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If you don't help me translate Spanish

766 parallel translation
If you want me to be good, why don't you help?
Si quieres esto, ¿ por qué no ayudas?
And if you don't help me... you as had the kindest heart in the world, sir... then give me poison so I can kill myself!
¡ Y si no me ayuda... usted que tiene el corazón más generoso del mundo, señor... deme veneno para que pueda matarme!
Mata, if you don't help me forget this ghastly business for a few hours, I'm going insane.
Mata, si no me ayudas a olvidar este horrible asunto durante unas horas, me volveré loco.
If you don't keep him away from me I'll kill him, so help me, I will.
Si no le mantiene lejos de mí, le mataré.
Now look, I can't help it if you don't like me.
Mire, no puedo evitarlo si no le gusto.
Mr. Nash, I don't mind telling you, with all my jewelry, I'd be terrified of someone stealing it if I hadn't had you here to help me guard it.
Sr. Nash, no me importa decirle... que tendría mucho miedo que robaran todas las joyas que tengo... si no estuviera aquí para ayudarme a vigilarlas.
If one of you don't help me, everyone of you whose face I remember... I'll call out, if you live through this epidemic, to be challenged.
Si no me ayudan, si ustedes sobreviven a esta epidemia, los retaré uno por uno a duelo!
How can I help you if you don't trust me?
¿ Cómo voy a ayudarte si no confías en mí?
Please, if you really want to help me... don't ask any more questions.
Si realmente quiere ayudarme, no haga más preguntas.
No tienes que ayudarme si no quieres.
If you don't wanna help me, you don't have to.
Si no quieres ayudarme, no tienes que hacerlo.
If you don't lay off me, so help me...
Si no me deja en paz, le juro- -
If you don't let me go, I'll scream for help.
Si no me suelta, gritaré.
If you don't want to help me, I'll get someone else.
Si no quieres ayudarme, lo hará otro.
Journet, if you don't want to remain in hiding for the rest of your life you must return to the hotel and help me to put an end to this monster for all time. Come let's go.
Journet si no quiere permanecer escondido el resto de su vida debe volver al hotel y ayudarme a terminar con ese monstruo.
If you don't help me, what will I do?
Si no me ayudas, ¿ qué voy a hacer?
If you won't help me, don't hurt me.
Señor Gerard, si no me ayuda, no me haga daño.
Don't you understand that if you don't help me, I'm lost?
¿ No entiendes que si no me ayudas estoy perdido?
If you don't help me, I must send it.
Si no me ayudas, debo enviarla.
If you don't help me, I will send it.
Si no me ayudas, la enviaré.
And don't hesitate to come to me at any hour if you need help.
No dudes en llamarme si necesitas ayuda.
If you really want to help me, go away..... and don't look for me again.
Si quiere ayudarme, váyase... ¿ Quiere que no la busque más?
I can't, if you don't help me.
No me atrevo, si no me ayuda.
If you guys don't want to help me, I'll do it alone.
Si no me ayudáis, lo haré solo.
You don't mind if I don't help you with the dishes?
¿ No me lo tendrá en cuenta si no lavo los platos?
I don't know how else to put this but if there is something you're holding back I can't help you unless you help me to do it
No sé cómo decirte esto pero si hay algo que me estés ocultando no podré ayudarte si no me ayudas a hacerlo.
If you don't want to help me, fine, I'll manage on my own, like always
Si usted no quiere ayudarme, bien, me las arreglaré sola, como siempre.
We can't help him if you don't tell me.
No puedo ayudarlo si no lo hace.
I can't help you if you don't tell me.
Si no me lo dices no puedo ayudarte.
So help me, Chris, if you don't come with me I'll break up the place.
Ayúdame, Chris. Si no vienes conmigo voy a reventar este sitio.
Even in prison. And that's where I'll go, if you don't help me.
Incluso a prisión, y ahí es adonde iré si no me ayudas.
If you're such saps I'll act on my own. But don't expect me to help you!
¡ Pero luego no me pidáis que os ayude!
If you don't go and see Kreuger and straighten yourself out, so help me, I'm walking out.
Si no vas a ver a Kruger, lo juro por Dios - me abro.
I don't care if you help me or not, but if you'd told me you'd quit your job, we wouldn't have gotten married.
No me importa si no me ayudas, pero si me hubieras dicho que ibas a dimitir, no nos habríamos casado.
I don't mind this experiment of Clive's, even though I think it's a waste of time... If it interests him at all, I'll help him all I can... Take you riding or teach you hymns.
No me importa el experimento de Clive,... si a él le resulta interesante, le ayudaré en lo que pueda,... llevándole a montar a caballo, o enseñándole himnos.
All I care about is that you'll bleed to death if I don't get help.
Sólo me preocupa que mueras desangrado si no consigo ayuda.
Why not? Jump off a roof if you gonna kill yourself, but don't ask me to help ya.
Si quieres matarte, ve y tírate desde un tejado pero... no me pidas que te ayude.
If you don't wish to return just to help me save my cattle for me then return to save Miraflores.
No vengáis a salvar al ganado por mí... sino por Miraflores.
If you don't help me, Paul, then I make no such promise.
Si no me ayudas, Paul, entonces no te prometo nada.
If I can be of any further help to you, doctor, don't hesitate to call on me.
Si le puedo ayudar más, doctor, no dude en llamarme.
If you don't help me out, I won't be able to do it.
Si no me ayudas, no podré hacerlo.
Why don't you help me, if you like me?
Ayúdame, si me quieres.
- Climb pole! If you don't help, I lose my shirt.
Si no me ayudas, perderé hasta la camisa.
Darling, if you don't want to support me for the rest of your life, you better help him.
Padre, si no quieres que te presione por el resto de tu vida, mejor lo ayudas.
If I don't help her out of this jam, how long d'you think my luck would last?
Si no la ayudo a salir de este lío, ¿ cuánto crees que me durará la suerte?
I-I-If you don't help me, I...
mi última esperanza. Si no me ayuda, tendré que volver.
Don't have any qualms about asking me for help if you need it.
No dudes en pedirme ayuda.
Mrs. Winston, I hope that you're going to understand, and I don't want to embarrass you, but if your answers will help me to understand, if they'll help Paul, then, of course, that's the most important thing.
- Sra. Winston, espero que lo entienda, y no quiero avergonzarla, pero si sus respuestas ayudan a Paul,
And would you come in and help me with my hair, if you don't mind?
Ven a ayudarme con el cabello, si no te importa.
I don't know if you can help me, but I had to bring this problem to you.
No sé si podrás ayudarme, pero tenía que contarte este problema.
If you are so anxious to help me... why don't you leave me alone?
Si tantas ganas tienes de ayudarme... ¿ por qué no me dejas en paz?

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