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Is that a good thing translate Spanish

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If so, is that a good thing?
Y si es así, ¿ es eso bueno?
They say that the best thing after being single he / she is a good wife.
Dicen que lo mejor después de estar soltero es una buena esposa.
I must say I feel the same way about that too. A good, clean, honest whack over the'ead with a brick is one thing....... something British about that.
Darle un ladrillazo en la cabeza a alguien es una cosa...
Well, you may say I'm prejudiced, sir John, but I've been stage manager now for 10 years, and it is a fact that a wife, even a good one, is not always the right thing to have in a company,
No hay rol imposible para ella con 24 horas de preaviso, desde una Gladys Cooper a una Mollie Lloyd. - Pero...
It's a fine thing that my boy, Patrick, is finally hearing something that's good for his soul and he's liking it.
Es bueno que mi chico, Patrick, por fin esté escuchando algo que es bueno para su alma y le guste.
Good heavens, is that thing lost again?
Cielo santo, ¿ esa cosa volvió a perderse?
Lo primero que tienes que hacer es conciliar el sueño y olvidar todas esas tonterías que ocurrieron anoche.
Is that such a good thing?
Eso está bien.
Perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.
Y quizá sea mejor así para todos.
There is nothing so good to the taste as a thing that's been warmed by the Spanish sun.
No hay nada más sabroso que un manjar calentado por el sol español.
Well, children seldom have a choice of parents... and that, perhaps, is a good thing too.
Pues, los niños rara vez pueden elegir a sus padres... y quizás sea algo bueno.
A good thing is, Loreta, that if they go to live alone, will be two mouths less to feed.
Si van a vivir solos, serán dos bocas menos que alimentar.
The only good thing about this dreadful place is that we're 3,000 miles away... from Andre Trochard.
Lo único bueno de este horrible lugar es que estamos a 5.000 km... de Andre Trochard.
But still... I would like to be sure that this thing you are going to do... is good... and worthy of him.
Pero, aun así... quisiera asegurarme de que esto que van a hacer... es merecedor... y digno de él.
Can you assure me, Commander Montagu... as an officer and a gentleman... that this thing you are going to do is good... and worthy ofhim... that if I agree to your request... my son's body will be treated decently and with respect... and that finally he will have Christian burial?
¿ Puede asegurarme, comandante Montagu... como oficial y como caballero... que esto que van a hacer es merecedor... y digno de él... que si accedo a su petición... el cuerpo de mi hijo será tratado decentemente y con respeto... y que, por último, recibirá cristiana sepultura?
That he's spared your wicked gossip is a good thing, too.
También es bueno que se llevase tus malditos chismorreos.
Can it be that by a misfortune is born a good thing?
¿ Puede nacer algo bueno de una desgracia?
There's a great difference between knowing a thing is so and knowing how to use that knowledge for the good of mankind.
Existe una gran diferencia entre dar a conocer un descubrimiento y saber como usar ese conocimiento para el bien de la humanidad.
Right now, the important thing is to make sure... that the girl has a good time so when she goes home... all she'll talk about is our man in Berlin.
Lo importante es asegurarse... que la niña se divierta, así cuando regresa... solo hablará de nuestro hombre en Berlín.
Ah, hey, Faustino, I forgot, The first thing we need is a good wool mattress for us that this disgusts.
Ah, oye, Faustino, se me olvidaba, lo primero que necesitamos es un buen colchón de lana para nosotros que este da asco.
The only good thing about this trip is that, for a few days at least we won't see a single priest!
Lo único bueno de este viaje es que, por unos días al menos, no veré ningún sacerdote.
That bull is a thing that might tickle him a good deal.
Ese toro puede divertirle mucho.
The best thing to do is to get yourself a wound... a good one that doesn't hurt too damn much.
Lo mejor es conseguirse una herida... una buena herida que no duela demasiado.
The good thing about lice is that they've got no respect for rank.
Lo bueno de los piojos es que atacan tanto a los soldados rasos como a los suboficiales.
Good Lord, no. All we want to do is talk with them privately- - a few of our people, a few of theirs- - see if we can't settle this thing... responsibly, that's all.
Ver si podemos resolver esto de modo responsable.
