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I know you don't like me translate Spanish

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I don't know, it looked to me like you'd received bad news.
No sé, me ha parecido como si hubieras recibido una mala noticia.
I don't like your tone of voice, and I don't know how you got my number, but you can shove it up your ass, you understand?
No me gusta su tono de voz, y no sé cómo consiguió mi número, pero que le den, ¿ entiende?
I don't like them young, you know that
No me gustan los jovencitos, lo sabes.
I don't like to ask, but Letterman's pretty erratic with the paycheck, you know.
No me gusta pedir, pero Lotterman es errático con la paga.
I don't know how to make others happy like you do.
La gente no me hace reír... tan fácilmente como tú.
You know, I don't like to kiss and tell, but I was with Sir Al Pacino for a whole night.
No me gusta besar y contar pero estuve con Sir Al Pacino toda una noche.
I don't like most little people. Hey, you know what?
No me agrada la gente pequeña. ¿ Sabías?
Don't know why I like you.
No sé por qué me agradas.
I like you, but I don't know if I trust you.
Me gustas, pero no sé si confiar en ti.
Uh, I just don't like it, you know, and I signed a one-year lease.
No me gusta, ya sabes, y firmé un contrato de arrendamiento por un año.
I don't like this sort of thing happened, you know.
No me gusta este tipo de cosas que pasó, ya sabes.
You know I don't like to write.
Vamos. ¡ Vamos! Ya sabes que no me gusta escribir.
Look, I know we don't really know each other at all, but you seem like a really... Like a really great person.
Yo sé que no nos conocemos en lo absoluto pero tú me pareces una persona sensacional.
You know I don't like it when the ladies cry.
Sabes que no me gusta cuando las chicas lloran.
You know, I will eat the rest, and I don't feel like getting into this.
Me comeré el resto.
Now, you know I don't like to use the sit-down gun, but this morning we just don't have time for mucking about.
Saben que no me gusta usar la pistola para que se sienten... pero hoy no hay tiempo para hacer el tonto.
I don't know about you, but this music makes me feel like dancing.
No las conozco, pero esta música me hace sentir que estoy bailando.
You know I don't like when you call me that.
- Sabes que no me gusta que me llames así.
I don't want you to feel like I'm, you know, taking over.
No quiero que sientas que me apodero del lugar.
You know, after today, I don't even feel like getting high.
De hecho, no me siento con ganas de drogarme.
And I started thinking, you know, maybe the kids could Secret things, like, you know, I don't know, like... Like going to college.
Y me puse a pensar que los niños podrían aplicar el pensamiento positivo en no sé ir a la universidad.
You know I don't like hospitals.
Sabes que no me gustan los hospitales.
We argued, and you know I don't like arguing with you.
Discutimos. Y sabes que no me gusta discutir contigo.
And, you know I don't like him.
Y, usted sabe que no me gusta.
I don't know who you are, but I don't think it's right to see a lady like this in the buff.
No sé quien es usted, pero no me parece correcto ver a una señorita así en cueros.
Everything that you've gone through keeps leading you back to each other, just like it does Dan and me, and I know that it scares you and I know that it's a risk, but don't enter into a false life
Todo lo que han atravesado, los lleva a estar juntos. Lo mismo ocurre con Dan y conmigo. Sé qué te asusta y sé que es un riesgo, pero no inicies una vida ficticia solo porque tengas miedo de enfrentarte a la verdadera.
Just so you know I still don't like you.
Sólo para que lo sepas, todavía no me gustas.
Then he kills you and everyone you know, like, I don't know, me.
Después te mata a ti y a todos los que conoces, como por decir, a mí.
You know, I don't like your hybrid friends.
Sabes, no me gustan tus amigos híbridos.
Uh, I know you guys don't like me very much.
Sé que no les agrado mucho.
HERNDON ( chuckles ) : Look, you know I'm grateful ; just don't make me act like it.
Mira, sabes que estoy muy agradecido, solo no me obligues a actuar como tal.
You know I don't like it when you come by
Sabes que no me gusta que vengas...
I don't like going in and seeing and getting, you know, swept up with a performance and then seeing it go out of focus on a 25 - foot screen and knowing that there's no way to retrieve that.
No me gusta entrar y ver y terminar, arrastrado... con una actuación y luego verla irse con un fuera de foco... en una pantalla de 25 pies y ver que no hay forma de arreglarlo.
And I really don't like that chili you make, but I know it's your dad's recipe, so I just shut my mouth on that one.
Y en realidad no me gusta el chili que haces, pero sé que es la receta de tu padre, así que me callo respecto a eso.
Heh. God, you know what, kells? I'm really glad we killed you off early,'cause I feel like you just don't get it.
Chicos, me alegro que matemos muy a menudo,... porque parece que ustedes no lo entienden...
- Shut - - You know what? I don't fucking like it here anyway.
Igual, ni siquiera me gusta aquí.
I like you a lot, and I... I don't want to ruin anything by moving too fast, you know?
Me gustas mucho, y... no quiero arruinarlo yendo demasiado rápido, ¿ sabes?
You know I don't like that!
¡ Y ya sabes que no me gusta!
You know I don't like asking you for this, but...
Sabes que no me gusta pedirte esto, pero...
You know, the one thing that I took away from my injury is that, on days like this, don't worry about the future or the past.
Sabes, la única cosa que me llevé de mi lesión es que, en días como este... No te preocupas por el futuro ni por el pasado.
You know, I don't even like Morrissey.
Ya sabes, Ni siquiera me gusta Morrissey.
If I don't make it, you know, Then I'd like you to carry my body back down by the river
Si yo no sobrevivo quiero que lleves mi cuerpo al río y me dejes ahí.
And now, you know, I was thinking last I would give a lecture. And I don't feel in this occasion getting prize to give a lecture. I would like to actually have a more dialogue with the public.
- Estaba pensando en dar una conferencia, pero creo que no lo haré en esta ocasión, de hecho me gustaría más dialogar con el público, y antes de eso me gustaría leerles mi manifiesto.
I don't know if the public idolize me. It's, it's their own thing how they project, but it's not my aim. It's like, you know, if you come to the certain point of your career you are idolized, you have the money and you are famous, but this is not the aim of the art.
- No sé si el publico me idolatra, el escenario proyecta eso, pero no es mi objetivo, es como que cuando llegas a cierto punto en tu carrera eres un ídolo, tienes dinero y fama, pero ese no es el objetivo del arte, es solo un efecto secundario.
I think there's maybe still hope that I'll get upstairs so I'm like, I don't know if you guys should be filming me. So... I would love to just sit across from her.
- Creo todavía tengo esperanzas de que me llevan arriba con ella, por eso no es buena idea que me están filmando... me encantaría poder sentarme frente a ella, no sabia que era una regla, no me di cuenta,
I'd hate to be a stick insect'cause all the other insects are always, like, bumping into you'cause they don't know you're there,
No me gustaría ser un insecto palo Porque todos los otros insectos Siempre, chocarían con ustedes
See, you talk about me like I'm something you've studied for or read in a textbook, but you don't know.
Mire, habla de mí como si fuera algo que ha estudiado o que ha leído en un libro de texto, pero no lo sabe.
I don't like to eat alone, you know?
No me gusta comer solo, sabes?
You've never told me anything About, like, your family life, your house. I don't know how many parents you have,
No me cuentas de tu familia, de tu casa, no sé la clase de padres que tienes, si es que los tienes.
I don't know, like, what's the worst thing you've ever done to me?
- ¿ Qué es lo peor que me hayas hecho?

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