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If you don't do it translate Spanish

2,350 parallel translation
If you don't want the money, fine, I'll do it myself.
Si no quieres el dinero, esta bien, lo hare yo mismo.
Dean Simon, if you can find it within your heart To reinstate me for Saturday's game, don't do it for me, Do it for the children of Chile'cause they desperately need my help.
Decano Simon, si puede buscar dentro de su corazón para readmitirme para el partido del Sábado, no lo haga por mí, hágalo por los niños de Chile porque ellos necesitan mi ayuda desesperadamente.
If I have to hook myself up to a ventilator machine until I turn 50 just to make sure that you don't get his money, then I will do it.
Si debo enchufarme a un respirador hasta cumplir 50... para asegurarme que no obtengas su dinero, lo haré.
If I take one of my sensations and unravel it so as to use it to weave the inner reality, you can be sure I don't do it for the sake of a lucid and shimmering prose, nor even for the sake of the pleasure I get from that prose
Si agarro una sensación mía y la deshilo hasta poder, con ella, tejer la realidad interior creed que lo hago, no para que la prosa suene lúcida y trémula, o incluso para gozar yo con la prosa
Okay If you don't do it for your life, then you do it for Katrina.
Bien, si no lo haces por tu vida entonces hazlo por Katrina.
Well, if you don't do it, my crackpot brother will.
Si no lo haces tú, lo hará mi hermano chiflado.
If you don't have the courage to do it, I'll find someone who has.
Si no tiene la valentía para hacerlo, encontraré a alguien que sí la tenga.
But if you don't do as I say, it will be irreversible.
Pero si no haces lo que te digo, será irreversible.
If you guys don't care... please find someone else to do it...
Lo dije hace mucho tiempo, ¿ por qué no está listo?
Look, I know I've done some questionable things in the past, yeah and I don't deserve it but I was just wondering if you could do me a solid right now.
Sé que he hecho algunas cosas cuestionables en el pasado, sí... y que no lo merezco... pero me pregunto si me podrías hacer un favor ahora.
I don't like it. Well, how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?
¿ Cómo sabes que no te gusta si nunca lo has probado?
I'm gonna get in there myself and do it if you don't start smacking that bag.
Me meteré a hacerlo yo si no empiezas a golpear esa bolsa.
If you don't mind, I'd like to do it.
Si no te importa, me gustaría hacerlo yo.
You do what you have to do. If they don't like it, tough!
Vas, haces lo que tienes que hacer, y si no sale, no sale.
Look, man, if you can't do it, why don't you cut a break to a pal?
Mira, tío, si no puedes hacerlo, por qué no se lo pides a un compañero?
Look, if you don't like it, all you got to do is avoid me for a couple of weeks, and you're in the clear.
Mira, si no te gusta, todo lo que tienes que hacer es evitarme por un par de semanas - y estarás fuera de peligro.
If you don't do exactly as we say, I will release it and you will die.
Si no hacen exactamente lo que les pedimos, lo liberaré y morirán.
If it doesn't work, I'll just disappoint you and hurt you and I don't wanna do that.
Así que, si no funciona, sólo te decepcionaré y te heriré y no quiero hacerlo.
If a cute man asks you to carry a package over the border, don't do it.
Si un hombre guapo os pide que llevéis un paquete a la frontera, no lo hagáis.
No, if you don't feel like it, do as you want.
No, si no tienes ganas, haz como quieras.
He shows me his ass and says, "ask them." Look, if you don't wanna do it for him, then do it for me.
Mira, si no quieres hacerlo por él, entonces házlo por mí.
And if you don't wanna do it for me... then do it for the cupcakes'll bring.
Y si no quieres hacerlo por mí... Entonces házlo por el bizcocho que llevaré.
Renato, if you don't want to do it, I will.
Renato, si no quieres hacerlo, yo sí.
Well, it's going to be quite tough if you don't do something.
Bueno, se va a complicar mucho si no hacemos algo.
You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court.
No tiene que decir nada, pero puede dañar su defensa si usted no contesta, cuando sea preguntado, algo que luego se tiene en cuenta en el tribunal.
That's right,'cause if you don't do it,
Así es, porque si no lo haces.
