia en el mundo real.
Oh, hi, Eddie, I didn't see you come in.
Hola, no te vi entrar.
You didn't come here to see how I am, you came here to see how you are, because you know in your heart what you did, you wanna make sure you're okay.
No has venido aquí para ver como estaba yo,... has venido para saber como te sientes Porque sabes en tu corazón lo que hicistes......
I didn't even see you come in.
No te he visto entrar.
I didn't see you come in. How are you?
Yo no le vi entrar. ¨ Como esta?
I didn't even see you come in.
No te vi entrar.
01. I didn't see you come in.
01, no te había visto llegar.
Well, you didn't miss much, but I wanted to come in person to see the old clark back.
Bueno, no te has perdido mucho, pero quería venir personalmente para ver al viejo Clark de vuelta.
The last time I went in the hospital, the time I didn't make it out, why didn't you come see me?
La última vez que fui hospitalizado, cuando no pude superarlo ¿ Por qué no viniste?
I didn't come in to see you this morning Because i don't want all these fucking dimwit actors Gossiping about you.
No vine a verte esta mañana porque no quiero a estos actores mediocres chismeando sobre ti.
No vi como entraste.
I thought your husband went upstairs looking for you, and I didn't expect to see you come in from over there.
Pensé que su esposo había subido a buscarla y no esperaba que usted viniera de ahí.
Jenny, hey. i didn't see you come in.
Jenny, hey. No te he visto llegar.
I didn't see you come in. - Hey!
No te vi llegar.
I didn't even see You guys come in here.
Ni siquiera os vi entrar chicos.
Hi Ryan, I didn't see you come in.
Hola Ryan, No vi entras
Hey, Mr. Ponzo, I didn't see you come in.
Hola, Sr. Ponzo, no los vi entrar.

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