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I think i know what it is translate Spanish

566 parallel translation
I think I know what it is.
Creo que sé lo que es.
- I think I know what it is.
- Creo que me lo imagino.
Maggie, I think I know what it is.
Creo que sé lo que es.
I think I know what it is, and if it is what I think it is...
Si es Io que pienso...
You seem to know what you want, and I think I know what it is.
Quería saber lo que pretendía,... y ahora creo que lo sé.
- You'll do what I tell ya! I think I know what it is, only I'm not sure.
Creo que sé lo que es, pero no estoy segura.
Well, there had to be a reason for that, and I think I know what it is.
Pues ya sé por qué y ahora mismo te lo explicaré.
Creo que tengo lo que Ud. necesita en realidad.
Edna, i think i got it. I think i know what it is. What, arthur?
Edna,... creo que lo tengo.
Through the use of my manuals on all of the Polynesian dialects I think I know what it is.
Usando el diccionario de dialectos polinesios, me parece que lo he descifrado.
I think I know what it is, but don't worry about it, dear.
Creo saber de que se trata, pero no se preocupe, querida.
If you can destroy your life so easily, it is not worth very much. And then I wanted them to think me dead in order to make you know - even more strongly KNOW - what you hid...
Si usted destroza su vida, es que no vale gran cosa... y yo he querido que se me crea muerto para concerla mejor, para SABER con certeza lo que usted escondía...
All we have to do is throw the old underwear in the trunk 24 hours earlier, that's all. What is it, Mother? - Do you know what I think?
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es meter la ropa interior vieja en el armario... 24 horas antes, eso es todo.
I don't think I know what it is.
No creo conocer ese sentimiento.
I don't know what your plan is, boss, but I think if you was more legitimate... and just cleaned out these joints you crashed, there'd be more profit in it.
No conozco su plan, jefe... pero si fuera más normal... y desvalijara esos lugares, sacaría buenos beneficios.
Do you know what I think is the cause of it?
- ¿ Sabe cuál creo que es la causa?
I know what to do for cattle who've eaten too many loco weeds, why sulphur in molasses isn't as good as people think it is, and a thousand other things that I've forgotten already.
Sé qué hacer cuando el ganado come hierba mala, y que el azúcar y la melaza no son tan buenos como la gente se cree... y cientos de otras cosas que he olvidado ya.
I think you know what it is.
Creo que usted sabe lo que es.
You know what I think it is?
¿ Sabes lo que pienso que haces
I don't know what it is, but think it best you not see him.
No sé qué de qué se trata, pero creo que es mejor que no hables con él.
You think I don't know what it is?
¿ Te crées que no sé lo que es?
I know somebody who needs a place exactly like that. He'll pay what some people might think is a lot more than it's worth.
Conozco a una persona que compraría una casa como ésa y pagará más de lo que vale.
Si, creo que se lo que Ud. necesita.
I know what a shock it is to you, Theron but just think what it's been like for me.
Sé que es un golpe para ti, Theron pero piensa en lo que ha sido para mí.
I know what I want to say.I think about whether it is what I mean
Sé lo que quiero decir.
I don't know exactly what it is i want, but i'll sure think about it some.
Dos, dos. Aún actuando tan mal como ahora. Jesse, Jesse, demé una oportunidad.
This road means a lot to me, and I know what it means to you, but I think the thing for us to do is to stop work on this road.
Este camino significa mucho para Ud.y para mí... pero creo que debemos dejar de construir el camino.
I don't know what you think my life is like, reducing it all to the pettiness of somebody stealing from the cookie jar.
No sé cómo te piensas que es mi vida, reduciéndolo todo... a la mezquindad de alguien que sisa en la cocina del tarro de las galletas.
What I would like to know if you think it is he was right to ask? Reuben leaving the class as he did.
¿ crees que hizo bien... pidiéndole a Reuben que saliera de clase como lo hizo?
Do you think anybody ever came? I don't know what is it with people nowadays, but nobody has time. Oh no!
¿ Cree que viene alguno?
I think... you know what it is.
Yo creo que usted usted sabe lo que es.
And I think you know what it is, that's why you're here.
Usted lo sabe y por eso está aquí.
My girl keeps talking about some beauty queen and I think, she is young, you know, inexperienced, somebody might get the better of her, so I came to ask... to see... well, just to find out what it's all about.
Mi hija se la pasa hablando de reinas hermosas y creo que ella es joven, ya sabe, sin experiencia. Alguien debería sacar a flote lo que hay en ella, por eso yo venía... a preguntar... bueno, sólo vine a averiguar de qué se trata todo esto.
I don't know what use it is to think only of martial arts.
No le veo la utilidad a estar pensando siempre en artes marciales.
Beth, I know what you think that stone is but you're wrong. Then what is it?
Ya sé lo que crees que es esa piedra, pero te equivocas.
If there's something you know that we don't I think you'd better tell us what it is.
Si sabe algo que nosotros no sepamos será mejor que nos lo diga.
Look, gentlemen, I don't know what it is you're looking for, but I think it's only fair to tell you that my son-in-law is a very important man with a greeting card company, and he can get you in a lot of trouble.
Señores, no sé qué buscan pero les diré que mi yerno es un hombre muy importante en una empresa de tarjetas y puede meterlos en un lío.
Honey, you know what I think it is?
¿ Sabes porqué creo que es?
- You know what I think it all is?
- ¿ Sabes qué creo?
The reason I know it's cowardly is because I've never done a cowardly thing in my life, no matter what you or anybody else might think.
Sé que es de cobardes porque nunca he hecho nada cobarde en mi vida, me da igual lo que pienses.
I don't know but if it's what I think it is...
No lo sé, pero si estoy en lo cierto...
I don't know what Herbie's up to, but I hope it's not what I think it is.
Espero que Herbie no esté pensando lo que creo.
- What do you think it is, Joe? - I don't know, Woody.
- ¿ Qué crees que le pasa, Joe?
I think, if a guy wants to be able to get something to eat, he oughta be able to get something to eat, you know. Come on, let's move it up there! ( HONKING ) What is this?
Si uno quiere comer algo, debería poder hacerlo. ¡ Venga, muévete, el de delante!
Do you know what I think it is?
¿ Sabes lo que creo?
- You know what? - I think your act is really great ; and I like it very much but I can't sign you!
- Creo que tu acto es muy bueno y me gusta mucho, ¡ pero no puedo firmar contigo!
I don't, you know... I just think of it as rock'n'roll'cause that's what it is.
Yo lo llamo rock'n'roll porque eso es lo que es.
No, you know, the truth is... I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it.
La verdad es que... creo que sé qué me perturba del trabajo que has descrito, pero no sé cómo expresarlo.
But the man seems to have some connection with you... and I think I'd like to know what it is.
Ese hombre parece conocerte de algo. Me gustaría saber de qué.
- I know it was a business - - What do you think this is...
- Sé que fue un Business - - ¿ Qué crees que es esto...
I didn't think you'd know what it is.
- No creo que sepas qué es.

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