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In her own way translate Spanish

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I'm sure she's smart in her own way.
Seguro que es lista a su propia manera.
Crazy Olga, who, for the Empress, replaced the traditional jester of kings, savored in her own way the understanding between Major Nicolaieff and Catherine II
La loca Olga que hacía el papel, ante la zarina, del tradicional bufón de los reyes, saboreaba a su manera, el informe que el mayor Nicolaieff hacia a catalina II
Oh, she sincerely loved me, only she loved me in her own way, there it is.
Ella me quería sinceramente pero a su manera.
Catherine would find consolation in her own way.
Catalina encontraría consuelo a su manera.
- Jupiter, no! Not that the lady's not a very striking figure in her own way... but she is not my wife.
No porque no sea atractiva a su manera pero no es mi esposa.
In her own way.
A su manera.
- In her own way, she loved him.
- A su modo, le quería.
Maybe Mily was becoming independent and going after his money in her own way.
Quizás se estuviera independizando y buscándose la vida a su manera.
In her own way, I suppose, she was happy.
A su manera, supongo que era feliz,
Each in her own way.
Cada una a su modo.
The witness has been instructed to tell her own story in her own way.
Le instruí a la testigo que contara la historia a su manera.
Let her give you the news in her own way.
Deja que te lo diga ella a su manera.
She's a friend now, in her own way.
Ella es amiga mía, a su manera.
A wonderful singer in her own way...
Una maravillosa cantante en su estilo...
But Yrsa took care of that in her own way.
Pero Yrsa se ocupó de eso a su manera.
There was the scandal of her father that slight inherited stain upon her brightness that seemed deepened by something in her own way of life.
Estaba el escándalo de su padre... esa ligera y heredada mácula a su belleza... que parecía hacerse más profunda, por alguna razón en su propio estilo de vida.
In her own way, she's also weak.
A su modo también es débil.
Everyone runs in her own way... or his own way.
Cada uno corre a su manera.
She's nice, in her own way, but she doesn't have a lot of imagination.
Porque es simpática, a su manera, pero no tiene tanta imaginación.
In her own way, Dr Pulaski was instructing you to take the shortest route to victory.
A su manera, la Dra. Pulaski le indicaba que siguiera la ruta más corta para la victoria.
You must let me tell her in my own way, in my own time or you may spoil not only your own happiness, but hers.
Debes dejar que yo se lo diga a mi manera y en mi momento o podrías arruinar no sólo la felicidad de ella, sino la tuya también.
A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury, who's always had her own way, and whose misdirected energies are so childish... that they hardly deserve the comment even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Una niña mimada, de vida fácil y lujosa que siempre se ha salido con la suya. Cuyas reacciones son tan infantiles que ni siquiera merecen los comentarios de un mayordomo en su único día libre.
I'll pay her back... - in my own way.
Ella me las pagará... a mi modo.
And as in my own small way I help here in the shipyards, I hope I may be worthy of her words, just as each night I pray that always I may be worthy of those other thrilling words the first time and every time since that you've said, "I love you."
Al contribuir a mi manera trabajando en los astilleros, espero hacerle honor a sus palabras, así como cada noche rezo para poder hacerle honor a esas otras palabras emocionantes la primera vez y todas las otras veces
It's not fair to stand in her way. - Mind your own business.
- No es asunto tuyo.
"The curious thing is.." "In my own peculiar way, I'm still in love with her."
Lo curioso es que, a mi manera, todavía la amo.
Or maybe begging me in her own proud way to like it.
O quizás rogándome a su orgullosa manera que me gustara.
Tough enough to make my own way in a man's world, smart enough to scheme my way into the affections of a lonesome old woman, and cold enough to sell her out and sleep sound on it.
Lo bastante fuerte para saber abrirme camino en un mundo de hombres lo bastante lista para saber conseguir el afecto de una vieja solitaria Y lo bastante fría como para traicionarla.
Manuela will find her own way in life.
Manuela encontrará, su propio camino en la vida.
In a way. She had shaped the cat as her own image.
En cierta forma, ella había modelado al gato a su propia imagen y semejanza.
Will you please let me explain it to her In my own way?
¿ Me permitirá explicárselo a mi manera?
We're trying to buy time, so he can tell her in his own way.
Tratamos de darle tiempo, para que... Guns se lo explicara a su manera.
# In her own special way # To the people she calls
Escuchar su pregón causa onda emoción :
Deal with her in your own way, Lieutenant.
Trátela como le parezca, Teniente.
His co-defendants... must adopt, each in his or her own way... an "anti-legalistic" defense... in order to join Bobby in his rebellion.
Cuando los otros coacusados... deben adoptar cada uno a su manera... medios antilegalistas, entre comillas... para unirse a la revuelta que ya ha empezado Bobby.
And as for the Baptism, You've united her at You by the death of Christ, Your Son in that way, involve her in His Resurrection when He'll make rise the dead from the ground and transform our mortal body in image of His own glorious body.
Y desde el bautismo, la has unido a Tí por obra de Cristo, Tu Hijo para hacerla partícipe de Su resurrección cuando Él haga surgir a los muertos de la tierra y transformar nuestro cuerpo mortal a imagen de su propio cuerpo glorioso.
I mean, in her own way.
Quiero decir, a su manera.
in her own modest way, of course.
Modestamente, la mía también.
... I love her at least as much as you do. Each in his own way.
La quiero tanto como tú, quizá más.
Even in the Young American Miss's concern of her own personal appearance... and the way she conducts herself... gives to others the feeling that she cares for them.
Hasta la preocupación de las participantes por su propia apariencia... y la forma en que se mueven... transmiten a los demás su interés por ellos.
And each of us owe her something in our own special way.
Cada una de nosotras la debemos algo de una manera especial.
In view of Messalina's known viciousness in getting her own way, the Senate will put them both at the head of it!
Y sabiendo de lo que Mesalina es capaz cuando se propone conseguir algo, el Senado los pondrá a ambos en los puestos más altos de la república.
It began as a huskiness in the way she spoke and then when she was sure, she decided to take her own life.
Aquí. Comenzó como una ronquera al hablar y luego, cuando estuvo segura, decidió quitarse la vida.
In a way, she did go of her own accord... when you were born.
De alguna manera se fue cuando tú naciste.
Victoria should have learned to deal with her suffering, - as we all have in our own way.
Victoria tendría que haber aprendido a llevar el sufrimiento cómo lo hicimos nosotros.
Oh, I get it- - that way she could puke in the privacy of her own home.
Oh, lo entiendo - - de esa manera podía vomitar en la intimidad de su propia casa.
I think what your mother is trying to say, In her own special way, Is that you're too good for rick.
Creo que lo que tu madre intenta decir, en su manera especial, es que eres demasiado buena para Rick.
So her husband, who's sort of a nut in his own way, goes ahead and does it.
Así que su marido, que es otro loco, obedeció y lo hizo.
And i'm sure kate, In her own special way...
Y seguro que en el de Kate, a su manera muy especial...
In her own... Particular way...
A su manera... muy particular.
Which has it's eyes closed and is silent when it's being burned down and when others administer it in their own way? When others command her what to sow and reap. What and from whom it shall buy and whom it shall sell.
¿ La que calla y no ve cuando arde en llamas y cuando otros la administran a su propio favor, cuando otros le ordenan qué sembrar y recoger, el qué y de quién se ha de comprar y a quién vender?

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