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I didn't want to believe it translate Spanish

140 parallel translation
But I didn't want anyone else to have the chance of making you believe it.
Pero no quería que nadie te hiciera creer eso a ti.
I've felt it ever since I came back but I didn't want to believe it.
Lo imaginé desde que volví. Pero no quería creerlo.
I didn't want to believe it.
No quería creerlo.
Would you believe it? They didn't want to have a fancy dress ball but I soon talked them into it
No querían hacer baile de disfraces, pero los convencí.
Well, I didn't want to believe it either, but we picked up their trail today. They doubled back on their tracks right down the main road.
Yo también creía... pero aquelîa pista hoy... sañîa directo en la ruta principal.
I didn't want to believe. It was too frightful.
Yo no quería creerle, era demasiado duro, demasiado terrible.
I just didn't want to believe it.
No quería creérmelo.
But I didn't want to believe it.
Pero no quise creerlo.
and I didn't want to believe it
y yo no quise creerlo.
I've felt it ever since I came back... but I didn't want to believe it.
Lo presentí desde mi regreso. Pero no podía creerlo.
I didn't want to believe it, but two or three days later, I heard a horrifying story.
Yo no quise creerlo, pero luego dos o tres días después, oí una historia espeluznante.
When we heard from you that Gishiro was dead she didn't want to believe it, no matter what I said.
Cunado nos contó que Gishiro había muerto no se lo podía creer, no importaba nada de lo que le dijera.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Sólo que no quería creerlo.
I know, I didn't want to believe that... but now they've killed Ruth Mayer... and they could kill you or me, and she wouldn't even be aware of it.
Lo sé, yo no quería creerlo... pero han asesinado a Ruth Mayer... y podrían matarnos, a ti o a mí, y ella ni siquiera se daría cuenta.
I didn't want to believe it.
Yo no lo quería creer.
- I really didn't want to believe it.
- Nunca me quise creer eso.
I guess i knew that, but i didn't want to believe it.
Supongo que ya lo sabía. No quería creerlo.
I let it go at first because I didn't believe it, and then because I didn't want to believe it, and finally because we would lose more ground by cleaning house in public than by sweeping it under the carpet.
Lo dejé pasar al principio porque yo no lo creía, y luego porque no quería creerlo, y finalmente porque perderíamos más terreno limpiando la casa en público que escondiendo la tierra bajo la alfombra.
I didn't want to believe it, but I knew.
No quería creerlo. Pero lo sabía...
I knew his career was taking him away from me. But I didn't want to believe it was over.
Su carrera estaba alejándole de mí, pero no quería creer que habíamos terminado.
I didn't want to believe it... until one night I saw his car pulling out of the driveway.
No quería creerlo... hasta que una noche vi su auto saliendo de casa.
But I didn't want to believe it.
Pero no quería creerlo.
- Because I didn't want to believe it.
- Porque no quería creerlo.
He didn't want to know that many people he betrayed were executed and I think we even discussed this subject at one point, and he wouldn't believe it.
Él no quería saber que muchas personas que él había traicionado fueron ejecutados y creo que de hecho alguna vez discutimos sobre este tema, y él no lo creería. Diría :
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true.
No quería creerlo, pero es cierto.
I was told that, but I didn't want to believe it.
Ya me lo había dicho pero no quise creerlo.
I... I wanted to, but... but I didn't even want to believe it myself, and... the thought of telling him...
Quise hacerlo, pero... ni siquiera yo he querido creerlo.
Last night, it looks like there was a conspiracy, and maybe I'm being paranoid and I didn't want to believe it, but four people from Tagi voted for Gretchen, I think.
Anoche pareció que había una conspiración, y quizás esté paranoica y no quiero creerlo, pero 4 personas de Tagi votaron por Gretchen, creo.
I didn't want to believe in this stuff, but my sister had it sent from India.
Yo no quería creer en estas cosas, pero mi hermana lo ha enviado de la India.
Guess I didn't want to believe it.
Supongo que no quería creerlo.
I didn't want to believe it but he does.
No podía creerlo, pero... lo hace.
I didn't want to believe it, either, but this child is telling the truth.
Yo tampoco quise creerlo, pero el chico dice la verdad.
I guess I just didn't want to believe it.
Creo que no quería creerlo.
I didn't want to believe it. I mean, he was always getting on us about using.
Siempre nos decía que no consumiéramos drogas.
I didn't want to believe it.
No quise creerlo.
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true, she's completely insane.
No quería creerlo, pero es verdad. Ella está completamente loca.
But, I didn't want to believe it.
No quería creerlo.
i won't believe it if i didn't see it with my own eyes 86 is running neck to neck with GTR 86 is trying to get ahead GTR is blocking his way you'll have to play by the rules get it back you want a piece of me?
no lo creo si no lo veo, el 86 cuello a cuello con el GTR el 86 trata de pasarlo, pero el GTR lo bloquea tendrás que seguir las reglas devuélvelo, quieres pelea!
I didn't want to believe it, i kept...
No quería creerlo, tenía- -
I'm really sorry, buddy. Believe it or not, I did this... because I didn't want you to feel bad about yourself.
Lo siento mucho, y aunque no lo creas, lo hice... porque no quería que te sintieras mal contigo mismo.
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true.
No quería creerlo, pero es verdad.
And then Zach said he couldn't have sex and I didn't want to explain it, so I made him believe that I still wanted to.
Y Zach dijo entonces que no podría tener relaciones sexuales y no quería explicárselo, así que le hice creer que yo sí.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Pienso que no quería creer en eso.
The person, who could light a fire in me and put it out who knew, but didn't want to believe... I said to you... either - or...
Esa persona, que podía despertar mi pasión que lo sabía, pero no lo quería creer... Te dije... también - o...
But I didn't want to believe that I gave it to her.
Pero no quiero pensar que te lo contagiara.
- l didn't want to believe it, but I knew it.
No quise creerlo. Pero en el fondo, lo sabía. ¿ Sabías qué?
I didn't want to believe it either, Mike, but it's the truth, so help me God.
Tampoco quería creerlo, Mike pero es la verdad. Lo juro ante Dios.
At first, I-I didn't want to believe it.
Al principio, no podía creerlo.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Es sólo que no quería creerlas.
When I told kyle didn't want to see him anymore, he couldn't believe it.
Cuando le dije a Kyle que ya no quería verlo no lo pudo creer.
So, as much as I didn't want to believe it,
Pues, aunque no quiera creerlo,

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