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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I haven't

I haven't translate Spanish

72,159 parallel translation
I haven't told my sons I'm working with you.
No le he dicho a mis hijos que estoy trabajando con vosotros.
And, Dean... I'm sorry I haven't been there for you and Sam.
Y Dean... siento no haber estado ahí para ti y para Sam.
I'm sorry I haven't been there for you and Sam, but I wanna be.
Siento no haber estado ahí para ti y para Sam, pero quiero estarlo.
Apparently, you and the legion of demons that I've assigned to this task haven't been motivated properly.
Eso también lo sé. Al parecer, tú y la legión de demonios que he asignado a esta tarea no habéis sido motivados apropiadamente.
I haven't even met her yet.
Aún no me he reunido con ella.
Am I right thinking you haven't given your full interview yet?
¿ Estoy en lo cierto al pensar que aún no has hecho una declaración completa?
- I haven't got a clue.
- No tengo ni idea.
Plenty of days I haven't.
Muchos días no lo hago.
I haven't seen you since court.
No os había visto desde el juicio.
- I haven't watched you.
- No te he visto.
I haven't said that enough.
No lo digo muy a menudo.
If you haven't done that by the end of the day, I will come looking for you, and I will bring you back in here, under arrest.
Si no lo ha hecho para el final del día,... vendré a buscarle,... y le traeré aquí de nuevo, bajo arresto.
You haven't asked how I come to be here.
No has preguntado cómo es que llegué aquí.
I haven't had this many people in my room before.
Nunca hubo tanta gente en mi cuarto.
I haven't made anything.
No gané nada.
I haven't finished the test.
No la he terminado.
- Well, I haven't asked yet.
- Bueno, aún no he preguntado nada.
I haven't had a chance to thank you for your performance with my wife.
No he tenido oportunidad de agradecerte tu actuación con mi mujer.
Look, I haven't had time to tell you because my whole life has been working with you and sleeping with Jacob.
No he tenido tiempo para decirte porque no he hecho más que trabajar contigo y dormir con Jacob.
I still haven't emerged completely from perimenopause.
Aún no he salido del todo de la perimenopausia.
Oh, I haven't talked to Paul Reubens in years.
Hace años que no hablo con Paul Reubens.
Well, I see you children haven't changed a bit.
Veo que no han cambiado ni un ápice.
I haven't been on a date in 30 years.
No he tenido una cita en 30 años.
I haven't talked to her, I haven't touched her,
No hablé con ella y no la toqué.
I haven't tampered with her, much as I'd like to.
No la manipulé, aunque me gustaría.
I haven't planned the play-by-play.
No planeé cada detalle.
Dusty, um, I'll bet they haven't found a team to replace you.
Dusty, apuesto a que no han encontrado un equipo de reemplazo para ustedes.
Uh... Everything's been so crazy lately, I haven't really had a chance to talk to you.
Todo ha sido una locura últimamente... y en realidad no he tenido la oportunidad de hablarte.
I haven't seen him in months.
No lo he visto en meses.
Look, I haven't seen you in 20 years, you could be out there, I don't know... robbin'banks.
Mira, no te he visto en 20 años, podrías estar por ahí, no sé... robando bancos.
I just was wondering if it had something to do with why you haven't seen your mother in three years.
Solo me preguntaba si esto tenía algo que ver con que no hayas visto a tu madre en tres años.
I haven't been home a day yet.
No hace ni un día que llegué.
I haven't done a film in...
- No he hecho una película en- -
I haven't seen this much shit since my last bowel movement.
No he visto tanta mierda desde mi último apretón.
No, I haven't. Why, does she mention us?
- Pues no, ¿ es que nos menciona?
I haven't seen you in my court in a while.
No le veo en mi tribunal desde hace tiempo.
I haven't argued a case in almost three years, so that's next.
Hace casi tres años que no llevo ningún caso, así que eso será lo siguiente.
Here's what I haven't heard is... a real plan that might lead to an arrest.
Sin embargo, lo que no he oído es... un plan realista que pueda conducir a un arresto.
Because I haven't been for quite some time.
Porque llevo bastante tiempo sin serlo.
- I haven't told anyone.
- No se lo he dicho a nadie.
And because of that, I haven't really been... myself.
Y por eso, no he sido realmente... yo mismo.
I haven't really been honest with you.
No he sido honesto contigo.
So far, I haven't been able to decrypt them, but they should shed some light on...
Hasta ahora no he sido capaz de descifrarlos pero deberían arrojar algo de luz sobre....
I mean, we still haven't finished our fantasy draft.
Quiero decir, aún no hemos terminado nuestra selección de la Liga.
I haven't seen my dad in three months because he's in jail.
No he visto a mi padre en tres meses porque está en la cárcel.
Okay, so these past couple of days, I haven't been in a great place, emotionally.
Bueno, estos últimos días, no he estado en un buen momento, emocionalmente.
Your father and I haven't been seeing eye-to-eye lately.
Tu padre y no hemos estado de acuerdo últimamente.
I haven't had the pleasure.
No he tenido el placer.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird.
Por si no te has dado cuenta, soy diferente.
The Rev, I still haven't figured him out.
Al reverendo, aún no puedo descifrarlo.
I haven't dedicated the last two years of my life to such outright foolishness. And I know that you are not that stupid.
Por que sé que no he dedicado los últimos dos años de mi vida a semejante locura y sé que tú no eres tan estúpida.

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