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I know it was wrong translate Spanish

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I know it was wrong for him to interfere.
Ya sé que hizo mal al intervenir.
I know it was wrong, but don't be mad.
Ya sé que hice mal, pero... Pero no te enojes.
I'm not justifying myself. I know it was wrong.
No quiero justificarme, porque sé que no está bien lo que he hecho.
I know it was wrong.
Sé que estuvo mal.
I know it was wrong, but he was so nice.
Entiendo que se ha equivocado, pero era tan simpático.
- I know it was wrong of me.
- Sé que estuvo mal.
I know it was wrong but I was drunk.
Sé que estuvo mal, pero... estaba borracho.
I know it was wrong to conceal the evidence.
Sé que está mal esconder la evidencia.
Look, I know it was wrong to dump you, okay?
Sé que estuvo mal hacerte a un lado.
- I know it was wrong.
- Sé que está mal.
I know it was wrong... but you got to know I had a very good reason.
Se que estuvo mal... pero debes saber que tuve una buena razon.
This is wrong, I know, but I had to speak to you, and it was the only way.
Esto no está bien, ya lo sé, pero tenía que hablar contigo, y esta era la única manera.
However, before I go, I want to tell you that maybe I was wrong the other night. But I didn't know it at the time.
Pero, antes de que me vaya, quiero decirte que quizá estuve mal la otra noche.
I didn't know it was wrong to ask questions.
No sabía que estuviera mal hacer preguntas.
I don't know what happened to it, but it was working... at the wrong time.
No sé por qué, pero empezaba a pensar en el momento menos indicado.
It's taken me four years to find that out, but now I know I was wrong.
Tardé cuatro años en entender. Ahora lo sé.
I didn't say there was anything wrong in it. I just thought you'd want to know.
Yo no he dicho que haya nada malo, pensé que querrías saberlo.
- You know, maybe I was wrong... and luck is like love. You have to go all the way to find it.
- El amor es como la suerte sólo yendo lejos se lo encuentra.
Maybe it was a wrong decision, I don't even know now.
Tal vez haya sido un error, aún ahora no lo sé.
I don't know why I did it, I knew it was crazy wrong.
No sé porqué lo hice, sabía que estaba mal.
I didn't know it was wrong, sir... Honest I didn't! I wouldn't have done it if I'd known it was wrong!
¡ No lo sabía, se lo juro!
Honest I didn't know it was wrong.
¡ No lo sabía, lo juro!
I think you ought to know that it didn't take me long after we were married to realise what was wrong.
Al poco de casarnos vi que en nuestro matrimonio algo iba mal.
I don't know where you were brought up, kid but wherever it was, you were brought up wrong.
Yo no sé donde fue educado, muchacho Pero donquiera que haya sido, fue educado de la forma equivocada.
I guess I knew it was wrong all along, but... Well, you know we needed the money.
Supongo que sabía que era un error, pero... bueno, sabes que necesitábamos dinero.
Well, I don't know what number Miss Inglewood gave you, but it was obviously the wrong one.
No sé que número te dieron, pero estaba mal.
It was wrong, I know.
No está bien, ya lo sé.
I know it was wrong that I did not ask your permission.
No pedir tu permiso.
If anything goes wrong, I want you to know it was my own idea.
Si ocurre algo, quiero que sepas que fue idea mía.
And I made a wrong turn, only I didn't know it until I realized I didn't know where I was.
Me equivoqué de camino y cuando me di cuenta, me había perdido.
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
I knowed there was somethin'wrong, but I didn't know what it was.
Sabía que algo iba mal, pero no sabía el qué.
No, there isn't anything wrong, it's just that... Well, I thought I'd let you know where I was.
No pasa nada malo, es sólo que... pensé que era mejor avisarte.
What's wrong? I don't know. It was workin'good yesterday.
Ayer funcionaba.
I knew they would know that it was wrong for me to do so and that they would stop me.
Sabía que entenderían que no debía hacer eso y que me detendrían.
Doctor Crane, I'm sorry if I made a bad first impression, but I think, no, I know, it was a wrong impression.
Doctor Crane, lo siento si me hizo una mala primera impresión, pero creo, no, yo sé, se trataba de una impresión equivocada.
I don't know what it was I did wrong.
No sé qué fue lo que hice mal.
I don't know what's wrong. It was fine this morning.
No se que hay de malo con esto.
He'd been so generous. I... I know it was quite wrong, absolutely wrong, but I...
Era tan generoso que yo... Sé que estuvo muy mal, totalmente mal. Pero...
I thought, you know, it must be the rent but I was wrong.
Pensé que debía de ser el alquiler pero estaba equivocado.
You got it wrong in Interlaken with Gifford, but I want you to know it was still the best thing that ever happened to me.
Te equivocaste en Interlaken con Gifford, pero quiero que sepas que aún eres lo mejor que me pasó en mi vida.
As I remember, m-m-my feeling was that he was telling it like he is, he didn't know what was wrong, and, uh, that's what he said, he said, "Something's wrong with Bill."
Como yo recuerdo... mi sensación era que lo estaba contando como es él... no sabía qué estaba mal. Y eso fue lo que dijo. Dijo : "Algo está mal con Bill".
I know but it all went wrong Watson from that evening. This house was if there was a black cloud... O can't describe it I wish to God I could.
Lo sé pero todo comenzó a ir mal, Watson desde esa noche fué como si en esta casa hubiese una nube negra no lo puedo describir, por Dios que quisiera hacerlo.
- I did not know it was our team. It's the wrong goal.
No sabía que estaba en nuestro equipo, Blane.
I did it for Mr. HAN, but even then it was wrong, I know.
Lo hice por el Sr. Han pero aún entonces estaba equivocado, lo sé.
I know it sounds incredible, but you were right and I was wrong.
Se que suena increible, pero tenías razón y yo estaba equivocado.
I know, in a way it was wrong, but I just have a feeling... that this is going to be really good.
Lo sé, en cierto modo está mal, pero tengo el presentimiento... de que estará bastante bien.
Don't get me wrong. I'm sure it's enriching in some way... and I know she was probably moved by some asshole screaming out the window.
Estoy segura de que ha de ser enriquecedora y de que ella se conmovió de que un imbécil le gritara "où oú" de paso.
I don't know if it was right or wrong.
No sé si está bien o mal.
You know, I know that was wrong... and it also wasn't a very good excuse to use... especially with a real sensitive girl who'd been hospitalized as many times...
Sé que estuvo mal y que no fue una buena excusa en especial porque es sensible y la han hospitalizado- -
I didn't know if it was right... but he would tell me that we were having fun... and what we were doing wasn't wrong... because he was my dad.
L no supo si era correcto.... Pero me diría Que estábamos teniendo diversión.... Y el lo que estábamos haciendo No era equivocado....

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