If it's any consolation translate Spanish
596 parallel translation
If it's any consolation to you I want to you know I'm innocent.
Si le sirve de consuelo, soy inocente.
If it's any consolation to you, however, i may say my difficulty is wondering exactly where you stand.
Pero si le sirve de consuelo, debo decir que mi problema es saber exactamente de qué lado está usted.
But I think it's worth it, Phil, if that's any consolation.
Si te consuela, creo que vale la pena.
If it's any consolation, one good thing's come out of it.
Si te sirve de consuelo, ha servido para algo.
Well, if it's any consolation to your pride, I've tried to behave here at home.
Si te sirve de consuelo, -... he intentado comportarme en casa.
If it's any consolation to you, you might care to consider that you're not the only one.
Si le sirve de consuelo, sepa que usted no es el único.
If it's any consolation, I feel as rotten about it as you do.
Si te sirve de consuelo, a mí me hace sentir tan mal como a ti.
If it's any consolation to you, she meant what she said.
Si le sirve de consuelo, ella queria decir lo que dijo.
If it's any consolation, the one thing she said was your name
Si le sirve de consuelo, lo único que dijo fue su nombre.
But if it's any sort of consolation to you, I've managed to get you the special powers you wanted.
Pero si te sirve de consuelo, he arreglado que tengas los poderes especiales que querías.
- If it's any consolation - there's no problem I can't solve.
Si... si te sirve de consuelo no hay problema que yo no pueda resolver.
Well, if it's any consolation, I had a lousy time last night.
Si te sirve de consuelo, lo pasé horrible anoche.
I mean, if it's any consolation to you, you're scaring me out of my wits.
Quiero decir, si os sirve de consuelo, me estáis sacando de mis casillas.
- If it's any consolation to you, brother you won't be alone.
- ¿ Por qué a mí? - Para su consuelo le diré, hermano que no solamente a usted.
If it's any consolation, Fallon tells me... that 1,200 deaths don't matter.
Si te sirve de consuelo, Fallon dice... que 1.200 muertes no importan.
And if it's any consolation I'll be the last one out of here along with my son-in-law.
Y si te sirve de consuelo mi yerno y yo seremos los últimos en salir de aquí.
Look, if it's any consolation, uh, this place... they don't call it a - a nursing home.
Mira, si te sirve de consuelo, a este lugar... no lo llaman un hogar de ancianos.
Oh, Larry, if it's any consolation, none of us are enjoying this boat ride anymore than you are.
Si es un consuelo, no disfrutamos este paseo en bote más que tú.
If it's any consolation...
Si te sirve de consuelo...
well, if it's any consolation, I assure you it is not wasted.
Bueno, si te sirve de consuelo, te aseguro que no estoy desperdiciado.
If it's any consolation to you, I know how you feel.
Si te sirve de consuelo, ya sé cómo te sientes.
If it's any consolation... I may still have it somewhere around the house.
Sí le sírve de consuelo puede que aún lo tenga en casa.
If it's any consolation, I may just know how to stop it.
Si le sirve de consuelo, creo que acabo de descubrir cómo detenerlo.
Well, if it's any consolation, I love you.
- Bueno... pues si te sirve de consuelo, te quiero.
If it's any consolation, he's on the Uptown passenger list.
Si te consuela esta en la lista de pasajeros al cielo
If it's any consolation, some people know... and I've told them... no officer has been more reliable than you.
Si te sirve de consuelo... muchos saben, y yo también, que no ha habido oficial más digno de confianza que tú.
If it's any consolation,
Si te sirve de consuelo,
Well, if it's any consolation, it is one of the more peaceful ways to die.
Bueno si le sirve de consuelo es una de las formas mas tranquilas de morir.
If it's any consolation, he was awfully pleased.
Si le sirve de consuelo, creo que Jones está muy contento.
But if it's any consolation to you... a number of our players are returning from last year, so... maybe it wouldn't take much coaching.
Pero van a volver varios del año pasado, así que... No hay que entrenarlos.
Well, Cliff, if it's any consolation,
Bueno, Cliff, si te sirve de consuelo,
If it's any consolation, he must have been happy yesterday.
Si le sirve de consuelo, él debió estar bien feliz ayer.
If it's any consolation to you... before we leave,
Hmm. Si te sirve de consuelo... antes de que nos vayamos,
If it's any consolation, It'll be me watching your back.
Ok, si es algún consuelo, yo vigilaré tu espalda.
If it's any consolation, We've had a rare opportunity... Living with an alien.
Si sirve de consuelo, tenemos una rara oportunidad viviendo con un extraterrestre.
I don't suppose it's any consolation, but if she were still alive, the age difference would be insurmountable.
- ¡ Ostras! Supongo que no es un consuelo, pero, si siguiera viva, la diferencia de edad sería un gran impedimento.
If it's any consolation... You almost made it.
Si te sirve de consuelo, casi lo logras.
I know it's difficult at such a time, but if it's any consolation, we still have Mr. Holmes.
Sé que es dificil un momento así pero si le sirve de consuelo, todavía tenemos al Sr. Holmes.
( music ) Goodness, gracious Great balls of fire ( music ) Well, if it's any consolation, I think they liked it, Sam.
Pues, si te sirve de consuelo, creo que les gustó, Sam.
Hey, David, if it's any consolation,
Hey, David, Si te sirve de consuelo, yo tampoco pasé.
If it's any consolation, his memory is full of holes too.
Si te sirve de consuelo, él tampoco recuerda todo.
Well, if it's any consolation, I went through the same thing.
Temprano en la mañana.
Hey, you guys, if it's any consolation, I'll never leave you.
Nos acabamos de despedir.
I guess that if it's any consolation, I want you to know that... that... I always loved you, Michael.
Si te sirve de consuelo, quiero que sepas que que siempre te he querido, Michael.
- Look at them! If it's any consolation, when they threw me out... those nazis loosed their dogs.
Si le sirve de consuelo, cuando me echaron del consulado... esos nazis soltaron a sus perros.
Mom, Dad, if it's any consolation, I got an "A" on the test... and I must say I found it very easy.
Si les sirve de consuelo, yo saqué un diez en la prueba... y debo decir que estuvo muy fácil.
Well, if it's any consolation, Maurice, you know, your feelings aren't instinctual.
Si te sirve de consuelo, Maurice, lo que sientes no es instintivo.
If it's any consolation to you, the board of directors believed that you were right all along.
Si te sirve de consuelo para usted, el consejo de administración cree que estaban en lo correcto todo el tiempo.
But if it's any consolation to you, you'll be helping us... understand the biochemistry of this heartless disease.
Pero si le sirve de consuelo, nos estará ayudando a comprender la bioquímica de este mal desalmado.
Well, if it's any consolation, I didn't sleep much either, Brenda.
Bueno, si te sirve de consuelo, yo tampoco dormí mucho, Brenda.
Mary, if it's any consolation, you're not alone.
Mary, si te sirve de consuelo, no estás sola.
if it's meant to be 16
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it's a girl 43
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it's a girl 43
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54