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I have to go away translate Spanish

489 parallel translation
I have to go away.
Tengo que irme.
I have to go away someplace where somebody can't find me.
Debo irme a alguna parte donde no me encuentren.
I have to go away for a while.
Tengo que irme por un tiempo.
Even if I have to go away for a long time?
- ¿ Incluso si me tengo que exiliar durante mucho tiempo?
No, it's just I have to go away.
No, solo es que tengo que irme.
I have to go away now, there is so much to arrange for the wedding but Dunjasha is here and she'll be very happy to be alone with you the first hour, come with me
Ahora tengo que salir, queda mucho que preparar para la boda... pero Duniasha está aquí, y estará muy contenta de estar con Ud. una hora, venga.
'Course not - I have to go away for a few days, because of my brother.
No, no, tengo que salir un par de días, por lo de mi hermano.
I have to go away soon.
Debo marcharme pronto.
Now I have to go away.
Ahora he de marcharme.
I have to go away.
- ¿ Irte, a dónde?
- I don't know. I have to go away. I'm leaving.
No lo sé, debo irme de aquí.
I have to go away for a while.
Tengo que ausentarme un tiempo.
I have to go away for a while.
Tengo que irme por un tiempo
Because I have to go away again.
Por que tengo que irme, de nuevo. ¿ Irte? , ¿ Dónde?
I got to have dough to go away.
Necesito pasta para irme.
I wish I didn't have to go away.
Ojalá no tuviera que irme.
I must have money to go away.
Debo tener dinero para irme.
Gee, I wish you didn't have to go away again, Daddy.
Desearía que no tuvieras que volver a irte, papá.
You didn't know yet... I have to go somewhere far away, to raise money to save my sister.
No lo sabías, pero... tengo que irme lejos para conseguir dinero y salvar a mi hermana.
I may have to go away somewhere.
Quizás tenga que irme a otro lado.
If I didn't have to go to school... I could work harder for you - earn money, so we could move away from here.
Si no tuviera que ir a la escuela podría trabajar más duro para ti ganar dinero, para poder mudarnos de aquí.
I suppose you think it would be impossible for two people to go away together and have a perfectly innocent good time.
Supongo que crees que es imposible que dos personas viajen juntas y lo pasen bien en forma perfectamente inocente.
I have to get my dog. Don't go away, George!
No sea grosero. ¡ George, no te vayas!
Every night I dream we're together, far away. I go to work. We have a little home together.
Todas las noches sueño que estamos juntos, lejos de aquí y yo tengo un trabajo y una pequeña casita... y cuando regreso a casa del trabajo... te estrecho entre mis brazos y te beso.
So I put my arm under the whip in the hope it would break, then your granddad would have to go for a new one, giving your granny or mother a chance to snatch you away.
Entonces puse la mano donde él golpeaba y aguanté. Esperaba que se rompiera la varilla y el abuelo buscara otra y te sacaría la abuela o tu madre.
I may have to go away. There's a chance I may leave for India.
Hay una posibilidad de que tenga que viajar a la India.
I may have to go away tonight for a little while.
Yo tengo que irme esta noche un rato.
and I will not tolerate that anything will happen to her lots of things have happened to her go away, Lord Jacob
¡ No permitiré que le pase nada! Ya le ha pasado bastante. ¡ Váyase!
If you don't go away, I'll have to send for the police!
¡ Si no se va, tendré que llamar a la policía!
Your Highness if I may go now no running away is a bad medicine against love she ought to have learned this by now there sit down and wait a bit
Su Alteza si puedo ir ahora no huir es una mala medicina contra el amor debe de haber aprendido esto ahora allí siéntese y espere un poco
I have quite a choice, don't I? I give the money away and go to jail, or I don't and go to jail.
O doy ese dinero y voy a la cárcel, o no lo doy... y voy a la cárcel.
I also said from the beginning that it would have been better to go away.
Le dije desde el principio, que debíamos marcharnos de aquí.
You should not have told the whole truth go away from here ; begin a new life don't stay out of consideration for me ; i shall have my memories no, i don't want time to forget me any more
No era necesario que lo supieran todo. Aléjate de aquí ; empieza una nueva vida.
- I'll have to go to Washington right away.
- Tengo que ir a Washington inmediatamente.
I'll go straight to my lawyer... and have him make out the deeds right away.
Pueden quedárselo. Voy a ver a mi abogado para que prepare enseguida la escritura.
As a matter of fact, I may have to go away.
La verdad es que tengo que irme unos días.
I have to tell Zhichen to go away.
Tengo que decirle a Zhichen que me voy.
- But I love you, dear, as I have a legal right to do. - Do you want this marriage to be a farce... a travesty on conjugal bliss? - Go away!
- Pero te amo, y estoy en mi derecho.
You'll have to kill me, I won't go away!
Tendrás que matarte, porque yo no me voy.
I have to go straight away. Can you hear?
Tengo que irme ya. ¿ Lo oyes?
Have to go away, I'll let you know at what hour is the meeting.
Tengo que irme, te haré saber la hora de la cita y dónde.
I have to go and train straight away.
Tengo que entrenar.
Ohilì, I have to go far away!
Muy lejos me voy de ti
I like to have at hand a means to go away.
Me gusta saber que tengo cerca el medio de escapar.
I came right away, though I would have liked to go home.
He venido enseguida, pero quería pasar por casa.
I hated to see my shop go, but I'd have drunk it away anyway.
Pero mi negocio... Lo perdí por la bebida.
You should have told me before, if you wanted to go away. I could have talked with the cops.
Si quería irse, habérmelo dicho y yo se lo habría dicho a los agentes.
That's why I wired you. I didn't have a cent to go away and leave him.
Por eso te telegrafié ; no tenía dinero para marcharme y abandonarle.
Oh, I don't say they'd all be prayin away as holy as St. Francis... but I have a suspicion that Knocko Minihan is in no position to reject... anything along that line that might come his way. Shall we go in now?
No digo que todos estarían rezando como San Francisco... pero sospecho que Knocko Minihan no está en posición de rechazar... cualquier cosa de ese tipo, que vaya hacia él. ¿ Entramos ahora?
I'm sorry, but none of the medicines work. - Maybe it'll go away. I have to work.
Y sin ti es un dolor... ( TOSE )
And I'll be taken away and have to go through it all again.
Llévenme al calabozo, pero no me hablen más de esto.

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