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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I was going to tell you

I was going to tell you translate Spanish

758 parallel translation
- I was going to tell you, but I couldn't.
Te lo iba a decir, pero no he podido.
I was going to tell you.
Iba a contártelo.
I was going to tell you, Inspector.
Voy a contárselo todo, comisario.
I was going to tell you something very plummy.
Porque te iba a contar algo muy sabroso.
Eso es lo que iba a decirte en esa carta.
I was going to tell you myself.
Quería decírtelo yo mismo.
Alright. I was going to tell you something.
Quería decirte algo.
I was going to tell you it was from me.
- Sí. Iba a decirle que eran de mi parte.
I was going to tell you about this when you were older, but just as I was coming in, I saw you giving your mother a hard time.
Iba a decirte esto cuando fueras más mayor, pero justo al llegar vi que ponías en aprietos a tu madre.
I told Daddy tonight I was going to tell you.
Le dije a papá esta noche que te lo diría.
- Miss Cameron, I was going to tell you...
- Srta. Cameron, iba a decirle...
- I was going to tell you...
- Le iba a decir...
I was going to tell you later but I can't keep the secret any longer
Te lo pensaba decir más tarde... pero ya no puedo guardarlo más.
I was going to tell you something come Dunichka, let's sit down here for a while and then I'll tell you something you see, actually your mother ought to tell you this but how could she as she's no longer alive
¡ Ven Dunichka, vamos a sentarnos aquí! Dunichka, que voy a decirte una cosa... En realidad... tendría que decírtelo tu madre...
I was going to tell you when we got to New York.
Te lo iba a decir al llegar a Nueva York.
- I was going to tell you later.
- Iba a decírtelo más tarde. - ¿ Cuánto más tarde?
I was going to tell you when I got the telephone call.
Iba a decírtelo cuando recibí la Ilamada.
I was going to tell you on the way back from El Sordo, but I was glad when you wouldn't let me.
Te lo iba a contar cuando volvíamos del Sordo, pero me alegré de que no me dejaras.
I was going to tell you.
- Te lo iba a decir, en serio.
I was going to tell you myself, sir.
Yo mismo se lo iba a decir.
I was going to tell you before, but I wanted to wait until it was definite.
Iba a decíroslo antes, pero quería esperar a que fuera definitivo.
I was going to tell you about it, Tarzan, only I...
Iba a decírtelo, Tarzán, sólo que...
Virginia, I was going to tell you. Dr. Gifford says you're going to staff.
Virginia, el Dr. Gifford dice que hablarás con el personal.
Remember at the dance I was going to tell you another reason for knowing I was getting well?
¿ Recuerda que iba a decirle otra razón por la que estoy bien?
I was going to tell you about this, but I wanted to do it in my own way, so that you'd understand.
Iba a decirtelo, pero quería hacerlo a mi manera, de modo que lo entendieras.
I was going to tell you the same news.
Iba a contarte las mismas noticias.
That's about what I was going to tell you.
Sobre eso precisamente quería hablarte.
I was going to tell you about it, but with all this going on it seemed rather unimportant.
Iba a contártelo, pero con todo esto... no me pareciò tan importante.
I was going to tell you tonight.
Yo iba a decir esta noche.
I didn't know that mom was going to make the change today... I was going to tell you tonight.
Yo no sabía que mamá iría a hacer la mudanza hoy... y te contaría hoy a la noche.
I'm going to tell him that it was Mme Lepic who stopped you going.
Voy a decirle que la Sra. Lepic le ha prohibido que fuese con él.
Don't tell him I was here, you have to meet him by yourself and tell him that everything's going to be alright.
No hable de mí, debe ir allí sola y decirle que todo está arreglado.
I came to tell you that I was going for a walk.
He venido para decirte que iba a caminar un poco.
I was waiting for you because our friend here was good enough to tell me he was going to meet you.
Estaba esperándola porque su amigo... me informó gentilmente que iba a reunirse con usted.
He told me to get your police card and tell you... I was going to interview Tony Gateson.
Me dijo que le pidiera su tarjeta de policía... y que le dijera que entrevistaría a Tony Gateson.
I told him I was going straight back to you and tell the truth.
Le dije que volvía con usted para decirle la verdad.
Iba a hacerlo.
Kit, what I wanted to tell you was, I'm going to have a baby.
Kit, lo que quería decirte es que tendré un bebé.
I was going to keep it for a while, but now I'll tell you.
Iba a guardármelo un tiempo, pero te lo diré ahora.
She carried the bags down to the car, and when I saw she was really going. I asked her if there was anything I could tell you. But she wouldn't answer.
Bajó las maletas al coche, y cuando vi que se iba realmente, le pregunté si quería que le dijera algo, pero no respondió.
- Tell it. I was going to kill you.
- Yo iba a matarlo.
- I was just going to tell you...
- Iba a decírtelo.
Never made me, I didn't even know that I was going, to tell you suddenly, there I was
Nadie me obligó, no tenía ni idea de dónde me llevaban.
I was going to tell you tonight..
Iba a decírtelo esta noche.
I was going to tell - you deal in technicalities.
Iba a decírtelo... Lo suyo es más técnico.
I haven't asked you the things you probably thought I was going to ask... so I'll expect you to be understanding about what I have to tell you.
No te he preguntado lo que esperabas que te preguntara probablemente de modo que espero que seas comprensiva con lo que te voy a decir.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
Escucha, le iba a decir a Sims que confronté a Steve y que no me dijo nada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.
Now what was it you were going to tell Iris for her own good, may I ask?
¿ Qué ibas a decirle a Iris por su bien, si puedo preguntar?
Didn't I tell you he was going to come?
¿ No te dije que va a venir?
I was going to tell you tonight.
Pensaba decírtelo esta noche.
All right, I was only going to tell you
- Está bien, sólo te iba a decir que...

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