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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I know you don't believe me

I know you don't believe me translate Spanish

462 parallel translation
Darling, you believe me. I don't know a thing about this.
Querida, créeme, no sé nada de esto.
I just want you to know it and to believe me. I haven't loved anyone before you came, and that I certainly won't love anybody when you don't love me anymore.
Sólo quiero que lo sepas y que me creas que yo no he amado a nadie más que a ti, y que no amaré a nadie más cuando ya no me quieras.
So now you know. Of course, personally speaking I don't believe it.
Así que ya lo saben, pero yo no me lo creo.
I know you don't follow Arsenal but they're a good bet, believe me.
No entiendo. - No, pero es una buena apuesta. Creanme.
Poldi, you do believe in me, don't you? You know I do
- Poldi, crees en mí... verdad?
I don't know if you don't believe me or just don't want to believe me
No sé si no me cree, o no quiere creerme...
- I don't know what Vanda told you... but believe me, she's not a bad person.
Pero créame, no es mala.
Dr. Judd, I know you don't believe me, but you must be careful.
Dr. Judd, sé que usted no me cree, pero debe tener cuidado.
Bien, sí que suena raro pero créame, señor, lo sé.
I know you don't believe me and you're trying valiantly to humor me... but I'm going to prove it to you.
Sé que no lo crees y que intentas seguirme la corriente... pero, voy a demostrártelo.
You look at me as though you don't believe it, but I know I'm right.
Me miras incrédula, pero sé que tengo razón.
Please believe me, I didn't kill him, don't you know that?
¡ Por favor creame! ¡ No lo maté!
I don ´ t know how to make you believe it, but- - l ´ m Terpsichore, the Grecian goddess and I came down from Mt.
No sé si me van a creer, pero... Soy Terpsícore, la diosa griega y he venido del Monte Parnaso para...
Mary, you won't believe this, but I don't know how those glasses got in here, but I'm glad you found them.
Mary, no creerás esto, pero no sé cómo esas gafas entraron aquí, pero me alegra que las hayas encontrado.
I don't even believe it, you know?
No me lo puedo creer, ¿ sabes?
Believe me, Francis, I don't know how the japs got the news any more than you do.
Créame, Francis, no sé cómo se han enterado los japoneses.
Right now I don't know anything about you but believe me, within 24 hours I will.
Ahora mismo, yo no sé nada de ti, pero, créeme, en 24 horas lo sabré.
I don't believe you know me, Chief Tayls.
No creo que me conozca, jefe Tayls. Soy Joe Gray.
Well you're going to hear. I don't care what you think of me, but you must believe that I know their kind.
- Pues seguirás oyendo. No importa lo que piensen de mí, pero conozco a esta clase de hombres.
I know you don't believe what they say about me in the village.
Don Jesús, yo sé que usted no cree lo que dicen de mí en el pueblo.
I don't know why you want me to believe you, but I believe you.
No sé por qué quieres que te crea, pero te creo.
You'll know now, I don't blame you, believe me.
Pues... Temo que no me haya dicho la verdad.
I don't know whether you'll believe me or not - I don't know why you should.
- TRIBUNAL EN sesión No sé si me creas o no... y no sé por qué deberías.
Oh, I know you don't believe me. I can't blame you.
Sé que no me creerás y no te culpo.
I don ´ t believe Antonio has despised you, You know he doesn ´ t look down on you, he loves you madly.
Lo del desprecio de Antonio no me lo creo, sabes que no te desprecia, te ama con locura.
I don't care whether you believe me, you know, for myself... but I'm tryin'to help you two kids.
A mí, personalmente, me da igual que me creas o no... pero estoy intentando ayudarlos a los dos. ¿ Qué quieres que te diga?
But it's so funny, though, sometimes you'd never believe it, they call me Katharine, I don't even know it's my own name, I forget to answer.
A veces me llaman Katharine ¡ y se me olvida contestar!
I don't know if you're lying to me, or if you're insane and I don't really care any longer, but that man, I believe was in the car that's been following us.
No sé si me estás mintiendo, o si estás loca y realmente ya no me importa, pero ese hombre, creo que conduce el carro que nos sigue.
You won't believe me, but I don't know. What's your name?
Quizás no lo creas, pero no lo sé. ¿ Cómo te llamas?
But you know I don't believe my good luck.
Sabes que no me creo esta buena suerte.
I know you don't understand, but believe me, your ships will know they're there.
Sé que usted no entiende, pero, créeme, sus barcos se sabe que están ahí.
You know, I don't believe a word of it.
Sabes, no me creo ni una palabra.
You know, I don't believe you're real.
No me creo que seas real.
You know, I don't believe you are real.
Mira, no me creo que seas real.
I don't believe it, but I sure would like to know how you do it.
No lo creo, me gustaría saber cómo lo hizo.
I don't know if you'd believe me.
No sé si me creerías.
Yes, but I don't know if it's them. You must believe me,
Sí, pero no sé si son estas.
You know, when Les told me about this, I said : "I just don't believe it."
Tú sabes, yo no creo lo que me dijo Les.
Look, I don't know talked you into taking this job, or how much they're paying you, but you gotta believe me, it ain't enough.
No sé quién lo convenció ni cuánto le pagan pero no es suficiente.
May the Earth cracks open and swallow me if you don't believe I didn't know it..
Que la tierra bajo mis pies se abra como un cráter si no soy noble. ¡ Berta, créeme!
I don't know what you look like, but I can hardly believe what I heard that you stabbed a man in the face with your hairpin.
Pero me cuesta creer lo que he oído que apuñalaste a un hombre en la cara con tu alfiler del pelo.
Given that you hold that it is I, Socrates who corrupts the young, you will certainly know who improves them, answer then, your silence may lead the court to believe that you don't know anything, tell me who can improve the young?
Dado que pretendes que soy yo, Sócrates, el que corrompe a la juventud, tú sabrás seguramente quién la hace mejor... Tu silencio podría hacer sospechar a la corte que no sabes nada... ¿ Quién hace mejores a los jóvenes?
You therefore believe by making those around me bad I don't know that I'm exposing myself to being maltreated by them?
¿ Crees entonces que haciendo malos a los que me rodean no sé que me expongo al peligro de ser maltratado por ellos?
Come on, Don José, you know me well,... and you shouldn't tease like that. Because I know you, I believe it.
Venga, Don José, usted me conoce bien y no debe creer en tonterías.
Would you believe me if I told you we don't know the truth?
¿ Me creería si le digo que no sabemos la verdad?
I don't know what that fella Irving had, but, believe me, the way you took that part...
No sé cómo actuaba el tal Irving, pero su actuación...
I don't know, but believe me... you're just a name on a piece of paper... a picture on a seating chart, and that's all.
No lo sé, pero creéme... sólo eres un nombre en una hoja... una foto en un mapa de asientos, nada más.
Hey, honey. I know you don't believe it, but that's why I'm here.
Cariño, sé que no me crees, pero por eso estoy aquí.
Would you believe me when I tell you I don't know what you're talking about!
Tiene que creerme, no sé de qué me habla.
I don't know. Keep questioning me and you'll believe I'm the killer!
Si sigue interrogándome creerá que soy el asesino.
I don't believe it. If you loved me, you'd know how cold I am.
Si me amaras, Sabrías que tengo mucho frío.

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