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I won't stop you translate Spanish

552 parallel translation
I won't stop you. What a wacko!
Nadie te detiene.
I won't try to stop you again, boys.
No trataré de detenerlos otra vez, muchachos.
Well, if that's what you want, I won't stop you.
Bueno, si eso es lo que quieres, no te lo impediré
Not that I'm complaining, but if you don't stop being careless and breaking china, there won't be much chance for her to have the clothes every girl ought to.
No me quejo, querido. Pero si no tienes más cuidado con la porcelana, tu hija no tendrá la ropa que se merece una chica.
I won't stop you.
No Io haré.
Well, he'll be much kinder if he goes about his own business and leaves you alone. I won't stop.
Bueno, será mucho más amable si se dedica a sus asuntos y te deja sola. No me detendré.
I won't stop it and you can't.
No lo detendré y ustedes no podrán hacerlo.
I won't stop you from pleasing him!
¡ Yo no te detengo! ¡ Ve a congraciarte!
If you don't stop nagging, I won't help you arrange matters with Boopie.
No seas pesado o no te ayudaré a salir de tu aprieto con Boopie.
Then get out of my way, for I won't stop for you.
Pues apártate de mi camino, no te detengo.
If you don't stop I won't have any reputation left at all.
Si no paras, no me quedará nada de buena reputación.
I won't stop you.
No los detendré.
If you say you're going, no matter what, I won't try to stop you any more. Please do your best.
No entiendo tu obsesión con marcharte, pero me rindo, no te detendré.
I gotta get here early and set up, so I won't be able to stop by for you.
Tengo que llegar temprano y preparar todo... así que no podré pasar a buscarte.
If you don't stop looking at me like that, I won't be responsible for what happens.
Si no dejas de mirarme así, no me hago responsable de lo que ocurra.
Don't know if I'd blame you much, a man that killed your partner but that won't stop me from nailing'you.
No sé si te culparía, un hombre que ha matado a tu socio... pero eso no me impedirá echarte el guante.
Go ahead. I won't stop you.
Adelante. No se lo impediré.
Next time I won't try to stop you.
- La próxima vez, no intentaré detenerla.
You go right ahead to California. I won't stop you.
No te detendré.
- I won't stop you.
No te detendré.
I reckon you won't stop the Southern Cross from my ship, Mr. Tolliver.
No detendrás el Southern Cross desde mi barco.
I hope this won't stop you from eating.
Que esté entre ustedes no es un pretexto para que no coman.
I know, it's no use. Your husband's arm is in a cast, and you still won't stop?
¡ Sigue con esa locura, teniendo un marido con el brazo roto!
If you want to bring that girl here for any purpose of your own I won't stop you.
Si quieres traer aquí a esa chica... para algún propósito exclusivamente tuyo, no te lo impediré.
Kid, if you don't stop I won't continue to read the cards.
Niño, si no te callas, no puedo continuar.
It's my turn again but I won't take it... if you stop worrying about your goods and go to bed.
Ahora me toca a mí, pero no lo haré... si dejáis de preocuparos por el oro y os dormís.
I won't stop you.
No te detendré.
How do you know I won't stop it?
¿ Cómo sabes que no lo anularé?
I hope you won't try to stop me.
Espero que no intentes detenerme.
Once I start singing, I won't stop. They'll jug you right alongside of me.
Pues correrás la misma suerte que yo.
Of course, if you want to try to find him, I won't try to stop you.
Por supuesto, si quiere encontrarle, no trataré de impedírselo.
* I was your son before I began to love you, * * Your torments won't stop me *
* Pues era ya hijo antes de amarte, * * y tu martirio no me frenará. *
I won't stop looking like this till you give me a little ol'kiss.
No dejaré de mirarte así hasta que me des un besito.
Rosa, you stop crying, or I won't go another step with you.
Deja de llorar o no iré contigo.
Listen, I won't let you commit suicide. Can you stop me, if I want to take my life?
No dejaré que se mate no puede detenerme si me quiero matar
If you're here in the morning, I won't stop him.
Si sigues aquí por la mañana, no le detendré.
If you want to act that way, I certainly won't try to stop you.
Si quieres comportarte así, ciertamente no trataré de detenerte.
Hey, stop playing. I won't hold it against you.
Oye, acepta mi consejo y déjalo.
- lf I don't stop shaking you won't see anything but a bad imitation of Gilda Gray doing a shimmy.
- Si no dejo de temblar no verán más que una mala imitación de Gilda Gray cantando.
I won't stop talking like that. Not until you quit Mr. Williams.
- No hasta que te apartes de él.
I won't stop you dancing.
No quiero que bailes.
Though I won't stop you.
Aunque no te detendré!
I won't discuss it unless you stop shouting.
No pienso seguir hablando si no dejas de gritar.
- I won't stop you.
- No te lo voy a impedir.
I don't want you thinking that I'm jelous. But you know how the old ladies are.. They won't stop chatting.
No quiero que pienses que estoy celosa, lo que pasa es que ya sabes tú cómo son las viejas, que no dejan nunca de hablar y hablar.
Listen, I won't stop you from seeing Luciani or anybody else.
Escucha, no te voy a impedir que veas a Luciani o a cualquiera.
Stop it, or I'll strangle you with my own hands, so you won't need no gas bomb to die!
Así que calla o te estrangulo yo mismo, así no hará ni falta el gas asfixiante.
I won't stop you,
No te detendré.
- Look stop making insinuating remarks about Gertrude or I won't invite you to the wedding.
- Mira deja de insinuar cosas sobre Gertrude o no te invitaré a la boda.
Get out of my way, for I won't stop for you.
Aparta de mi camino, por ti no paro.
I warn you, I won't stop until I know. And I'll crush the guilty one's head.
Os advierto que no pararé hasta saberlo y al culpable le machacaré la cabeza. ¿ Os enteráis?

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