But now that I have apologized to you- - lt's all right. Spoken to your good lady, and I've told her, sir... that it is a terrible thing to have happened... and I'm sorry.
Pero ahora me he disculpado con usted y con su señora... para expresarles cuán profundamente lo lamento.
It's a good thing that wall is there.
Menos mal que esta pared está ahí.
If that farm centre is such a good thing would you live here?
Si ese centro agrícola es una cosa tan buena... ¿ vivirían ustedes aquí?
My point is that the only thing twelve men good and true are likely to have in common these days is a degree of respect to their superiors.
El asunto es que los 12 buenos hombres sólo tienen en común el respeto por sus superiores. Llámalo como quieras.
- That, what you are doing, is a good thing.
Lo que está haciendo es una cosa buena.
So I should know a good thing when I see it. Is that it?
Asi que yo debería reconocer una cosa buena cuando la ve, cierto?
I've lost most of my crew in these last months, some good friends among them, and yet a thing like that is still alive.
He perdido la mayoría de mi tripulación en estos últimos meses. Buenos amigos entre ellos. ¡ Sin embargo una cosa como esa sigue viva!
So, I let her in just ten secs ago, hardly five, I mean, hardly time to say good evening, in she comes, drops her thing, down I go, down she goes, and there you are, bless my soul. Golly, is that the time?
Acaba de entrar hace diez segundos, no, cinco, se le han caído sus cosas, se agacha, me agacho y llegan ustedes ¡ Gracias a Dios!
Well, I feel in my bones that freedom is a good thing I don't has.
Siento en mis huesos que es algo bueno que no tengo.
For what Straub said in Chile is nothing short of saying that fascism, if it's necessary to preserve a social system, meaning the system of profit, is sometimes an inevitable evil. In other words, it's a good thing.
que cuando se trata de proteger el orden social, esto es, de proteger el sistema capitalista, el fascismo es en ocasiones un mal inevitable, y en ese sentido es algo bueno.
The funny thing is that a good chorus is never compared to an instrument
A un buen coro... no se le compara jamás con ningún instrumento.
Very good... keeping revenues due is not a good thing to do... have you heard that... now say it...
Muy bien. No pagar los impuestos reales no es algo bueno. ¿ Has oído?
What a good thing it is that we can see. That we can see these colors and the lines.
Es una suerte que podamos ver... que podamos ver esos colores, esas líneas.
Doesn't mean a thing except that, well, now Thomas is probably having such a good time, he probably forgot to come home, right?
Sólo significa que probablemente se lo esté pasando tan bien - que se olvidó de volver a casa, ¿ no?
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
- ¿ Yeso es bueno?
That thing is bound to come apart at that speed, and that's no good.
A esa velocidad, la nave se hará pedazos y así no vale.
If this is such a good thing that I'm doin', how come I don't feel better doin'it?
Si esto es algo bueno... - ¿ por qué no me siento mejor haciéndolo?
No, the only thing I could say... that was different... is that I came from a good family... was well brought up, taught good manners... was sent to good schools... and, of course, I benefited greatly from my upbringing... and the fact that my mother... brought me up "proper."
Lo único que veo hoy es que fuí una niña de buena familia bien educada, con buenos modales. Fuí a buenos colegios. Mi madre me educó en las buenas costumbres.
I mean, the important thing is that he and Kate have a good relationship.
Lo importante es que él y Kate tengan una buena relación.
She said the thing that stopped her from getting a divorce is that he was doing such a good job running the company.
Decía que lo que impedía que se divorciase... era lo bien que él llevaba la compañía.
The one good thing that came out of this is that we forgot to remarry.
Lo único bueno de esto es que nos olvidamos de volver a casarnos.
Now, that's not a good thing, is it?
Eso no esta bien, ¿ verdad?
It's a good thing that Jessy is a fag.
Menos mal que Jessy es marica.
The only thing that we considered is that you were a good child, and see with what you came out.
Lo único de lo que nos hemos preocupado es de que fueras un niño de bien, y mira con lo que nos sales.
I think it's about time that people realize a little bit of change is a good thing. Ha!
Creo que es hora de que la gente se de cuenta que el cambio es bueno.
I know that this is, um, not a good thing.
Sé que esto no es una cosa buena.

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