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If it were up to me translate Spanish

415 parallel translation
Lotte if it were up to me, all Silesia could bugger off well that's what happening right now why?
Ajá... eso es lo que está pasando. ¿ Cómo? Ah, bueno, visto así...
If it were up to me, you would have broken with the baroness long ago.
Si fuera yo, ya habría roto la relación con la baronesa hace tiempo.
If it were up to me, all women in Vienna would have to emigrate at once.
Si por mí fuera, todas las mujeres de Viena deberían emigrar.
if it were up to me I wouldn't let female vagabonds get into our carriage she doesn't look like a vagabond
si dependiera de mí no dejaría que esas vagabundas entren en nuestro carruaje ella no parece una vagabunda
Still, if it were up to me, I'd take lodge, put him right out in front, make him help carry the load.
Aunque si de mí dependiera, llevaría a Lodge...,... lo pondría en primera fila y dejaría que me ayudase.
- If it were up to me...
- ¿ Y si empeora?
If it were up to me...
Si de mí dependiese...
If it were up to me, I would take care of you
Yo... Yo cuidaría de usted.
I said, if it were up to me, I'd take you in
Que yo... podría cuidar de usted.
If it were up to me, I would have sold it a long time ago.
Si dependiera de mí, la habría vendido hace tiempo.
And if it were up to me, I'd give you a lash, a hundred lashes.
Y si fuera por mí, le daría un latigazo, cien latigazos.
If it were up to me, it would be at the bottom of the river.
Si dependiese de mí, estarían en el fondo de un río.
If it were up to me, I'd skin the lot of them.
Si por mí fuera, los desollaría a todos.
If it were up to me we would call it all off now.
Si dependiera de mí lo cancelaríamos todo ahora.
If it were up to me, I'd Let you go.
Si por mi fuera, te dejaría ir.
If it were up to me, I would give myself to you here and now.
Si sólo dependiese de mí... me quedaría contigo sin dudarlo.
- If it were up to me, I'd shove them all into a pit.
los metía a todos en un pozo.
- If it were up to me I'd throw you all into a pit and with machineguns...
os arrojaba a todos a un pozo y os ametrallaba...
If it were up to me, I'd stand them all against a wall.
Si fuera por mí, Ios pondría a todos contra el paredón.
If it were up to me, I'd just fish and then throw them all back into the sea.
Si fuera por mí, pescaría y después tiraría el pescado al agua. ¡ Juan!
If it were up to me...
Si yo me ocupase de usted...
If it were up to me, I'd say, "Okay, whatever you want."
Y si fuera por mì, Yo dirìa, "bien, como tù digas."
If it were up to me, I'd stay in bed all day.
Si fuera por mí, me quedaría en la cama todo el día.
If it were up to me, you still wouldn't have that bike!
Si por mí fuera no tendrías esa moto
If it were up to me, you know... I'd put'em to the wall.
Si de mi dependiera, los mandaría al paredón
If it were up to me I'd abolish visiting days.
Si dependiera de mí aboliría estos días de visita.
- Now, if it were up to me...
- Si dependiera de mí...
If it were up to me, I'd leave the following in Krakow... the Old Market Square and the old Cloth Hall as reminders.
Si pudiera decidir, yo dejaría en Cracovia la Plaza Mayor y el antiguo Mercado, de recuerdo.
If it were up to me, I'd rub'em out.
Si fuera por mí, les habría "untado".
Less talented, too If it were up to me -
Y con mucho menos talento. Si fuera por mí...
If it were up to me, I would give it to you.
Si pudiera, te lo concedería.
- If it were up to me, I'd reason with him first.
- Yo lo haría entrar en razón primero.
If it were up to me, I couldn't care less what she did.
Si fuera por mí, no me importaría lo que ella hiciera.
If it were up to me, I would have sent you right to Hell!
¡ Si de mí dependiera, te enviaría directamente al infierno!
If it were up to me, Todd, I'd let you out.
Si decidiera yo dejaría que te fueses.
Wouldn't it be better if I were to pick up the poker before I made the entrance to the room?
¿ Me puede dar el atizador? Lo siento mucho.
It's up to you to act as your conscience dictates... but if there were that many charges pending over me... you wouldn't see my coattail for the dust.
Te incumbe a ti actuar según tu conciencia... Pero si pesaran sobre mí todas esas acusaciones... no volverían a ver mi rastro.
And if you were to leave it up to them, I'm sure all would stay with me.
Y si les diéramos a elegir, estoy seguro que hoy todos se quedarían conmigo.
If it were only up to me, I'd say, "Take her wherever you please I'd gladly entrust her to you," with my eyes closed.
Si dependiera de mí, diría : "Llévatela donde quieras. Te la confío con los ojos cerrados".
They taught me that, when the odds were against a good fighter, to cover up if you wanted to keep on your feet because even though you lose the decision, it's better than a knockout.
Aprendí, cuando las probabilidades están en contra... a cubrirme si quiero mantenerme en pie... porque aunque pierda la decisión... es mejor que quedar fuera de combate.
He had asked me if you were up to it. - You're being unfair.
Él me preguntó esta mañana si estábamos dispuestos, y le dije que sí.
I wouldn't move if I were you. For how long? For so long as it takes for me to make up my mind just what I'm going to do.
Todo el que tarde en decidir lo que voy hacer, mientras tanto puede escuchar lo que mi antigua enfermera solía llamar autenticas verdades.
When did you decide to betray me? Didn't you know that it's impossible to run? Even if you were locked up in the monkey's quarters?
Cuando decidiste traicionarme nunca pensaste que era imposible escapar... ni aunque te entregases a la policía y te guardasen en el cuartel de los macacos.
Come to think of it, if I were younger, I'd take it up myself.
Si fuera más joven, me dedicaría a eso.
If it were up to you, I would spend the whole voyage on my back.
Si fuera por ti, me pasaría todo el viaje acostada.
If we were to team up... it'd be the best for everyone, I think... for you... for me... and especially for Renate.
Juntarnos sería lo mejor... para todos, creo. Para ti, para mí y sobre todo para Renate.
We were contented and singing, as if it did not have war. It had a canteen. E I sang to liven up the people in the bombings.
Siempre estábamos contentos como si existiese ninguna guerra había una cantina ahí y yo cantaba para la gente y animarlos cuando caían las bombas, hasta que una noche fue demasiado y me encontré debajo de una silla, rezando para que nuestros cañones comenzaran a disparar.
- The man up there, he said he'd like it better if he could go in to the judge and tell him... that you'd made one good case for Uncle and you were working on some others.
Aquél tipo de allá... me dijo que preferiría ir al juez y decirle... que colaboraste con el tío en un buen caso, y que estabas trabajando en otros.
If it were just up to me, I would say fine.
Si sólo dependiese de mí, yo diría que sí.
I'll have to cut up this body to remove the armor, so well is it attached, as if the inside and the outside were all of a piece, and refused to be parted.
Pues están tan bien ajustadas... y tan unidas al cuerpo... que lo de dentro y lo de fuera son todo uno... o eso me parece. Y quieren seguir juntos.
If it were only up to me, I wouldn't...
Si de mí dependiera, Yo no... ¿ Perdón?

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