If you don't shut up translate Spanish
279 parallel translation
And if you don't shut up, I'll insist that Jenny Go and live with her mother-in-law.
Y si tú no te callas, insistiré en que Jenny viva con su suegra
Listen, if you don't shut up, I'll give you something to cry about. - Keep your dirty hands off of me!
Están preparando un dolor de cuello para tu novio.
If you don't shut up, I'll give you a bust in the mouth.
Cállate o te doy un guantazo.
I don't get sore often, but I will in a minute if you two don't shut up.
No suele sucederme, pero me enojaré enseguida, si no se callan.
- If you don't know, then shut up!
- ¡ Si lo supieras, callarías!
If you don't shut up, you may find it in the obituary column.
Si no te callas, lo verás en los obituarios.
If you don't shut up, you're gonna have a bullet parting your hair.
Si no te callas, vas a tener una bala haciéndote la raya del pelo.
Then why don't he shut up about $ 100 if you got it?
¿ Por qué no iba a callarse si los tuvieras?
- Leo... - And you too, if you don't shut up.
Sí, hay toda una pared de cimientos enfrente.
If you shut up and don't give me any arguments you'll have nothing to worry about. But if you act wise I'll make sure you pop into jail so fast, it'll give you the bends.
Si te callas y no me discutes no tendrás que preocuparte pero si actúas astutamente..... te meterás en prisión en cuanto abras la boca.
You, you wall-eyed idiot if you don't shut up.
¡ Majadero! ¡ Cállate ya!
Maybe you'd like to come up here and fix it yourselves and that's just what you'll be doing if you don't shut up!
¿ Por qué no subes ustedes mismas y lo arreglan ustedes? Y es lo que tendrán que hacer si no se callan de una vez.
If you don't know English, you shut up.
Si no sabes inglés, estate calladito.
Martha, if you don't go in the bedroom and shut up.. I'm going to follow Eloise right out that window.
Martha, si no te encierras en el cuarto y te callas, me tiraré por la ventana con Eloise.
If you don't shut up now, I'll drug you some more.
Si no te callas, te volveré a drogar.
If you don't shut up... ¤ We're two of a kind!
Si no te callas... # ¡ Somos iguales! #
If you don't shut up and go to bed I'm gonna be angry and I'll never let you in my room.
Si no te callas y te vas a la cama, me voy a enfadar mucho y nunca te dejaré entrar en mi cuarto.
You'll lose your teeth if you don't shut up.
Si no se calla perderá las muelas.
If you don't shut up I'll have you removed.
Si no se reprime me veré obligado a echarle de aquí.
Because if you wanna know, I'll tell ya, and if you don't wanna know, I'll shut up.
Porque si quieren saber, se los diré, y si no les interesa, me callaré.
Darling, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna chop your top off!
Querido, si no te callas, ¡ te quitaré tu punta!
If you don't suspect me, just let me go. Just shut up and watch!
Si confías en mí, déjala marchar.
You know, an hour ago if he'd said that, i'd have laughed at him or shut him up, but now i don't know.
Ya sabes, si hace una hora alguien lo hubiera dicho, nos habríamos reido de él o lo hubieramos encerrado, pero ahora no sé.
Why don't you shut up. How can I get to work, if you talk?
Por qué no te callas. ¿ Cómo voy a hacerlo si hablas?
If you don't shut up, Mr Wallingham, my first step will be to lock you up.
Si no se calla, lo primero que haré será encerrarlo.
- If you don't shut up. I'll gag you.
- Si no se calla, la amordazaré.
- I'll kill you if you don't shut up!
¡ Basta! ¡ Te mato si abres la boca!
If you don't shut up, I'll kill you!
¡ Como no te calles, te mato!
I'll hold you in irons if you don't shut up.
Y seré responsable de colgarle por los pies si no se calla.
And you're next if you don't shut up.
Y tu eres el próximo si no te callas.
"If you don't keep your traps shut, you'll end up the same way."
"si no tenéis la boca cerrada, tendréis el mismo fin".
- I will right now if you don't shut up.
- Lo haré si no cierras el pico.
Now, if that don't shut you up I'll be forced to lay one on your head.
Ahora bien, si no cierras de una vez el pico me veré obligado a ponerte una soga al cuello.
If you don't shut up, I'll shut you up.
Si no te callas, te callaré yo!
We'll do the same to you if you don't shut up
Harémos lo mismo contigo si no te callas
And if you don't shut up, you'll get more of the same!
¡ Y si no se calla, tendrá más de lo mismo!
And of the conditions of the escape too. If you don't like them, you shut up and you cut the crap.
Y la forma del escape... así que si no te conviene... ¡ Te muerdes la lengua!
I'll plunge you into chaos and death if you don't shut up.
Te sumergirá en el caos y la muerte si no se callara.
If you don't like it, shut up or get out.
Si no te gusta, cállate o lárgate.
If you don't shut up, we won't be guarding a court martial, we'll be having one.
Si no te callas, no estaremos custodiando un consejo de guerra, tendremos uno.
Looks better that way. An'if you don't shut up and get outta here, I'm gonna take you outta the blue and put you into the black.
Pero si no te largas de aquí en seguida... te quitaré el azul y te la pondré morada.
If you don't shut up, I'm going straight to- -
Si no te callas, iré directo a...
Mister, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna kick 100 % of your ass.
¡ Señor, si no se calla, le patearé el 100 % de su trasero.
I'm going to break your lamps if you don't shut up.
Como no te calles te voy a romper la lamparería.
If you don't shut up, I'll knock you off that horse!
Si no te callas, ¡ te bajaré de ese caballo!
If you don't shut up, I'm gonna ring your gong for good!
¡ Si no te callas, te golpearé la cabeza!
I'll muffle you if you don't shut up.
Te voy a dar como no te calles.
If you don't like what I'm saying, why don't you tell me to shut up?
Si no te gusta lo que digo, ¿ por qué no me dices que me calle?
If that's the case, then why don't you just shut up?
Si ése es el caso, ¿ por qué no te callas?
- I don't want to rub the troll. He's never gonna shut up if you don't rub his troll.
No se callará hasta que acaricies su muñeco.
If you don't like it, Mrs Claxton, you sit there and shut up while we have our say.
Si no le gusta, Sra. Claxton, quédese ahí y cállese mientras hablamos.