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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I want to be with you

I want to be with you translate Spanish

3,493 parallel translation
I-I want to be with you for a long time.
Quiero estar contigo durante mucho tiempo.
And I realized that I want to be with you.
Y me di cuenta de que quiero estar contigo.
I want to be with you forever.
Quiero estar contigo para siempre.
I want to be with you.
Quiero estar contigo Ben.
Chandigarh or Bangalore, I want to be with you.
Chandigarh y Bangalore, Quiero estar contigo.
I want to be with you now.
Quiero estar contigo ahora.
I want to be with you.
Quiero estar contigo.
Look, I know I want to be with you.
Mira. Sé que quiero estar contigo.
Look, I like you and I want to be with you.
Mira, me gustas y quiero estar contigo
Because you're leaving soon, and I want to be with you.
Porque te irás pronto y quiero estar contigo.
I want to be with you.
y abandonar este mundo. Siéntate cerca mío.
I want to be with you.
Yo quiero estar contigo.
I don't want to be with you.
Ya no quiero andar contigo.
Yes, I want to be alone with you.
- Ahora? Sí, deseo estar solo con usted. Ven.
No, I just want to be with you - and ride my new pedal car a bit.
No, sólo quiero estar con ustedes... y andar en mi nuevo coche.
I mean, why would I want to be pals with you?
Quiero decir, ¿ por qué iba a querer ser amiga contigo?
The only thing I want now is to be with you.
Lo único que quiero ahora. Es estar contigo.
If that's the way you want it to be, then I want to be there with it.
Si así queréis que sea, entonces quiero estar allí con ello.
Some of us aren't, so if you want to grab a cold one with me, I'd be happy to.
Algunos no lo somos, así que si quiere beber una fría conmigo, con gusto.
Look, I don't want you to be upset with me.
Mira, no quiero que estés molesta conmigo.
I don't want to be with you.
No quiero estar contigo.
And I know you want to be with me as well.
Y yo sé que quieres estar conmigo también.
I want to be with you.
Quiero -
I know you want to be with Amy.
Sé que quieres estar con Amy.
I love you and I want to be married to you, and have a wonderful life with you and John. - Oh. ( SIGHS ) - Oh.
Te quiero y quiero estar casado contigo, y tener una vida maravillosa contigo y con John. ¿ Qué hiciste mientras estaba fuera?
I just want you to be straight with them.
Yo sólo quiero que seas sincero con ellos.
Shaun is cool, and I get why you and every single woman in this restaurant would want to be with him, but you and I have something special.
Shaun es genial, y entiendo por qué tú y todas las mujeres solteras en este restaurante quisieran estar con él, pero tú y yo tenemos algo especial.
But I want you to know that you can be open with me.
Pero quiero que sepas que puedes ser sincera conmigo.
I should be, but I'm afraid if I stop speaking, you're gonna break up with me, which I really don't want you to do.
Debería, pero tengo miedo que si dejo de hablar, terminarás conmigo, y es algo que no quiero que hagas.
"I don't want to be with you anymore because of who you are."
"No quiero estar más contigo por cómo eres."
And I may be helping you study here, but I don't want to discuss Thayer any more than I want to talk about what happened with you and Sutton.
Y puedo estar ayudándote a estudiar, pero no quiero discutir lo de Thayer más de lo que quiero hablar de lo que pasó entre Sutton y tú.
But I also want you to kick in a $ 250,000 credit line with 10 % interest to be paid back in full once we meet net revenue positive.
Pero debes incluir una línea de crédito de $ 250.000 con un interés del 10 % a pagar cuando logremos ingresos netos positivos.
Jony, I always want you to be honest with me.
Jony, siempre quiero que seas honesto conmigo.
You guys are all coming with. I want you to be there. "
Y vosotros venis con el Quiero que estéis ahí ".
I just want to be careful with you.
Solo quiero tener cuidado contigo.
Well, I don't want to bother you with this, but it'd be nice if you could tell her that we'd like her to pay.
Cuando la conoces? Trabajar en el bar también. Yo soy el gerente.
I want to be here with you.
Quiero estar aquí, con usted.
You gotta set me up with a whole new life in, like, Topeka where I get to be whatever I want, like a master electrician... or a guidance counselor.
Tenéis que erigir para mí una vida entera nueva, como en Topeka donde tendré que ser lo que yo quiera, como electricista... o tutor de escuela...
- I don't want you to be with Lucien.
Quiero decir... Qué?
I just want to be up-front with you.
Solo trato de ser sincera contigo.
I half-thought that Brody guy was gonna be with you, and I didn't think you'd want to spend your first Valentine's Day apart.
Pensé que ese Brody estaría contigo y no pensé que querrían pasar su primer San Valentín separados.
I adore them and want them to be with me, but you're their mother.
Los adoro y quiero que estén conmigo, pero sos la madre.
I want you to know... you know, I know that what I want is... I just, I... to be with you.
estar contigo.
I've made a good living. But I want to be completely honest with you. 99 % of the hauntings that I've investigated can be explained scientifically.
Me va muy bien, pero la seré completamente honesta, el 99 por ciento de las apariciones que he investigado pueden explicarse científicamente.
What I really want is to just be with you, and do fun things
Lo que quiero en serio es estar contigo y hacer cosas divertidas,
I want you to tell your wife that invoking your name in an interaction with a state trooper is nothing to be ashamed of.
Quiero decirle a tu esposa que invocar tu nombre ante un policía estatal no es algo de lo que avergonzarse.
You know what? If you want to be alone with her, I'll put on my housecoat and take Sally for a ride.
Si quieres estar solo con ella me pondré mi abrigo y llevaré a Sally a dar un paseo.
Honestly, I want to come be with you.
Francamente, quiero estar a tu lado.
If you'd be happier with me dead, then I never want to die!
¡ Si fuera más feliz con mi muerte, entonces nunca me quiero morir!
If you're scared to talk to me about all you've been hiding'cause you think I won't be all right with it, I want you to know your mama's all right with it.
Si tienes temor de contarme de lo que estás ocultando... porque tú piensas que no me parecería bien, quiero que sepas que a tu mamá le parecería bien.
To be honest with you, there is only one girl that I want to have a date with.
Para ser sincero contigo, solo hay una chica con la que quiero tener una cita.

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