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Involuntary translate Spanish

531 parallel translation
As you all well know, when a certain melancholic event occurs, I shall be the involuntary means of disinheriting your daughters.
Como usted sabrá, cuando cierto melancólico evento ocurra, me convertiré en involuntario sujeto que desheredará a sus hijas.
The involuntary beauty of animals and plants shines in a girl's face.
La belleza involuntaria de animales y plantas brillan en el rostro de una niña.
Ultra-short wave stimulations to specific parts of the brain, producing involuntary movements of the body.
Envío de ondas ultra-cortas a áreas específicas del cerebro, que producen movimientos involuntarios del cuerpo.
It was unconscious, involuntary.
Deja de ser una doctora antes que una mujer.
Since we are abusing the involuntary hospitality of little Arthur's uncle, since we are drinking his bottles,
Dado que nos aprovechamos de la hospitalidad involuntaria del tío del pequeño Arthur, dado que nos estamos bebiendo sus botellas,
Please excuse my involuntary failure to pay attention due to the phenomenon that has disoriented us so today.
Perdone la desatención involuntaria debida al fenómeno que hoy nos ha desorientado.
What you heard was merely an involuntary embryonic movement.
Lo que oyeron eran un simple movimiento embrionario involuntario.
Involuntary, sir.
Involuntario, señor.
I did it involuntary.
Lo hace involuntario.
- Everything we've seen here so far seems to indicate some sort of compulsive involuntary stimulus to action.
- Todo lo que vimos hasta ahora parece indicar una especie de comportamiento por estímulo involuntario.
- It was a kind of involuntary reach.
- Una especie de gesto involuntario.
Any evidence of involuntary or unconscious telepathic abilities?
¿ Indicios de habilidades telepáticas involuntarias o inconscientes?
there are certain involuntary muscular movements that no amount of self-control can prevent. and obviously, any assertion of authority on my part- - i've got to take that into account.
Hay movimientos musculares que no se pueden evitar... y mis demostraciones de autoridad han de tener eso en cuenta.
( BLACKET DISGUISES INVOLUNTARY LAUGHTER BY COUGHING ) Messages of sympathy have been pouring in from all over the world.
Mensajes de condolencias han estado llegando desde todo el mundo.
No, or I do not corrupt the youth or if I do so, it is without wanting to, and in this case, my involuntary fault is not the jurisdiction of this court.
No, o bien no corrompo a la juventud, o bien si lo hago, es sin quererlo, y en tal caso, esta culpa involuntaria no es de competencia de este tribunal...
We could sustain the involuntary manslaughter, or...
Podríamos sostener el homicidio involuntario, o...
We're dealing with an involuntary subject who expects to be waking up in St Vincent's Hospital in Greenwich Village in 1973.
Tenemos a un sujeto involuntario que espera despertarse en el hospital St Vincent de Greenwich Village en 1973.
But that could have been an involuntary response to the sensing of food.
Pero pudo haberse tratado de una reacción involuntaria... a la percepción de alimento.
Involuntary manslaughter, if anyone took the time.
Es homicidio involuntario si alguien lo investiga.
The fact they questioned you in a state of fatigue opens the doors to a serious consideration of involuntary self-incrimination.
El hecho de que te interrogaran estando fatigado nos permite considerar seriamente que hubo una autoincriminación involuntaria.
Now, chances are you'll get off with involuntary manslaughter.
Los penarán solamente por homicidio involuntario.
And site number 171 at Fountains Abbey, near Ripon, Yorkshire, where 310 people complained of sudden and involuntary muscle paralysis which intermittently froze their lower limbs.
Y el sitio número 171 en Fountains Abbey cerca de Ripon, Yorkshire, donde 310 personas padecían parálisis repentinas e involuntarias que inmovilizaban sus extremidades inferiores.
Ostler Falleaver is a middle-aged sufferer of respiratory problems, glaucoma, involuntary speech and compound schizophrenia.
Ostler Falleaver es una persona madura con problemas respiratorios, glaucoma, habla involuntaria y esquizofrenia compuesta.