Like if you don't get to do it, you'll die. That's what you have to give up. For what?
Eso es a lo que tienes que renunciar. ¿ Para qué?
Georgie, if I don't make it back, I want you to do something for me.
Georgie, si yo no regresara, deberás hacer algo por mí.
If you want to save a life, if you want to do what you believe is right, than act on it and don't just sit on your ass and watch T.V. and find out what celebrities are doing, because that's not going to help anyone.
Si quieres salvar vidas, si quieres hacer lo que piensas que es correcto, entonces actúa y no te quedes sentado en el sofá viendo la tele contándote la vida de los famosos, porque eso no va a ayudar a nadie.
Scared if you do, it'll hurt too much if you don't get them, or they disappear.
Asustadas de que si lo haces, dolerá demasiado de no conseguirlo o que desaparezca.
They ate the whole damned boat, and if we don't do something in the next 24 hours, they're gonna grow and grow and grow, and take everything out in their path. You don't get it! They ate those people.
- Subvención Junta de Conservación del mensaje.
Look, we get it. It's too much, but if you don't do this... she's going to kill a lot of people.
Mire, entendemos que es demasiado, pero si usted no lo hace ella hará que asesinen a muchas personas.
Look, if you don't wanna do it for my sake or for your sake, that's fine.
Mira, si no quieres hacerlo por mi bien o por el tuyo, perfecto.
If you don't do it, I'll fucking cut her throat.
Si no lo hace, le cortaré el cuello.
Your mind isn't letting you do it and you need to figure out why because if you don't increase your DOD on every apparatus,
Tu mente no te deja hacerlo. Y debes resolverlo porque si no mejoras tu nivel de exigencia... en cada aparato, China nos ganará.
Why do it if you don't really need to?
¿ Para que hacerlo si no lo necesitas realmente?
Now, I get why you don't mind if he starts cutting pieces off you, but are you really gonna let him do it to her?
Entiendo por qué no te importa que te corte.
It's also perfect for when you don't like leaving the house, because if you do, you'll be beaten.
También es perfecto para cuando no quieras salir de casa, porque si lo haces, serás golpeada.
There you have it, don't let anyone frighten you... and if you want to take a certain path, don't let someone else do your thinking for you.
Ahí lo tenéis, no dejéis que nadie os atemorice, y si queréis tomar un camino, no permitáis que los otros decidan por vosotros.
Good,... if you don't want to go to sleep,... we'll have to do it while you're awake,... but I warn you... it's not going to be pleasant.
Bien, si no quiere usted dormirse, tendremos que hacerlo despierto, pero le advierto que no va a ser agradable.
You've got me doubting... and now I don't know if it's the sums that are making me feel teasy, or if feeling teasy is making me do the sums.
Me has hecho dudar y ahora ya no sé si son las sumas las que me hacen sentir atormentada, o si sentirme atormentada es lo que me hace hacer sumas.
And if you do something stupid, I don't rub your noses in it.
Si hacen alguna estupidez, no se los echo en cara.
Think about what you're doing and whether it's to your advantage or anyone's advantage, and if it's not, don't do it.
Piensa en lo que haces y si te da ventajas a ti o a otra persona, y si no, no lo hagas.
If you don't want to do it for the earth, - do it for your colon.
No, si no lo quieres hacer por la tierra, hazlo por tu colon.
The bathroom here is only for washing.If you have to use the toilet... don't do it here.
El cuarto de banio es solo para lavarse. Si tienes que ir al banio, el inodoro no esta alli.
Look, Lane, if for some reason I don't make it and you do...
Mira, Lane, si por alguna razón, no lo logro y tú sí...
If you don't like your life, you do something about it.
Si no te gusta tu vida, haz algo para cambiarlo.
¡ Si no lo hacen, todos moriremos!
If you don't do something that involves the audience, then you know, it's not good.
Sí no haces algo... que involucre a la audiencia, entonces... no es bueno.
Pa... if you believe that... don't you have to do something about it?
Papá si crees eso ¿ no tienes que hacer algo al respecto?
I don't ever want you to do it or anything, but I'll understand if you've had a sly wank over the thought of it.
No quiero que nunca lo hagas ni nada, pero entenderé si te masturbas mientras lo piensas.

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