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I told you i would translate Spanish

4,762 parallel translation
Okay, when I told you I would cover for you,
No quise decir todo esto!
I told you I would tell Melissa the truth.
Te dije que le diría la verdad a Melissa.
- Yeah, I told you I would.
- Sí, te dije que lo haría.
I told you I would turn over the rest of it once you provided me with safe haven and the money you promised.
Te dije que te entregaría el resto una vez me proporcionaras un refugio seguro y el dinero que prometiste.
I told you you would skip class and then you would cheat on me with someone who looks like my cousin Maevid and that I would have to bail your perfect ass out of jail.
Te lo dije usted faltar a clase y luego lo haria engañame con alguien que ve como mi primo Maevid y que lo haria tiene que rescatar a su culo perfecto de la carcel.
What would you feel like if I told you there was a woman in there tonight... who killed her husband and her child... when she crashed her car when she was drunk, and she's spent the last 20 years trying to live with that?
¿ Qué sentirías si te dijera que había una mujer ahí esta noche...? Que mató a su marido y a su hijo... cuando estrelló su auto al estar borracha, y se pasó los últimos 20 años tratando de vivir con eso?
I told him you would.
Te dije que lo hicieras.
So if I told you to leave the capital right now and find Sansa, if I told you to find that murderous little bitch and bring me her head, would you do it?
Entonces si te digo que dejes la capital ahora mismo y encuentres a Sansa, si te digo que encuentres a esa pequeña perra asesina y me traigas su cabeza, ¿ lo harías?
I told you the jalapeno would be disgusting after the 3rd lick.
Te dije que el jalapeño sabría mal... después de la tercera chupada.
How would you like it if I told you to stop washing?
¿ Cómo te sentaría a ti que te dijera que te dejaras de lavar?
If I told you that, I would have to kill you, because you would be bored to tears.
Si te lo contara, tendría que matarte, porque te aburrirías hasta llorar.
Don't you think I would have told you?
¿ No crees que te lo hubiera dicho?
I told you my son has work to do here Mr Connor he's 10, what would you expect him to say?
Te dije que mi hijo tiene trabajo que hacer aquí el señor Connor él es 10, ¿ qué le esperaría que decir?
I was told that you would like a tour of the studio. Well, if you are the studio, then yes, that's correct.
Se me dijo que les gustaría un recorrido por el estudio.
If I'd told you the truth, would you have stayed?
Si te hubiera dicho la verdad, ¿ te habrías quedado?
Now, I would have thought that was cause for huge national celebration, but you're telling me that until I just told you, you'd never even heard of it?
Bueno, habría pensado que sería motivo de un gran festejo nacional, pero me dices que hasta que te lo he dicho, ¿ ni tan siquiera habías oído...
Well, I told you it would be.
- Te dije que lo sería.
I told her about everything that happened to you and she said she would be glad to talk to you.
Le conté lo que te había sucedido y dijo que con gusto hablaría contigo.
I told you that sending that video would crush her.
Te dije que enviar ese vídeo podría aplastarla.
[sighs] Mom, I knew if I told you, You would never be able to keep it from the ewings.
Mamá, sabía que si te lo decía, nunca serías capaz de mantener el secreto con los Ewings.
I told him you would solve our transit problem.
Le dije que solucionarías nuestro problemas con el tráfico.
Yesterday, I would've told you to kill me but today I have a niece.
Ayer yo te habría dicho que me mataras, pero hoy tengo una sobrina.
- Em, I wish you would have told us.
- Em, ojalá nos lo hubieras contado.
I know it isn't easy, Mr Simons, but it would help the investigation if you told us everything you can remember.
Sé que es difícil, Sr. Simons pero lo que recuerde podría hacer progresar la investigación.
I mean, I really wish you would've told me yourself, seriously, but congrats. What are you talking about?
Es decir, me hubiera gustado que me dijeras tú mismo pero felicidades de que estas hablando?
I told you he would.
Te dije que lo haría.
I told you this would be the best summer ever.
Te dije que este sería el mejor verano.
I told you it would not work.
Te dije que no funcionaría.
I told them there was no way that you would ever do such a thing.
Yo les dije no había ninguna manera de que usted haría en la vida, semejante cosa.
I told you this would work.
Te dije que funcionaría.
I told you these guys would be too stupid to accept millions in free publicity.
Te dije que estos tíos serían demasiado estúpidos como para aceptar publicidad gratuíta por valor de millones.
What would you say if I told you I have certain reasons to believe that someone in Germany..... someone in a high command, is contemplating an invasion of Belgium?
¿ Qué me diría si le dijera, que tengo razones para pensar, que alguien en Alemania, alguien en el Alto... Mando, está contemplando invadir Bélgica?
I wish you would have told me this before I bought tickets.
Me habría gustado que me contaras esto antes de comprar las entradas.
What would you say if I told you I was friends with two ghosts that were trying to find their parents that were kidnapped by an evil spirit?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que tengo dos fantasmas amigos, que intentaban hallar a sus padres, y que me secuestró un espíritu malvado?
I told him you would leave us alone.
Les dije que me dejaran en paz.
I told you this would happen if you mixed Ethiopian food with Percocet.
Te dije que pasaría esto si mezclabas comida etíope con el Percocet.
I told you it would take time.
- Te dije que llevaría tiempo.
So what would you say if I told you that I decided to call up Ethan?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que he decidido llamar a Ethan?
I told you this would be painless.
Te dije que sería sin dolor.
I told you, I would never set her up.
Se los he dicho, jamás le tendería una trampa.
I... I figured he would have told you.
Yo... suponía que te lo habría dicho.
I told you it would be quick and painless.
Te dije que sería rápido e indoloro.
As soon as this was over I would have told you everything.
Tan pronto esto acabase yo te lo contaría todo.
Shannon, I knew if I told you about the money you would've just...
Shannon, yo sabía que si te contaba lo del dinero tú te hubieras puesto...
If you told me about the money, I would've said it was a bad idea.
Si me hubieras contado lo del dinero, te hubiera dicho que era una mala idea.
- I once told you that I would kill you.
- Una vez te dije que te mataría.
Grayson isn't a Red Hawk, and if I thought his parents were gonna be a threat to you or any other Atrian at the party, I would have told.
Grayson no es un Halcones Rojos, y si creyera que sus padres iban a ser alguna amenaza para tí o cualquier otro atriano en la fiesta, lo habría dicho.
You mean... because I was told that when you made contact, it would be the endgame.
Quiere usted decir... porque se me dijo que cuando usted me contactara, eso significaría el fin del juego.
Because everything I've told you has played out just as I said it would.
Porque todo lo que os he dicho ha sucedido tal como dije que sucedería.
I was like, "Oh, no, who would... Why would you get LEGOs to be told how to put them together?"
¿ Por qué comprarías legos para que te digan cómo armarios?
What would you say if I told you that when a certain awful person was in town I ran into him in the woods and sort of kissed him?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que cuando cierta persona horrible estaba en la ciudad fui corriendo al bosque y le besé?

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