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Inhale translate Spanish

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Inhale again.
Inhala de nuevo.
Take a deep breath, inhale.
Tome una respiración profunda, inhalar.
Inhale up.
Inhala arriba.
And inhale again.
Y inhalar de nuevo.
And take a deep breath, inhale.
Y tomar una respiración profunda, inhalar.
Step out, take an inhale up.
Al salir, tomar una inhalación arriba.
If I just stick my face in that and inhale, will I be drunk?
Si sólo acerco mi rostro a eso e inhalo, me emborracho?
If I just stick my face in that and inhale, will I be drunk?
Si sólo pego mi rostro en eso y lo inhalo, termino borracho?
Inhale rapidly through the mouth, on one side only at first.
Inhala rápidamente a través de la boca, por un solo lado al principio.
Now, inhale deeply.
Ahora, inhale profundamente.
Inhale through the nose just as deeply as you can.
Inhálalo por la nariz lo más profundo que puedas.
¡ Inhala!
Inhale deadly gas.
Inhala gas mortal.
¿ Se inhala?
inhale, Binguccio.
Inhala, Binguccio.
Inhale exhale.
Inhale exhale.
[Man] Breathe in, breathe out.
Inhale, exhale.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Inhale, exhale.
Hold still. Cough. Inhale.
Ahora, tosa.
Inhale. What's the hurry?
Inhale. ¡ Inhale!
I won't inhale.
- No voy a inhalar.
Inhale, Mrs. Smith.
Inhale, Sra. Smith.
Now, lean back, and inhale into this thing.
Hacia atrás, e inhale esto.
Now, take a good, deep inhale of this. Deeper now.
Inspire profundamente.
I never inhale myself.
Yo nunca me he tragado el humo.
Inhale deeply.
Inspire profundamente.
Say, kid, when you smoke, do you inhale?
Oye, niña, ¿ cuándo fumas te tragas el humo?
Put this in your mouth and inhale deeply for a few moments.
Póngase esto en la boca e inhale profundamente durante unos segundos.
Inhale deeply.
Inhale profundamente.
None of us are too loose.
Ninguno de nosotros está demasiado suelto. Inhale.
I've got to inhale.
Tengo que inhalar.
Lie still and inhale.
Estate quieto y respira.
Shall we then? Inhale.
Entonces ¿ Nos levantamos?
Now inhale.
Ahora saca el pecho.
So, instead of us smoking, we'II inhale nicotine.
Así, en vez de fumar, respiraremos nicotina.
I meant.. - Inhale!
- Lo decía por decir.
Inhale, miss, come on.
Respire, vamos.
" Close your eyes and inhale.
Cierre los ojos e inhale.
So I couldn't make up my mind whether to inhale or exhale.
Así que no lograba decidirme entre inhalar o exhalar.
In my last few experiments, as I inhale... my whole being is stimulated for a short time.
En mis últimos experimentos, mientras inhalo, se estimula todo mi ser durante un breve tiempo.
- You inhale your death. It's very subtle.
Respiramos la muerte, es más delicado.
Why smoke if you don't inhale?
¿ Por qué fumas si no te tragas el humo?
Take a deep breath.
Inhale hondo.
So inhale.
Pues trágatelo.
Don't any of you guys ever inhale?
¿ Alguna vez has respirado?
There's life in the old girl yet! Don't inhale, deerie!
Le queda un poco de vida a la vieja, y no aspires cariño.
- Inhale, please.
- Inhale, por favor.
Your hair was free over your milky breast, divine image, I inhale and exhale, and I feel like fainting. " -" Not as a woman but as a goddess you appear in my dreams.
- " No mujer, diosa.
Saca el pecho.

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