Then Agostina wrote an article for the WSPB's journal, The Rooster, reconstructing an imaginary conversation between the two involuntary iconoclasts of Oxford University who destroyed one of the last dodo specimens.
Agostina escribió un artículo para la revista del WSPB, El gallo, que reconstruía una conversación imaginaria entre los iconoclastas involuntarios de la Universidad de Oxford que destruyeron uno de los últimos ejemplares del dodo.
Sallis suffered from petagium fellitis, loss of weight, an ability to speak and write Cathaganian in its prime version and an involuntary paralysis, intermittent and sudden, locking the lower limbs in a stance that could persist for 40 minutes.
Sallis sufrió de petagium fellitis, pérdida de peso, capacidad para hablar y escribir cathaganian en su versión antigua y una parálisis involuntaria, intermitente y repentina, que bloqueaba sus extremidades inferiores durante 40 minutos.
Last year, Romanese's name was entered in the VUE Directory, as a middle-aged female woman speaking Candoese and suffering from intermittent nervous collapse and involuntary hypothermia.
El año pasado, el nombre de Romanese se incluyó en el Directorio del SDV, como mujer femenina madura, hablante de candoese y víctima de episodios nerviosos intermitentes e hipotermia involuntaria.
Involuntary dilation of the iris.
Dilatación involuntaria del iris.
This is not exactly what they call involuntary homicide.
Bueno, no podemos decir que ha sido homicidio sin premeditación.
Now, B.A., involuntary paralyzation is one of the primary symptoms of panic anxiety.
M.A., la parálisis involuntaria es un síntoma de la ansiedad.
My eyes shed involuntary tears
Mis ojos vertían lágrimas involuntariamente.
B.A., involuntary paralisation is one of the primary symptoms of panic anxiety... so just try to breathe deep.
B.A., la parálisis involuntaria es uno de los primeros síntomas del pánico así que respira profundo.
It's essentially an involuntary muscle, activated by electrical impulses...
Básicamente se trata de un músculo involuntario, activado por impulsos eléctricos...
It might be an involuntary manifestation of some unconnected emotion.
Puede ser una manifestación involuntaria de una emoción no relacionada.
Obligated Involuntary Officers.
Oficiales Involuntariamente Obligados.
- Motherhood is involuntary!
La maternidad es involuntaria.
involuntary manslaughter.
homicidio involuntario.
That was involuntary manslaughter.
- Una matanza involuntaria.
Involuntary manslaughter carries time.
La matanza involuntaria incluye prisión.
Even in the most disadvantageous circumstances, human beings have an almost involuntary desire to stay alive.
Incluso en la situación más desesperada, los hombres tenemos un deseo involuntario de seguir vivos.
- Then we can arrest him... for involuntary manslaughter.
- En ese caso podremos detenerlo por homicidio imprudente.
The Enterprise computer is a lot like our own bodies, with voluntary and involuntary systems.
La computadora del Enterprise se parece al cuerpo humano, con sistemas voluntarios e involuntarios.
Involuntary conversion.
"Conversión involuntaria".
Or you enjoy an involuntary holiday.
- No se los estamos pidiendo.
Involuntary ; not even that.
Involuntario ; ni eso.
Well, maybe not vomit, makes me want to engage in an involuntary personal protein spill.
¡ Bueno, puede que de vomitar, no! ¡ Me da ganas de entrar en un involuntario derrame de proteínas personales!
Say "involuntary."
Digamos involuntario.
Most intelligent life forms find involuntary confinement offensive and inequitable.
Los seres inteligentes creen que la reclusión es ofensiva y también injusta.
An involuntary muscle in a janitor suit?
¿ Un músculo involuntario con traje de portero?
I'll knock it down to involuntary manslaughter.
Lo rebajaré a homicidio involuntario.
All right, here's the story. The government's offering involuntary manslaughter. Two years.
Esto es lo que hay ofrecen homicidio involuntario.
The dead animal still shakes, but they are only concerned involuntary.
El animal muerto todavía tiembla, pero son sólo reflejos involuntarios.

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