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If that's ok with you translate Spanish

102 parallel translation
"I'll move in later today if that's OK with you."
Me instalaré hoy mismo, si a Ud. le parece bien.
It's OK with me if that's what you want mom.
Puede quedarse. Si es lo que quieres mamá.
one, two, three and so on around the table, if that's ok with you gentlemen.
Uno, dos, tres y demás. Si les parece bien.
If that's OK with you, well fine, but I don't want any of it.
Si eso está bien para ti, estupendo, pero yo no quiero nada.
But if you want it to be right here, right now, that's OK with me.
Pero si quieres que sea ahora, no tengo ningún problema.
That's OK with me, but if you want to keep your manhood, quit trying to beat three aces with a pair of fours.
Por mí, ok. Pero si quieres conservar tu hombría, no sigas intentando ganar a un trío de ases con una pareja de cuatros.
If that's OK with you, then we got a deal.
Si está bien para usted, entonces tenemos un trato.
Mom wants to know if... Annie can stay at our house for a couple days... if that's OK with you.
Quiere saber si Annie puede quedarse por unos días, si a usted le parece bien.
- Please stay, if that's OK with you.
- No, quédese, si le parece bien.
Look, if you've had an affair, that's ok with me.
Dime algo! Si tuvieras una aventura, está bien.
So if you want to ask him to do- -... the service, that's OK with me.
Si le quieres pedir que oficie mi responso, para mí está bien.
If that's Ok with you?
Te parece bien.
You'll have to walk with me, if that's OK.
Tendrá que caminar conmigo, si no le molesta.
If that's OK with you.
Si es que estás de acuerdo.
And to old times, if that's ok with you.
Y por los viejos tiempos si no te molesta.
If you're just here to emotionally cripple Richie, then that's perfectly OK with me.
Si estas aqui para destrozar emocionalmente a mi amigo Richie, a mi me parece perfecto.
I knew it was your lunch break... and I want to take you to lunch... if that's OK with you.
Sabía que era tu hora de almuerzo... y quiero invitarte... si te parece bien.
Well, if that's ok with you, Uncle George.
Bueno, si eso está bien contigo tío George.
- If that's OK with you.
- Si le parece bien.
I was thinking of inviting her up here for some lessons, if that's OK with you?
Estaba pensando, Michael, tal vez en invitarla aqui... - a tomar unas lecciones, si te parece bien.
If that's OK with you, Chief.
Si no le importa, jefe.
Actually, we wanted to talk with you, if that's OK.
En realidad, queríamos hablar con usted.
- I'd like to brief them, if that's OK with you.
Quisiera informarlos, si me lo permite.
If 12-year-olds are working in these factories... that's OK with you? There are not 12-year-olds working in the factory.
La edad mínima es 14 años.
I want to spend some time alone with you first, if that's ok.
Quiero estar antes un poco solo contigo. Si te parece bien.
Sure. I hope you're not going to be mad at me, but... the thing is... after we crack this case... I'm going to find another line of work... if that's OK with you.
Espero que no te enfades conmigo, pero creo que cuando cierres el caso voy a buscarme otro trabajo, si no te importa.
I'm not gonna do the show with your high school driving instructor, J.J., if that's what you'r e asking me, okay, so...
No voy hacer el programa con tu profesor de instituto, J.J., si es eso lo que me estás pidiendo, ok, por lo tanto...
I could come with you to the Sub-Committee... if that's OK with you?
Si quieres, puedo acompañarte al Subcomité... ¿ Qué os parece?
If that's OK with you.
- Si no te importa.
I might just take a raincheck on that one, if that's OK with you.
Lamentablemente voy a tener que faltar esta vez, si no te molesta.
- OK... but I'm telling you that you're crazy... if you think there's anything going on with me and Sam.
- De acuerdo. Pero te digo que estás loca... si crees que pasa algo entre Sam y yo.
I mean, you know, if that's OK with you?
Quiero decir, si eso te parece bien.
I'd love to, if that's OK with you.
¡ Eso sería fantástico!
Mrs Palmer, if the president wanted input from either of us, I'm sure he'd let us know. Lynne, you took credit for my work on David's speech, and that was OK, I was fine with that.
Te llevaste los laureles por mi trabajo en el discurso de David y no me molestó.
In the butcher shop, if that's ok with you?
En la carnicería, si te parece bien
If you're eating brunch with christian friends and there's no one else around that's gonna seduce you into sin, it's ok.
Si comes aperitivo con amigos cristianos y no hay nadie alrededor que te vaya a introducir al pecado, está bien.
Leo may need you, and if he does, that's okay, but if he's willing to part with you, I hope you'll stay.
Leo puede que te necesite. Si es así, Ok. Pero si puede separarse de ti, espero que te quedes.
Yes, I'd like that very much, if it's OK with you?
Me encantaría.
If that's OK with you - which I'm sure it is, since this is just a big misunderstanding we can laugh about in years to come.
Si le parece bien. Estoy seguro que todo esto es un gran malentendido. Quiza se ria de todo esto en los años por venir.
I mean, if that's OK with you.
Quiero decir, si eso está bien con usted.
If that's OK with you.
¿ Te parece bien?
OK, I'm with you so far. What if that's why this victim survived, and the others didn't? As an alcoholic his body didn't have what the killer needed.
¿ Qué pasa si la última víctima sobrevivió, mientras que los otros no, porque su cuerpo no tenía lo que necesitaba el asesino?
- If that's OK with you.
- Si no tienes inconveniente.
And believe me, if you decide that you don't want to run away with me and retire and go get a house by the beach and all that junk, then it's ok. It's really ok.
Y creeme, si decides que no quieres huir conmigo en retiro y conseguir una casa por a playa y toda esa basura, esta bien.
Yes. She's my intern today and I'd like her nearby during surgery, not up in the gallery, if that's OK with you.
Sí, ella es mi residente hoy y quiero tenerla cerca durante la cirugía no en la galería, si no le importa.
If you see a nation or a people who have risen up with one voice to say that it's OK to be gay, they are a doomed people, they have crossed the line.
Si ves una nación o gente que está de acuerdo... con que está bien ser gay... estás viendo gente condenada, esa gente cruzó la línea.
and i know because i wrote it so let it take over with you if that's OK
Y lo sé porque lo escribí yo. asi que si quieres podemos repasarlas si te parece.
And remember the last stage of the treatment is on Friday. It's penetration in its natural habitat, if that's OK with you.
El viernes tendríamos la última etapa del tratamiento... de penetración en su hábitat natural, si está de acuerdo.
I'd like to take some of your vitals. - If that's OK with you?
Me gustaría tomar sus signos vitales si le parece bien.
And the only person who can stop it, is in your DIY dungeon downstairs, so we'd kind of like to have a chat with him, if that's OK with you.
Así que nos gustaría charlar con él si te parece bien.
If that's OK... with you...
- si te parece bien.

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