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I wanted to tell you something translate Spanish

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During all these days I wanted to tell you something.
Desde hace días quería decirte una cosa.
If that evening my mother hadn't called me just when I wanted to tell you something...
Si aquella noche mi madre no me hubiese llamado... cuando quería decirte una cosa.
Jiro, I wanted to tell you something.
Jirô, quería decirte algo.
I wanted to tell you something.
Quería decirte algo.
If you could lower that rifle for a moment, I wanted to tell you something.
Si deja un momento el fusil, le diré una cosa.
I wanted to tell you something.
Quería comentarle algo.
- I wanted to tell you something's missing.
- Tengo que decirle que falta algo.
I, uh - I wanted to tell you something before I went away, but -
Y quería decirte algo antes de irme, pero...
I guess it's of no importance, but I wanted to tell you something about last night.
No tiene demasiada importancia, pero quería hablar de anoche.
I wanted to tell you something.
Pero recuerda una cosa :
I wanted to tell you something.
Quería decirte una cosa.
I wanted to tell you something, sir.
Quería decirle algo, señor.
Maria... I wanted to tell you something.
María... quería decirte una cosa.
I wanted to tell you something.
Nos sorprendió vuestra ausencia. Sentaos.
- I wanted to tell you something.
- Quería decirle una cosa...
I wanted to tell you something.
- Verá, Sr. Alcalde, le quería decir...
Agnès, I wanted to tell you something.
Agnès, quisiera decirle algo.
- I wanted to tell you something, but I don't think I have the courage.
Me gustaría decirte algo, pero no me atrevo.
Me too, I wanted to tell you something the other day.
Yo también, hay algo que quiero decirte.
Ghost, I wanted to tell you something else man.
Ghost, quiero decirte algo.
Ma'am? Ma'am, I wanted to tell you something, but I kept forgetting it.
Señora tengo que decirle una cosa, se me había olvidado.
But I only wanted to tell you something about my profession.
sólo quería contarle algo sobre mi profesión.
I wanted to tell you... something.
Quería decirte... una cosa.
Seems to me I had something else I wanted to tell you.
Me parece que tenía algo más para decirle.
There was something I wanted to tell you about Mr. Blake.
Había algo que quería decirle sobre el Sr. Blake.
I knew there was something I wanted to tell you.
Ya sabía yo que quería decirte una cosa.
There is something I wanted to tell you
No, no, quería decirle otra cosa y no me acuerdo.
There is something I wanted to tell you.
Hay algo que quiero decirle.
There's, uh-There's something rather important I wanted to tell you.
Tengo algo muy importante que decirte.
You understand, I didn't try, but it seemed to me that one of them wanted the other one to do something but I couldn't tell who wanted who to do what to which.
Tampoco lo intenté, pero me pareció que uno de ellos deseaba que el otro hiciera algo, pero no sabría decir cuál de los dos.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
Hay una cosa que quería contarte.
I didn't mean to tell you. I wanted to wait until you'd forgotten all the mess we've been through together, till you could stop thinking of me as a part of something unpleasant and frightening.
Quería esperar a que olvidaras todo esto y no me asociaras con algo desagradable.
I didn't come to say good-bye with the others because... there was something I wanted to tell you.
No fui a despedirme con los demás porque hay algo que quería decirle.
I must say that yesterday you gave me the impression you wanted to tell me something important.
Ayer parecía querer contarme algo importante.
There was something I wanted to tell you.
¿ Sabes? Quiero decirte algo.
Come on, I thought you wanted to tell me something.
- Adelante, creo quiero decirme algo.
But there ´ s something I wanted to tell you
Hay algo que quiero decirle
You asked me once to tell you of something I wanted.
Una vez me preguntó que le dijera algo que yo quisiera.
There's something I always wanted to tell you.
No te odio, pero hace mucho que quiero decirte algo, Jo.
I'll tell you something else - Commander Quigley also wanted to go. He volunteered immediately.
Le digo algo más... el comandante Quigley también quería ir.
To tell you the truth, I wanted to talk to him about something.
Para serte sincera, quería hablar con él de algo.
Well, Paul, there was something else I wanted to tell you.
Bueno, hay algo más que quería decirte.
And I'll tell you something. I never wanted to kill myself!
Le voy a decir más, nunca quise suicidarme.
I could have cut out of here before... but I wanted to tell you something that I never told anybody.
Pero quería decirte algo que no le he dicho nunca a nadie.
I knew you wanted to tell me something.
Yo lo sabía. Tenía la sensación de que Vd. quería decirme algo.
I was going to tell you something about her as I wanted to give you something'cause you gave me Hector, and Miranda-Anne's so nice.
Te lo iba a decir así como me dejaste conservar algo porque me diste a Héctor Mirand Anne es muy agradable también es inteligente
I thought, you wanted to tell me something!
Pensé que querías decirme algo.
Now, I have to tell you something I wanted to hide from you.
Además, debo decirte algo que te he ocultado.
Oh, I, uh, wanted to tell you something's wrong with the telephone.
Quería decirte que pasa algo con el teléfono.
I've always wanted to tell you something... but never knew how.
Muchas veces quise decirte una cosa... pero equivocaba el modo.
There is something I have wanted to tell you.
Hay algo que quiero decirte.

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