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I doubt that very much translate Spanish

192 parallel translation
I doubt that very much.
Lo dudo mucho.
- I doubt that very much. - But you don't know...
Lo dudo mucho.
- I doubt that very much
- Lo dudo mucho.
Oh, I doubt that. I doubt that very much.
- Lo dudo, lo dudo mucho.
Uh, I doubt that very much, Chief.
Lo dudo mucho, jefe.
- I doubt that very much.
- Lo dudo mucho.
- I doubt that very much, 99.
- Lo dudo mucho, 99.
I doubt that very much. You wanna play Al the record I bought you?
Lo dudo mucho. ¿ Quieres ponerle a Al el disco que te he traído?
Oh, I doubt that, ma'am. I doubt that very much.
Lo dudo mucho, señora.
Oh, I doubt that very much, sir.
Oh, pero lo dudo mucho, Señor.
I doubt that very much.
Lo dudo muchísimo.
I doubt that very much.
Lo dudo.
Oh, I doubt that's going to happen, Doctor. I doubt that very much.
- Lo dudo mucho.
I doubt that very much.
Déjame que lo dude.
I doubt that very much!
Me extrañaría. No lo es.
I doubt very much that Napoleon murdered this pawnbroker.
Dudo mucho que napoleón asesinara a esa prestamista.
- I doubt very much I'll ever get that drunk.
- Nunca me emborracharía tanto.
I very much doubt that he could possibly capture you.
Dudo mucho que haya podido captarla totalmente.
I doubt very much that you'd like her in The Hairy Ape.
Dudo que le gustase en El mono velludo.
That's an argument that's been going on for centuries, And I doubt very much that you or Mr. Thompson are going to settle it.
Se llevan siglos discutiendo el tema, y dudo mucho que tú o el señor Thompson vayáis a solucionarlo.
I doubt it. That's not very much of a lead to work on.
No contamos con mucho para trabajar.
It's at the office, but I doubt very much that I'll get back in time, now.
Quería preparar el pescado esta tarde y..
I doubt very much that I'll be joining a club... But even if I do, it'll probably be in New York.
Dudo que vaya a apuntarme a un club, pero si lo hago, probablemente sería en Nueva York.
I don't doubt that you've done your very best, Donna Pica... but, uh, Pietro here spoils him with too much money.
No dudo que Ud. Hizo lo que pudo... pero Pietro le da demasiado dinero.
I doubt very much whether we'll be here that long.
Dudo mucho que estemos aquí tanto tiempo.
Boy, I doubt very much if I have any vice old or new, that I could introduce to you.
Muchacho, dudo mucho que yo tenga algún vicio viejo o nuevo que pueda enseñarte a ti.
I doubt very much indeed that it will bring you your fourth Oscar.
Dudo mucho verdaderamente que te dé tu cuarto Oscar
I very much doubt, my child, that they can see in the semi-darkness.
Lo dudo, mi hijo, que puede ver en la oscuridad.
We shall have to try out your scheme though I very much doubt of any sort of success that it might have.
Tendremos que probar ese plan, aunque dudo mucho de cualquier tipo de éxito que pueda tener.
I very much doubt that.
Lo dudo mucho.
Now with all those men and all that knowledge, I doubt very much if KAOS will kill them.
Ahora con todos esos hombres y todo ese conocimiento dudo mucho que KAOS lo mate.
Personally, I very much doubt that history has any meaning.
Yo dudo mucho que la historia tenga sentido.
But I very much doubt that I'll find you unkind.
Pero dudo descubrir que no es bondadosa.
With all due respect, I doubt very much... if there's any way at all that Mr. Adams can help us.
Con todo respeto, dudo mucho... que el Sr. Adams pueda ayudarnos.
I doubt very much that the creature lives in the Tower, but since the Tower feeds it, I imagine it lives close by.
Dudo mucho que la criatura viva en la Torre,... pero desde que la Torre lo alimenta, me imagino que vive cerca.
I also doubt very much that I shall ever see one graced by Miss McKenna.
También... Dudo muchísimo que jamás veré una protagonizada por la Srta. McKenna.
Well... I doubt very much that the case will ever come to trial.
Dudo mucho que el caso llegue ajuicio.
I doubt very much that the Toyotomi Allies will retreat now.
Dudo mucho que los aliados de Toyotomi se vayan a retirar.
I ´ ve included everything in my statement... but I doubt very much that Chief Sterns... is taking this possible connection seriously.
Incluí todo en mi informe, pero dudo que el Capitán Sterns... esté tomando esta posibilidad seriamente.
And I doubt very much that you or Mr. Thompson are going to settle it.
Y hay una cosa que él no puede explicar :
We don't know each other, and I doubt that we have very much in common... except this wonderful woman, Wendy angela Darling.
No nos conocemos, y dudo que tengamos mucho en común... excepto a esta mujer maravillosa, Wendy Angela Darling.
What I can tell you is that I would very much doubt whether Hughes is the person that you ´ re looking for.
Lo que podría decirle es que dudo de que sea Hughes la persona a quien busca.
Though I doubt very much you'll appreciate that, either.
Dudo que tampoco pueda apreciar eso.
- Now I'm sure you could choose to contest this, then we get into the illegal use of my image by your client's holobrothel which would require a countersuit and I doubt very much you'd win that one, counselor.
Puede debatirlo, pero entramos en el uso ilegal de mi imagen en el holoburdel que requiere una contra demanda y dudo mucho que lo gane.
I very much doubt that.
La verdad lo dudo mucho.
So I doubt very much, missy, that you can change that much history in just a few seconds.
Así que dudo mucho, señorita, que puedas cambiar tanto la historia en tan sólo unos segundos.
I have run three separate tests but I can tell you without a doubt that that virus'DNA and proteins are very much of this world.
Le he hecho tres pruebas separadas pero puedo decirte sin lugar a dudas que el ADN del ese virus y sus proteínas son como las de este mundo.
Yes, I realize that, sir, but something flipped us over, and I doubt very much if it was a mink.
Dudo que un visón haya podido darnos vuelta.
Since I doubt very much that Sloan will have the chance to do that, someone else is going to have to.
Dudo mucho que Sloan tenga oportunidad de hacer algo así, tendrá que ser otra persona.
Look, Mom. I very much doubt that your pharmacist is just trying to poison you.
Mamá, dudo que el farmacéutico quiera envenenarte.
But I doubt very much that yours arrived ahead of schedule.
Dijo las palabras apropiadas. - Es sacerdote. - No es sacerdote.

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