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Implied translate Spanish

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That's what you implied.
Eso es lo que implicaba.
It's implied that they can learn that better here.
Han venido a aprender aquí mejor que en la calle.
- You implied it.
- Usted lo insinuó.
Come, he implied it, didn't he, Mr. Byam?
Vamos, lo insinuó, ¿ no es así, Sr. Byam?
Before violating a single clause or implied pledge of this, my obligation, I... "
Antes de incumplir una sola cláusula o un solo compromiso, mi deber... "
That implied offends me, Digges.
Ese sobreentendido me ofende, Digges.
My friend, the inspector, implied that you were at the head of your profession...
Mi amigo, el inspector, insinuó que es la cabecilla de su profesión...
Well, you implied it. And you might just as well have said it as to imply it.
- Lo insinuabas, y lo has dicho a propósito para darlo a entender.
I tried to find a slogan that implied that Baxters was the finest of its class.
Buscaría un eslogan que implicara que el Baxter es el mejor de su tipo.
My masseuse directed me here. She implied you might understand my particular problem.
Mi masajista me dijo que aquí me ayudarían en mis problemas financieros.
Stalin implied that to me in his talk.
- Sí, lo dijo implícitamente.
She died from bullet wounds, and yet, you implied that she would become a vampire.
¿ Y Kay? Murió de los balazos, pero usted insinuó que se había convertido en vampira.
But he implied in his letter he'd be willing to sell.
Pero él insinuó en su carta que estaría dispuesto a vender.
- No, but you implied it.
- No, pero lo insinuaste.
Sorry. You know, you implied a great deal. When you asked me to come out here.
Creí que me insinuabas algo cuando me invitaste aquí. ¿ Cambiaste de opinión?
Brandon made a crack when I got here. He implied I'd have a chance with you again because David's out of the running.
Brandon me insinuó que no estaba todo perdido, que David estaba fuera de juego.
It's what you implied and I want to know why.
- Lo insinuaste y quiero saber por qué.
Possibly not, but it was obviously implied.
Es posible que no, pero quedaba implícito.
Morro rather implied you were a gambler.
Morro implicó que eras un jugador.
But this man has already implied it was me.
Pero este hombre ha insinuado que yo soy la culpable.
I know what you've said and what you've implied.
Sé lo que has dicho y lo que se sobreentiende.
If you must know he implied that you were neglecting me... and that there might be something between you and Carol.
El insinuó de que me estás descuidando,... que podría haber algo entre tú y Carol.
The defendant has implied no such thing.
La acusada no ha insinuado tal cosa.
And you implied I was a liar.
Y usted insinuó que yo era una mentirosa.
" Thank you for the flattery implied in your request...
" Gracias por el halago que supone su petición...
And it should be dark because the violence is implied and it's much more moving and much more dramatic
Debía estar oscuro porque la violencia está implícita y es mucho más conmovedora y mucho más dramática
A woman is implied. As the saying goes :
"La mujer, por santa que sea, gana al diablo en astucia".
Although you knew the cause of death, you've implied a more horrible death... that he might have seen the hound of Hell, the curse of the Baskervilles.
Aunque sabía la causa de la muerte, habló de una muerte más horrible con la presencia del sabueso del infierno,... la maldición de los Baskerville.
Professor Summerlee has implied that I have been lying.
El profesor Summerlee insinuó que yo he mentido.
In all fairness, he never implied that you were common.
Para ser justos, nunca dijo que fuera una cualquiera.
I believed, along with the cardinal... that we could do far more good in this world... by becoming self-supporting... which, of course, implied acquiring property. No!
Creí, como el cardenal... que haríamos mejor el bien en este mundo... si nos mantuviéramos solos... y adquiriéramos propiedades.
I don't remember his exact words, but he implied a fear of talking... had something to do with a fear of giving, sexually that is.
Bueno, no recuerdo las palabras, pero quería decir que el miedo a hablar... tenía algo que ver con el miedo a dar... Sexualmente, claro.
I'm asking because the prosecutor implied that the victim fought back.
Hago esta pregunta porque el fiscal nos ha dado a entender que la víctima podía defenderse.
... Rather, it is a sort of implied speech,... cut short,... stifled just before the key moment,... and which cannot cross the final barrier.
... Más bien, es una especie de discurso implícito,... Acortado, Sofocado... justo antes del momento clave,... Y que no puede atravesar la barrera final.
That's what the doctor implied.
El doctor lo insinúa.
Question mark implied, of course.
Con interrogante, se supone.
You know the difference between implied and inferred?
¿ Sabe la diferencia entre suponer y deducir?
It's inferred, I believe, rather than implied.
Se deduce, me imagino, más que se supone.
Not in so many words, but it was implied.
No con esas palabras, pero me incitó.
- But you implied it.
- Lo insinuó.
You implied.
Usted lo insinuó.
It was, as the name of it implied, really "Agip."
Era, como decía su nombre... realmente un "timo".
No, I never implied that!
¡ No, nunca quise decir eso!
Even in front of the mayor, with that grin of his... he implied again I knew where the money was.
Inclusive delante del Alcalde, con aquella sonrisita... insinuó que yo sé dónde está el dinero.
One gets the impression from such reports that German propaganda was quite open in its racial prejudice, and often implied that German discipline and structure were necessary qualities to clean up what was considered to be "the French mess."
One gets the impression from such reports esa propaganda alemana era bastante abierta en su prejuicio racial, y a menudo implicaba que esa disciplina y estructura alemana eran cualidades necesarias para limpiar lo que era considerado como "el desastre francés".
There is no implied criticism of you in my order to remove you from the case.
No hay crítica alguna sobre ti en mi orden de removerte del caso.
I was just selling a policy to someone out on Staten Island, and he had a beautiful washer for $ 90, and he sort of implied that if I didn't buy the washer, he wouldn't take the policy, he'd buy it from Prudential.
Le estaba vendiendo una póliza a alguien en Staten Island y tenía un lavavajillas magnífico por $ 90 y me dio a entender que si no lo compraba, no contrataría la póliza, la contrataría con Prudential.
Just now you implied my friendship with Craig could warp my judgment.
Recién usted implicó que mi amistad con Craig podría torcer mi juicio.
Mr. McKay, your opponent has implied that you have nothing to say about crime. Do you?
Su contrincante implica que Ud. Nada tiene que decir sobre crimen.
That wasn't exactly what he said, but he tactfully implied that things may well have taken that course.
Bueno, no es exactamente así como lo dijo, pero me lo dio a entender. Está convencido que algo así pudo ser posible.
Midway, one of the biggest battles naval of all the times, it implied the recovery of the control naval of the Pacific for U.S.A. e the end of the Japanese hope of new conquests.
Midway, una de las más grandes batallas buques de todos los tiempos, implicó la recuperación del control EE.UU. Naval del Pacífico y el fin de la esperanza japonesa nuevos logros.

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