Introduce us translate Spanish
564 parallel translation
Ain't you gonna introduce us to this charming lady of yours?
- Buenas noches. - Hola, Jim. ¿ No nos presentas a la encantadora dama?
Won't you introduce us?
¿ No nos vas a presentar?
You might at least introduce us.
¡ Deberíais al menos presentarnos!
I don't suppose anybody would introduce us.
Imagino que nadie nos presentará.
You might as well introduce us.
Será mejor que nos presente.
- ( Vivian ) Aren't you gonna introduce us? Huh?
¿ No nos vas a presentar?
- Introduce us.
- Preséntanos.
- I wonder, please, could you introduce us to Mr. Hammerstein? Oscar?
Por favor, ¿ podría presentarnos al Sr. Hammerstein?
And I intend to hold you to your promise to introduce us.
Y espero que mantenga su promesa de presentarnos.
Why, Jane, aren't you going to introduce us?
Jane, ¿ no vas a presentarnos?
Introduce us, Mimi.
- Preséntanos, Mimi.
Hi, Roger. So introduce us!
Hola, Roger. ¿ No los presentas?
Aren't you going to introduce us?
No nos vas a presentar?
Mr. Chilk, you will introduce us.
El Sr. Chilk nos presentará.
- Chris, aren't you going to introduce us?
- Chris, ¿ no vas a presentarnos?
I thought no one would introduce us, so I asked you for the time.
Creí que nadie nos presentaría y te pregunté la hora.
Please forgive the matron for failing to introduce us formally.
Por favor perdona a la matrona por no presentarnos formalmente.
Would you please introduce us?
¿ Nos haría el favor de presentarnos?
- Won't you introduce us?
- ¿ Le importa presentarme?
Introduce us.
- ¡ Preséntanos!
Introduce us?
- ¡ Preséntanos!
Introduce us?
¡ Preséntanos!
Reynardo, introduce us.
¡ Reynardo, preséntanos!
- The marchioness is quite upset. She wanted to introduce us.
- La marquesa siente mucho... no haber sido ella quien nos presentara.
The colonel is very sorry. He wanted to introduce us.
El coronel siente mucho no habernos presentado él.
- Come, at Ieast, - to introduce us to your Vagnuzzi!
- Al menos preséntanos a tu Vagnuzzi.
Ask Mr. Natali to introduce us.
Dile al señor Nataly que nos la presente.
Introduce us.
Father, will you please cease dropping things and shushing and introduce us?
Padre, ¿ puede parar, por favor, de dejar caer cosas, callar y presentarnos?
- Pop, won't you introduce us?
- Pop, no vas a presentarnos?
No need to introduce us.
No, no. No hace falta que se moleste.
charlie forgot to introduce us, but I'm his best friend.
Charlie olvidó presentarnos, pero soy su mejor amigo.
Shall I ask the social director to introduce us?
¿ Le pido al director que nos presente?
Don't bother to introduce us. Mrs Hanson and I've already met.
No se moleste en presentarnos, la Sra Hanson y yo ya nos conocemos.
Jake, you might introduce us to your friends.
Jake, ¿ podrías presentarnos a tu amigo?
Ain't you gonna introduce us?
- Vamos, nena.
~ He's about to introduce us.
- Nos lo va a tocar a nosotros.
Why did you introduce us in the first place?
¿ Por qué nos presentaste, en primer lugar?
- Won't you introduce us?
- ¿ No vas a presentarnos?
I asked him to introduce us before, but he's slow.
Quise conocerte antes pero mi marido es lento.
You must be Emily's new lover since she hasn't bothered to introduce us.
Usted debe ser el nuevo amante de Emily. Ni se molestó en presentarnos.
Allow us to introduce ourselves, sir.
- Hola. Permítanos presentarnos, señor.
And now, my friends, I want to introduce a great and lovable character, Dr. Eustace P. McGargle, FASN, who will entertain us.
Y ahora, amigos, les presento a un personaje encantador... el Dr. Eustace P. McGargle, FASN... quien nos amenizará la velada.
Please introduce her to us.
Preséntanosla, por favor.
Mr. Marlows dipsomania enabled us to introduce our nationals into his employ under the guise of workers and servants.
Gracias a su alcoholismo, introdujimos a nuestros compatriotas...
Come on, introduce us again.
Estréchame la mano limpiamente.
Introduce us, then, and make it legal.
Preséntenos y haga que sea legal.
Abner Todd's about to introduce us.
Abner Todd va a presentarnos.
- Come on, introduce us.
¡ Por un trabajo!
Let us introduce ourselves.
¡ Presentémonos!
Will you join us? I want to introduce you to...
¿ Te sientas con nosotras? Te presento a...
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use your imagination 74
use it 260
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use your imagination 74
use it 260
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67