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I just don't want to translate Spanish

7,068 parallel translation
I'm just saying, you don't want to be one of those nostalgia acts, do you?
Sólo digo, que no querrás... ser uno de esos actos... de nostalgia, ¿ verdad?
I just don't want to move there.
Simplemente no quiero mudarme a ese sitio.
Look, okay, I don't want to be a bad influence, so I'm just gonna take your turn.
Mira, bien, no quiero ser una mala influencia, así que tomaré tu turno.
I just don't want to be blindsided by one down the road.
Es solo que no quiero ser atacada camino a la carretera.
So today I don't just want to talk about the present.
Pero hoy no solo quiero hablar del presente.
I just don't want to leap and say that we're dating, that's all.
Es sólo que no quiero dar un salto y decir que estamos saliendo, es eso.
I just don't want to be accused of anything in case you go missing.
No quiero que me acusen de nada si te pierdes.
And Nick, I've just got to know about, well, no, actually, no, I don't want to know.
Y, Nick, tengo que saber sobre... Bueno, no, de hecho, no quiero saber.
I just don't want to be perceived as gay for the rest of my experiences.
Solo no quiero ser percibido como gay de ahora en adelante.
I'm fine, I just don't want to go to the concert.
Estoy bien, pero no quiero ir al concierto.
I don't know if you can hear me, Mr. Painter, but if you can, I just want to say two words to you.
No sé si puede oírme, Sr. Painter, pero si puede, quiero decirle dos palabras.
I don't want to be just another portrait on that wall.
No quiero ser solo otro retrato en esa pared.
I don't want to play, I just want Malcolm.
No quiero jugar, quiero a Malcolm.
And the more thinkings I have about it, I don't know if I want The Motel to grow up in a greasy storage motel. I want him to grow up somewhere awesome where people just like to fucking chill and party.
Y cuanto más lo pienso, no sé si quiero que El Motel se críe en un motel grasiento, sino en un lugar genial donde la gente esté bien y se divierta.
I don't know if they really want to get there or they're just on a joy ride... hey...
No sé si realmente quieren llegar o es sólo un paseo de la alegría. Oye mira allí.
You know, I just don't want anything to get rotten, and that's about as-as good as it gets.
Sabe, no quiero que nada se pudra y.. Eso es lo mejor que podemos hacer.
I just don't want to risk things getting messy again.
No quiero arriesgarme a que las cosas se revuelvan otra vez.
"Hey, April. I just want to start by saying that what I am about to tell you is not a big deal, so don't freak out."
"Hey, April. yo quiero empezar diciendo que lo que estoy apunto de decirte no es gran cosa, así que no te asustes."
- I just don't want you to kill me...
Acabo No quiero que mates...
And I just really don't want that to happen again. So, I'd just like to know your intentions,'cause...
Así que, yo sólo quisiera saber sus intenciones, causa...
Just so you're prepared. I don't want you to have any excuses.
No quiero que tengas excusas.
I just don't want to get them killed.
Solo no quiero que mueran
I want you to follow it through the air and fire at will. Just don't shoot me, okay?
Quiero que sigas su trayectoria y que dispares cuando quiera.
Babe, I don't want to seem dramatic, but I've just reconsidered every decision that we've made over the last year, and I think we need to stay in Pawnee forever.
Cariño, no quiero parecer dramática, pero he reconsiderado cada decisión que tomamos el último año, y creo que debemos quedarnos en Pawnee, - para siempre.
- I'm just gonna go spend my time doing exactly what I want to do, because I don't have children. - Will.
- Bueno...
I didn't want you to think I was crazy or jumping the gun. And I know you just got out of a relationship so I don't expect you to feel the same way. But... that's how I feel.
No quise que pensaras que estoy loco o soy apresurado y sé que recién sales de una relación así que no espero que sientas lo mismo pero así es cómo me siento.
I don't want Brody to propose to me, so I'm just gonna avoid him all weekend.
No quiero que Brody se me declare, asi que voy a evitarlo todo el fin de semana.
But I don't want to be just an okay guy.
Pero no solo quiero ser un gran tío.
I just don't want to end up like the pigs.
No quiero terminar como los cerdos.
I just said I don't want to start a panic.
Solo he dicho que no quiero sembrar el pánico.
I just don't want it to be awkward.
No quería que fuera incómodo.
Uh, his... his name is Oliver, and it's... It's really new, and I don't want to make a big deal of it, so just don't... don't tell mom.
Se llama Oliver, y es muy reciente, y no quiero darle mucha importancia, así que no... no se lo cuentes a mamá.
It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I got work commitments and I've got to be in the city by tonight.
No es que no quiera, solo que tengo trabajo, y debo estar en la ciudad esta noche.
I just don't think your father would want Danny to speak.
Creo que a tu padre no le gustaría que Danny hablara.
I don't want to, but I just...
No quiero, pero...
Hey, Emma, look, I don't want you to get freaked out... but I just got a threat.
Oye, Emma, mira, no quiero que enloquezcas... pero acabo de recibir una amenaza.
I just want to make something that says something, and I don't even know why anymore.
Solo quiero hacer algo que diga algo... y ya ni siquiera sé por qué.
I don't want you to be unhappy. I just want everyone to be happy.
Quiero que todos sean felices.
I don't want him to die here, but you just said it.
Yo no quiero que muera aquí, pero usted lo acaba de decir.
I don't know why, but, you know, step by step, Kurt's desire for me just disappeared and, uh, he seemed to want something that I-I couldn't give him.
No sé por qué, pero, ya sabes, paso a paso, El deseo de Kurt para mí simplemente desapareció y, uh, parecía querer algo que yo-yo no le podía dar.
- I just don't want you to get too excited.
- No quiero ver que te excitas tanto.
I just don't understand why you'd want to stay with him.
Solo no entiendo porqué has querido quedarte con él.
I just don't want to go back in there and back to my life.
No quiero entrar ahí dentro y volver a mi vida.
Look, I didn't crack some secret hippie code to tell you what they're really saying, and I don't want to be the bait to get you in the room just so you can start bashing skulls.
Mira, no he descrifrado ningún código secreto hippie para decirte lo que están diciendo en realidad, y no quiero ser la excusa para que entres en la habitación para que empieces a partir cabezas.
I don't just want to hang out, Callie.
No quiero solo salir por ahí Callie.
Because I don't want to completely undermine the really great work our teachers are doing, just to get some test scores up.
Porque no quiero minar todo el gran trabajo que nuestros maestros están haciendo, solo para obtener algunos buenos resultados en las pruebas.
You know what, let's just go get Charlie,'cause I don't want to hold her hand for the whole day.
Sabes que, vamos a buscar a Charlie, porque no quiero tener que sostenerle la mano todo el día.
I don't want to just survive.
No quiero solo sobrevivir.
I just don't want to get lost in rage, either.
Es solo que tampoco quiero quedar atrapada en la rabia.
And so I just want to say that as I go, so that you don't- -
Y solo quiero decirlo ya que me voy, así que tú no...
Tonight, I don't want to be just Felix Bernner.
Esta noche no quiero ser solo Felix Brenner.

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